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2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
import datetime
import random
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
import re
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
from asyncio import sleep
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
from collections import defaultdict
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
from nonebot import on_command, require, logger, get_bot
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import MessageEvent, Message, Bot, MessageSegment
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
from nonebot.params import CommandArg
from nonebot.typing import T_State
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
from nonebot.permission import SUPERUSER
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
from nonebot.rule import to_me
from utils.alias_handler import get_match_alias
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
from utils.config import config
from utils.db_util import get_auto_sign, delete_auto_sign, get_last_query
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
from utils.db_util import insert_public_cookie, update_private_cookie, delete_cookie_cache, delete_private_cookie, \
update_last_query, reset_public_cookie
from utils.db_util import update_note_remind2, update_note_remind, get_note_remind, delete_note_remind, \
update_day_remind_count, get_private_cookie, add_auto_sign
from utils.auth_util import check_cookie
from utils.decorator import exception_handler
from utils.message_util import get_uid_in_msg, uid_userId_to_dict, replace_all, transform_uid
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
from .draw_abyss_info import draw_abyss_card
from .draw_daily_note import draw_daily_note_card
from .draw_month_info import draw_monthinfo_card
from .draw_player_card import draw_player_card, draw_all_chara_card, draw_chara_card
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
from .get_data import get_bind_game, get_sign_info, sign, get_sign_list, get_abyss_data, get_daily_note_data
from .get_data import get_monthinfo_data, get_player_card_data, get_chara_detail_data, get_chara_skill_data
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
scheduler = require('nonebot_plugin_apscheduler').scheduler
__usage__ = '''
[ys (uid)]查看原神个人卡片(包含宝箱探索度等数据)
[ysa (uid)]查看所有公开的8角色的简略信息
[ysc (uid) 角色名]查看公开的8角色的详细信息
[ssbq/实时便签 (uid)]查询当前树脂洞天宝钱派遣状况等
[ssbq (uid) 开启提醒(树脂数)/关闭提醒]开启/关闭树脂提醒达到树脂数时会在群里艾特你
[sy/深渊查询/深境螺旋查询 (uid) (层数)]查询深渊战绩信息
[myzj/每月札记/zj (uid) (月份)]查看该月份获得的原石摩拉数
[ysb cookie]绑定你的私人cookie以开启高级功能
[添加公共ck cookie]添加公共cookie以供大众查询*仅管理员
__help_version__ = '1.1.0'
sy = on_command('sy', aliases={'深渊信息', '深境螺旋信息'}, priority=7, block=True)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
ssbq = on_command('ssbq', aliases={'实时便笺', '实时便签', '当前树脂'}, priority=7, block=True)
myzj = on_command('myzj', aliases={'札记信息', '每月札记'}, priority=7, block=True)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
ys = on_command('ys', aliases={'原神卡片', '个人卡片'}, priority=7, block=True)
ysa = on_command('ysa', aliases={'角色背包'}, priority=7, block=True)
ysc = on_command('ysc', aliases={'角色卡片', '角色详情'}, priority=7, block=True)
ysb = on_command('ysb', aliases={'原神绑定', '绑定cookie'}, priority=7, block=True)
mys_sign = on_command('mys_sign', aliases={'mys签到', '米游社签到'}, priority=7, block=True)
mys_sign_auto = on_command('mys_sign_auto', aliases={'mys自动签到', '米游社自动签到'}, priority=7, block=True)
mys_sign_all = on_command('mys_sign_all', aliases={'全部重签'}, priority=7, permission=SUPERUSER, rule=to_me(), block=True)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
add_public_ck = on_command('add_ck', aliases={'添加公共cookie', '添加公共ck'}, permission=SUPERUSER, priority=7, block=True)
delete_ck = on_command('delete_ck', aliases={'删除ck', '删除cookie'}, priority=7, block=True)
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
state['use_cache'] = False if '-r' in msg.extract_plain_text() else True
msg_text = msg.extract_plain_text().replace('-r', '').strip()
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
if not msg:
uid = await get_last_query(str(event.user_id))
if uid:
state['uid'] = uid
state['user_id'] = str(event.user_id)
uid_list = []
check_uid = msg_text.split(' ')
for check in check_uid:
uid = re.search(r'(?P<uid>(1|2|5)\d{8})', check)
if uid:
msg_text = msg_text.replace(uid.group('uid'), '')
state['user_id'] = str(event.user_id)
if not uid_list:
user_list = []
for msg_seg in msg:
if msg_seg.type == "at":
if len(user_list) == 1:
uid = await get_last_query(user_list[0])
if uid:
state['uid'] = uid
state['user_id'] = user_list[0]
elif user_list:
state['uid'] = [await get_last_query(user) for user in user_list]
state['user_id'] = user_list
state['user_id'] = str(event.user_id)
uid = await get_last_query(str(event.user_id))
if uid:
state['uid'] = uid
state['uid'] = uid_list[0] if len(uid_list) == 1 else uid_list if uid_list else None
if msg_text:
state['msg'] = msg_text.strip()
@sy.got('uid', prompt='请把要查询的uid给派蒙哦~')
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State):
uid = transform_uid(state['uid'])
if uid:
state['uid'] = uid
await ysa.finish('这个uid不正确哦~,请检查一下', at_sender=True)
if 'msg' not in state:
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
floor = []
floor = state['msg'].split(' ')
true_floor = [int(f) for f in floor if f.isdigit() and (9 <= int(f) <= 12)]
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
query_dict, total_result = uid_userId_to_dict(state['uid'], state['user_id'])
for uid, user_id in query_dict.items():
data = await get_abyss_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=state['use_cache'])
if isinstance(data, str):
total_result += MessageSegment.text(data + '\n')
abyss_card = await draw_abyss_card(data, uid, true_floor)
total_result += abyss_card
await sy.finish(total_result, at_sender=True)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
async def ssbq_handler(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
if event.message_type == 'group':
gid = str(event.group_id)
gid = str(event.user_id)
uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(event, msg)
if not uid:
await ssbq.finish('请把要查的uid给派蒙哦!', at_sender=True)
find_remind_enable = re.search(r'(?P<action>开启提醒|关闭提醒|删除提醒)\s*((?P<num>\d{1,3})|(?:.*))', msg)
if find_remind_enable:
if event.message_type == 'guild':
await ssbq.finish('实时便签提醒功能暂时无法在频道内使用哦')
if find_remind_enable.group('action') == '开启提醒':
if find_remind_enable.group('num'):
await update_note_remind2(user_id, uid, gid, 1, find_remind_enable.group('num'))
await ssbq.finish(f'开启提醒成功,派蒙会在你的树脂达到{find_remind_enable.group("num")}时提醒你的', at_sender=True)
await update_note_remind2(user_id, uid, gid, 1)
await ssbq.finish('开启提醒成功', at_sender=True)
elif find_remind_enable.group('action') == '关闭提醒':
await ssbq.finish('关闭提醒成功', at_sender=True)
await update_note_remind2(user_id, uid, gid, 0)
elif find_remind_enable.group('action') == '删除提醒':
await ssbq.finish('删除提醒成功', at_sender=True)
await delete_note_remind(user_id, uid)
data = await get_daily_note_data(uid)
if isinstance(data, str):
await ssbq.finish(data, at_sender=True)
daily_note_card = await draw_daily_note_card(data, uid)
await ssbq.finish(daily_note_card, at_sender=True)
async def myzj_handler(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(event, msg)
# 札记只能查看最近3个月的构造正则来获取月份
month_now = datetime.datetime.now().month
if month_now == 1:
month_list = ['11', '12', '1']
elif month_now == 2:
month_list = ['12', '1', '2']
month_list = [str(month_now - 2), str(month_now - 1)]
find_month = '(?P<month>' + '|'.join(month_list) + ')'
match = re.search(find_month, msg)
month = match.group('month') if match else month_now
data = await get_monthinfo_data(uid, month, use_cache=use_cache)
if isinstance(data, str):
await myzj.finish(data, at_sender=True)
monthinfo_card = await draw_monthinfo_card(data)
await myzj.finish(monthinfo_card, at_sender=True)
@ys.got('uid', prompt='请把要查询的uid给派蒙哦~')
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
async def ys_handler(bot: Bot, event: MessageEvent, state: T_State):
uid = transform_uid(state['uid'])
if uid:
state['uid'] = uid
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
await ysa.finish('这个uid不正确哦~,请检查一下', at_sender=True)
query_dict, total_result = uid_userId_to_dict(state['uid'], state['user_id'])
for uid, user_id in query_dict.items():
data = await get_player_card_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=state['use_cache'])
if isinstance(data, str):
total_result += MessageSegment.text(data + '\n')
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
if event.message_type == 'group':
user_info = await bot.get_group_member_info(group_id=event.group_id, user_id=int(user_id))
nickname = user_info['card'] or user_info['nickname']
nickname = event.sender.nickname
chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=state['use_cache'])
chara_data = None if isinstance(chara_data, str) else chara_data
player_card = await draw_player_card(data, chara_data, uid, nickname)
total_result += player_card
await ys.finish(total_result, at_sender=True)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
@ysa.got('uid', prompt='请把要查询的uid给派蒙哦~')
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
async def ysa_handler(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State):
uid = transform_uid(state['uid'])
if uid:
state['uid'] = uid
await ysa.finish('这个uid不正确哦~,请检查一下', at_sender=True)
query_dict, total_result = uid_userId_to_dict(state['uid'], state['user_id'])
for uid, user_id in query_dict.items():
chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=state['use_cache'])
if isinstance(chara_data, str):
total_result += MessageSegment.text(chara_data + '\n')
player_card = await draw_all_chara_card(chara_data, uid)
total_result += player_card
await ysa.finish(total_result, at_sender=True)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
@ysc.got('msg', prompt='请把要查询的角色名给派蒙哦~')
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State):
name = state['msg']
if isinstance(name, Message):
name = replace_all(name.extract_plain_text().strip().replace('ysc', ''), state['uid'])
if name == 'q':
await ysc.finish()
match_alias = get_match_alias(name, 'roles', True)
if len(match_alias) == 1:
state['choice'] = match_alias
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
if not match_alias:
await ysc.finish(f'没有找到叫{name}的角色哦~', at_sender=True)
elif 'choice' not in state:
msg = f'你要找的角色是哪个呀:\n'
# 将字典中每个键拼接到msg中并添加序号
msg += '\n'.join([f'{int(i) + 1}. {name}' for i, name in enumerate(match_alias)])
await ysc.send(msg + '\n回答\"q\"可以取消查询', at_sender=True)
state['match_alias'] = match_alias
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State):
choice = state['choice']
if isinstance(choice, dict):
# 获取字典的键
role = list(choice.items())[0]
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
match_alias = state['match_alias']
choice = replace_all(choice.extract_plain_text().strip().replace('ysc', ''), state['uid'])
if choice == 'q':
await ysc.finish()
if choice.isdigit() and (1 <= int(choice) <= len(match_alias)):
role = list(match_alias.items())[int(choice) - 1]
elif choice not in match_alias.keys():
state['times'] = state['times'] + 1 if 'times' in state else 1
if state['times'] == 1:
await ysc.reject(f'请旅行者从上面的角色中选一个问派蒙\n回答\"q\"可以取消查询', at_sender=True)
elif state['times'] == 2:
await ysc.reject(f'别调戏派蒙啦,快选一个吧,不想问了请回答\"q\"', at_sender=True)
elif state['times'] >= 3:
await ysc.finish(f'看来旅行者您有点神志不清哦(,下次再问派蒙吧' + MessageSegment.face(146), at_sender=True)
role = [m for m in list(match_alias.items()) if m[0] == choice][0]
query_dict, total_result = uid_userId_to_dict(state['uid'], state['user_id'])
for uid, user_id in query_dict.items():
chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=state['use_cache'])
if isinstance(chara_data, str):
total_result += MessageSegment.text(chara_data + '\n')
skill_data = await get_chara_skill_data(uid, role[1], use_cache=state['use_cache'])
chara_card = await draw_chara_card(chara_data, skill_data, role, uid)
total_result += chara_card
await ysc.finish(total_result, at_sender=True)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
cookie_error_msg = '这个cookie无效哦请旅行者确认是否正确\n1.ck要登录mys帐号后获取,且不能退出登录\n2.ck中要有cookie_token和account_id两个参数\n3.建议在无痕模式下取'
async def ysb_handler(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
cookie = str(msg).strip()
if cookie == '':
res = '''旅行者好呀你可以直接用ys/ysa等指令附上uid来使用派蒙\n如果想看全部角色信息和实时便笺等功能要把cookie给派蒙哦\ncookie
UM_distinctid=17d131d...\ncookie是账号重要安全信息请确保机器人持有者可信赖 '''
await ysb.finish(res, at_sender=True)
cookie_info, mys_id = await get_bind_game(cookie)
if not cookie_info or cookie_info['retcode'] != 0:
msg = cookie_error_msg
if event.message_type != 'private':
msg += '\n当前是在群聊里绑定,建议旅行者添加派蒙好友私聊绑定!'
await ysb.finish(msg, at_sender=True)
for data in cookie_info['data']['list']:
if data['game_id'] == 2:
uid = data['game_role_id']
nickname = data['nickname']
if uid:
await update_private_cookie(user_id=str(event.user_id), uid=uid, mys_id=mys_id, cookie=cookie)
await update_last_query(str(event.user_id), uid, 'uid')
await delete_cookie_cache(uid, key='uid', all=False)
msg = f'{nickname}绑定成功啦!使用ys/ysa等指令和派蒙互动吧!'
if event.message_type != 'private':
msg += '\n当前是在群聊里绑定建议旅行者把cookie撤回哦!'
await ysb.finish(msg, at_sender=True)
async def add_public_ck_handler(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
cookie = str(msg).strip()
if await check_cookie(cookie):
await insert_public_cookie(cookie)
await add_public_ck.finish('公共cookie添加成功啦,派蒙开始工作!')
await add_public_ck.finish(cookie_error_msg)
async def delete_ck_handler(event: MessageEvent):
await delete_private_cookie(str(event.user_id))
await delete_ck.finish('派蒙把你的私人cookie都删除啦!', at_sender=True)
async def mys_sign_handler(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(event, msg)
sign_list = await get_sign_list()
sign_info = await get_sign_info(uid)
if isinstance(sign_info, str):
await mys_sign.finish(sign_info, at_sender=True)
elif sign_info['data']['is_sign']:
sign_day = sign_info['data']['total_sign_day'] - 1
await mys_sign.finish(
f'你今天已经签过到了哦,获得的奖励为:\n{sign_list["data"]["awards"][sign_day]["name"]} * {sign_list["data"]["awards"][sign_day]["cnt"]}',
sign_day = sign_info['data']['total_sign_day']
sign_action = await sign(uid)
if isinstance(sign_action, str):
await mys_sign.finish(sign_action, at_sender=True)
await mys_sign.finish(
f'签到成功,获得的奖励为:\n{sign_list["data"]["awards"][sign_day]["name"]} * {sign_list["data"]["awards"][sign_day]["cnt"]}',
async def mys_sign_auto_handler(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
if event.message_type != 'group':
await mys_sign_auto.finish('自动签到功能暂时只限Q群内使用哦')
msg = str(msg).strip()
find_uid = re.search(r'(?P<uid>(1|2|5)\d{8})', msg)
if not find_uid:
await mys_sign_auto.finish('请把正确的需要帮忙签到的uid给派蒙哦!', at_sender=True)
uid = find_uid.group('uid')
find_action = re.search(r'(?P<action>开启|启用|打开|关闭|禁用)', msg)
if find_action:
if find_action.group('action') in ['开启', '启用', '打开']:
cookie = await get_private_cookie(uid, key='uid')
if not cookie:
await mys_sign_auto.finish('你的该uid还没绑定cookie哦先用ysb绑定吧!', at_sender=True)
await add_auto_sign(str(event.user_id), uid, str(event.group_id))
await mys_sign_auto.finish('开启米游社自动签到成功,派蒙会在每日0点帮你签到', at_sender=True)
elif find_action.group('action') in ['关闭', '禁用']:
await delete_auto_sign(str(event.user_id), uid)
await mys_sign_auto.finish('关闭米游社自动签到成功', at_sender=True)
await add_auto_sign(str(event.user_id), uid, str(event.group_id))
await mys_sign_auto.finish('开启米游社自动签到成功,派蒙会在每日0点帮你签到', at_sender=True)
async def sign_all():
await auto_sign()
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
@scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', hour=config.paimon_sign_hour, minute=config.paimon_sign_minute)
async def auto_sign():
data = await get_auto_sign()
if data:
ann = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
sign_list = await get_sign_list()
for user_id, uid, group_id in data:
await sleep(random.randint(3, 8))
sign_result = await sign(uid)
if not isinstance(sign_result, str):
await sleep(1)
sign_info = await get_sign_info(uid)
sign_day = sign_info['data']['total_sign_day'] - 1
await delete_auto_sign(user_id, uid)
for group_id, content in ann.items():
group_str = '米游社自动签到结果:\n'
for type, ann_list in content.items():
if ann_list:
group_str += f'签到{type}\n'
for u in ann_list:
group_str += str(ann_list.index(u) + 1) + u + '\n'
await get_bot().send_group_msg(group_id=group_id, message=group_str)
await sleep(random.randint(3, 8))
except Exception as e:
@scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', minute=f'*/{config.paimon_check_interval}')
async def check_note():
now_time = datetime.datetime.now()
start_time = datetime.datetime(now_time.year, now_time.month, now_time.day, config.paimon_remind_start, 0, 0)
end_time = datetime.datetime(now_time.year, now_time.month, now_time.day, config.paimon_remind_end, 0, 0)
if start_time < now_time < end_time:
data = await get_note_remind()
if data:
for user_id, uid, count, remind_group, enable, last_remind_time, today_remind_count in data:
if last_remind_time:
last_remind_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_remind_time, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
if now_time - last_remind_time > datetime.timedelta(minutes=30):
time_e = True
time_e = False
time_e = True
if enable and ((
today_remind_count and today_remind_count < config.paimon_remind_limit) or not today_remind_count) and time_e:
now_data = await get_daily_note_data(uid)
if isinstance(now_data, str):
await delete_note_remind(user_id, uid)
if user_id == remind_group:
await get_bot().send_private_msg(user_id=user_id,
await get_bot().send_group_msg(group_id=remind_group,
except Exception as e:
if now_data['data']['current_resin'] >= count:
if today_remind_count:
today_remind_count += 1
today_remind_count = 1
now_time_str = now_time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
await update_note_remind(user_id, uid, count, remind_group, enable, now_time_str,
if user_id == remind_group:
await get_bot().send_private_msg(user_id=user_id,
await get_bot().send_group_msg(group_id=remind_group,
except Exception as e:
await sleep(3)
@scheduler.scheduled_job('cron', hour=0)
async def daily_update():
await update_day_remind_count()
await delete_cookie_cache(all=True)
await reset_public_cookie()