146 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from pathlib import Path
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from ..utils.alias_handler import get_short_name
from ..utils.message_util import MessageBuild
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
res_path = Path() / 'resources' / 'LittlePaimon'
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
def get_font(size):
return ImageFont.truetype(str(res_path / 'msyh.ttc'), size)
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
async def get_circle_avatar(avatar, size):
avatar = Image.open(res_path / 'thumb' / f'{avatar}.png')
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
w, h = avatar.size
bg = Image.new('RGBA', (w, h), (213, 153, 77, 255))
bg.alpha_composite(avatar, (0, 0))
bg = bg.resize((size, size))
scale = 5
mask = Image.new('L', (size * scale, size * scale), 0)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask)
draw.ellipse((0, 0, size * scale, size * scale), fill=255)
mask = mask.resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
ret_img = bg.copy()
return ret_img
async def sort_data(gacha_data):
sprog_data = {'type': '新手', 'total_num': 0, '5_star': [], '4_star': [], '5_gacha': 0, '4_gacha': 0}
permanent_data = {'type': '常驻', 'total_num': 0, '5_star': [], '4_star': [], '5_gacha': 0, '4_gacha': 0}
role_data = {'type': '角色', 'total_num': 0, '5_star': [], '4_star': [], '5_gacha': 0, '4_gacha': 0}
weapon_data = {'type': '武器', 'total_num': 0, '5_star': [], '4_star': [], '5_gacha': 0, '4_gacha': 0}
new_gacha_data = [sprog_data, permanent_data, role_data, weapon_data]
i = 0
for pool in gacha_data['gachaLog'].values():
new_gacha_data[i]['total_num'] = len(pool)
for p in pool:
if p['rank_type'] == "5":
new_gacha_data[i]['5_star'].append((p['name'], new_gacha_data[i]['5_gacha'] + 1))
new_gacha_data[i]['5_gacha'] = 0
new_gacha_data[i]['4_gacha'] = 0
elif p['rank_type'] == "4":
new_gacha_data[i]['4_star'].append((p['name'], new_gacha_data[i]['4_gacha'] + 1))
new_gacha_data[i]['5_gacha'] += 1
new_gacha_data[i]['4_gacha'] = 0
new_gacha_data[i]['5_gacha'] += 1
new_gacha_data[i]['4_gacha'] += 1
i += 1
return new_gacha_data
async def draw_gacha_log(data):
if data['total_num'] == 0:
return None
top = Image.open(res_path / 'player_card' / 'gacha_log_top.png')
mid = Image.open(res_path / 'player_card' / '卡片身体.png').resize((768, 80))
bottom = Image.open(res_path / 'player_card' / '卡片底部.png').resize((768, 51))
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
five_star = data['5_star']
col = int(len(five_star) / 6)
if not len(five_star) % 6 == 0:
col += 1
top_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(top)
top_draw.text((348, 30), f'{data["type"]}', font=get_font(24), fill='#F8F5F1')
top_draw.text((145 - 6 * len(str(data["total_num"])), 88), f'{data["total_num"]}', font=get_font(24), fill='black')
five_ave = round(sum([x[1] for x in five_star]) / len(five_star), 1) if five_star else ' '
top_draw.text((321 - 10 * len(str(five_ave)), 88), f'{five_ave}', font=get_font(24),
fill='black' if five_ave != ' ' and five_ave > 60 else 'red')
five_per = round(len(five_star) / (data['total_num'] - data['5_gacha']) * 100, 2) if five_star else -1
five_per_str = str(five_per) + '%' if five_per > -1 else ' '
top_draw.text((427, 88), f'{five_per_str}', font=get_font(24), fill='black' if five_per < 1.7 else 'red')
five_up = round(len([x[0] for x in five_star if not x[0] in ['刻晴', '迪卢克', '七七', '莫娜', '']]) / len(five_star) * 100,
1) if five_star else -1
five_up_str = str(five_up) + '%' if five_per > -1 else ' '
top_draw.text((578 if len(five_up_str) != 6 else 569, 88), f'{five_up_str}', font=get_font(24),
fill='black' if five_up < 75 else 'red')
most_five = sorted(five_star, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)[0][0] if five_star else ' '
top_draw.text((152 - 14 * len(most_five), 163), f'{most_five}', font=get_font(24), fill='red')
four_ave = round(sum([x[1] for x in data['4_star']]) / len(data['4_star']), 1) if data['4_star'] else ' '
top_draw.text((316 - 10 * len(str(four_ave)), 163), f'{four_ave}', font=get_font(24),
fill='black' if four_ave != ' ' and four_ave > 7 else 'red')
top_draw.text((461 - 6 * len(str(data['5_gacha'])), 163), f'{data["5_gacha"]}', font=get_font(24), fill='black')
top_draw.text((604, 163), f'{data["4_gacha"]}', font=get_font(24), fill='black')
bg_img = Image.new('RGBA', (768, 288 + col * 80 - (20 if col > 0 else 0) + 51), (0, 0, 0, 0))
bg_img.paste(top, (0, 0))
for i in range(0, col):
bg_img.paste(mid, (0, 288 + i * 80))
bg_img.paste(bottom, (0, 288 + col * 80 - (20 if col > 0 else 0)))
bg_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg_img)
n = 0
for c in five_star:
avatar = await get_circle_avatar(c[0], 45)
f = 10 if data['type'] == '武器' else 0
if c[1] <= 20:
color = 'red'
elif 20 < c[1] <= 50 - f:
color = 'orangered'
elif 50 - f < c[1] < 70 - f:
color = 'darkorange'
color = 'black'
bg_img.alpha_composite(avatar, (30 + 120 * (n % 6), 298 + 80 * int(n / 6)))
name = get_short_name(c[0])
bg_draw.text((111 + 120 * (n % 6) - 8 * len(name), 298 + 80 * int(n / 6)), name, font=get_font(16), fill=color)
bg_draw.text((107 - 5 * len(str(c[1])) + 120 * (n % 6), 317 + 80 * int(n / 6)), f'[{c[1]}]', font=get_font(16),
n += 1
return bg_img
async def get_gacha_log_img(gacha_data, pool):
all_gacha_data = await sort_data(gacha_data)
if pool != 'all':
img = None
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
for pd in all_gacha_data:
if pd['type'] == pool:
img = await draw_gacha_log(pd)
if not img:
return '这个池子没有抽卡记录哦'
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
total_height = img.size[1]
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
img_list = []
total_height = 0
now_height = 0
for pd in all_gacha_data:
p_img = await draw_gacha_log(pd)
if p_img:
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
total_height += p_img.size[1]
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
if not img_list:
return '没有找到任何抽卡记录诶!'
img = Image.new('RGBA', (768, total_height), (0, 0, 0, 255))
for i in img_list:
img.paste(i, (0, now_height))
2022-05-20 18:44:18 +08:00
now_height += i.size[1]
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
img_draw.text((595, 44), f'UID:{gacha_data["uid"]}', font=get_font(16), fill='black')
img_draw.text((530, total_height - 45), 'Created by LittlePaimon', font=get_font(16), fill='black')
2022-04-30 14:13:39 +08:00
return MessageBuild.Image(img, mode='RGB')