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synced 2024-12-16 13:40:53 +08:00
208 lines
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208 lines
6.5 KiB
import base64
import os
import time
import unicodedata
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from io import BytesIO
import pytz
import zhconv
from aiocqhttp.exceptions import ActionFailed
from aiocqhttp.message import escape
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import hoshino
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message, Union
import ujson as json
import json
def load_config(inbuilt_file_var):
Just use `config = load_config(__file__)`,
you can get the config.json as a dict.
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inbuilt_file_var), 'config.json')
with open(filename, encoding='utf8') as f:
config = json.load(f)
return config
except Exception as e:
return {}
async def delete_msg(ev: CQEvent):
await hoshino.get_bot().delete_msg(self_id=ev.self_id, message_id=ev.message_id)
except ActionFailed as e:
hoshino.logger.error(f'撤回失败: {e}')
except Exception as e:
async def silence(ev: CQEvent, ban_time, skip_su=True):
if skip_su and ev.user_id in hoshino.config.SUPERUSERS:
await hoshino.get_bot().set_group_ban(self_id=ev.self_id, group_id=ev.group_id, user_id=ev.user_id, duration=ban_time)
except ActionFailed as e:
if 'NOT_MANAGEABLE' in str(e):
hoshino.logger.error(f'禁言失败 {e}')
except Exception as e:
def pic2b64(pic: Image) -> str:
buf = BytesIO()
pic.save(buf, format='PNG')
base64_str = base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode()
return 'base64://' + base64_str
def fig2b64(plt: plt) -> str:
buf = BytesIO()
plt.savefig(buf, format='PNG', dpi=100)
base64_str = base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode()
return 'base64://' + base64_str
def concat_pic(pics, border=5):
num = len(pics)
w, h = pics[0].size
des = Image.new('RGBA', (w, num * h + (num-1) * border), (255, 255, 255, 255))
for i, pic in enumerate(pics):
des.paste(pic, (0, i * (h + border)), pic)
return des
def normalize_str(string) -> str:
规范化unicode字符串 并 转为小写 并 转为简体
string = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', string)
string = string.lower()
string = zhconv.convert(string, 'zh-hans')
return string
MONTH_NAME = ('睦月', '如月', '弥生', '卯月', '皐月', '水無月',
'文月', '葉月', '長月', '神無月', '霜月', '師走')
def month_name(x:int) -> str:
return MONTH_NAME[x - 1]
'初一', '初二', '初三', '初四', '初五', '初六', '初七', '初八', '初九', '初十',
'十一', '十二', '十三', '十四', '十五', '十六', '十七', '十八', '十九', '二十',
'廿一', '廿二', '廿三', '廿四', '廿五', '廿六', '廿七', '廿八', '廿九', '三十',
def date_name(x: int) -> str:
return DATE_NAME[x - 1]
'〇〇', '〇一', '〇二', '〇三', '〇四', '〇五', '〇六', '〇七', '〇八', '〇九',
'一〇', '一一', '一二', '一三', '一四', '一五', '一六', '一七', '一八', '一九',
'二〇', '二一', '二二', '二三', '二四', '二五', '二六', '二七', '二八', '二九',
'三〇', '三一', '三二', '三三', '三四', '三五', '三六', '三七', '三八', '三九',
'四〇', '四一', '四二', '四三', '四四', '四五', '四六', '四七', '四八', '四九',
'五〇', '五一', '五二', '五三', '五四', '五五', '五六', '五七', '五八', '五九',
'六〇', '六一', '六二', '六三', '六四', '六五', '六六', '六七', '六八', '六九',
'七〇', '七一', '七二', '七三', '七四', '七五', '七六', '七七', '七八', '七九',
'八〇', '八一', '八二', '八三', '八四', '八五', '八六', '八七', '八八', '八九',
'九〇', '九一', '九二', '九三', '九四', '九五', '九六', '九七', '九八', '九九',
def time_name(hh: int, mm: int) -> str:
return NUM_NAME[hh] + NUM_NAME[mm]
class FreqLimiter:
def __init__(self, default_cd_seconds):
self.next_time = defaultdict(float)
self.default_cd = default_cd_seconds
def check(self, key) -> bool:
return bool(time.time() >= self.next_time[key])
def start_cd(self, key, cd_time=0):
self.next_time[key] = time.time() + (cd_time if cd_time > 0 else self.default_cd)
def left_time(self, key) -> float:
return self.next_time[key] - time.time()
class PriFreqLimiter:
def __init__(self, default_cd_seconds):
self.next_time = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
self.default_cd = default_cd_seconds
def check(self, group, user) -> bool:
return bool(time.time() >= self.next_time[group][user])
def start_cd(self, group, user, cd_time=0):
self.next_time[group][user] = time.time() + (cd_time if cd_time > 0 else self.default_cd)
def left_time(self, group, user) -> int:
return self.next_time[group][user] - time.time()
class DailyNumberLimiter:
tz = pytz.timezone('Asia/Shanghai')
def __init__(self, max_num):
self.today = -1
self.count = defaultdict(int)
self.max = max_num
def check(self, key) -> bool:
now = datetime.now(self.tz)
day = (now - timedelta(hours=5)).day
if day != self.today:
self.today = day
return bool(self.count[key] < self.max)
def get_num(self, key):
return self.count[key]
def increase(self, key, num=1):
self.count[key] += num
def reset(self, key):
self.count[key] = 0
from .textfilter.filter import DFAFilter
gfw = DFAFilter()
gfw.parse(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'textfilter/sensitive_words.txt'))
def filt_message(message: Union[Message, str]):
if isinstance(message, str):
return gfw.filter(message)
elif isinstance(message, Message):
for seg in message:
if seg.type == 'text':
seg.data['text'] = gfw.filter(seg.data.get('text', ''))
return message
raise TypeError
def render_list(lines, prompt="") -> str:
n = len(lines)
if n == 0:
return prompt
if n == 1:
return prompt + "\n┗" + lines[0]
return prompt + "\n┣" + "\n┣".join(lines[:-1]) + "\n┗" + lines[-1]