🐛 修复实时便签报错

This commit is contained in:
CMHopeSunshine 2023-07-05 23:36:28 +08:00
parent f98a0b8766
commit 06c1340f76

View File

@ -1,129 +1,241 @@
import datetime
import random
from LittlePaimon.utils.image import PMImage, font_manager as fm, load_image
from LittlePaimon.utils.image import PMImage
from LittlePaimon.utils.image import font_manager as fm
from LittlePaimon.utils.image import load_image
from LittlePaimon.utils.message import MessageBuild
from LittlePaimon.utils.path import RESOURCE_BASE_PATH
from LittlePaimon.utils.requests import aiorequests
async def draw_daily_note_card(data, uid):
circle_img = await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'daily_note' / '透明圆.png')
finished_icon = await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'daily_note' / 'finished.png')
bg_img = PMImage(image=await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'daily_note' / 'ssbq.png', mode='RGBA'))
circle_img = await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / "daily_note" / "透明圆.png")
finished_icon = await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / "daily_note" / "finished.png")
bg_img = PMImage(
image=await load_image(
RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / "daily_note" / "ssbq.png", mode="RGBA"
# uid文字
await bg_img.text(f"uid{uid}", 152, 251, fm.get('number.ttf', 60), '#5680d2')
await bg_img.text(f"uid{uid}", 152, 251, fm.get("number.ttf", 60), "#5680d2")
# 树脂文字
await bg_img.text(f"{data['current_resin']}/160", 337, 480, fm.get('number.ttf', 48), 'white')
await bg_img.draw_ring((266, 266), (98, 369), percent=data['current_resin'] / 160, width=0.18,
colors=['#507bd0', '#FFFFFF'])
if data['current_resin'] == 160:
await bg_img.text("树脂满了哦~", 892, 480, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(
f"{data['current_resin']}/160", 337, 480, fm.get("number.ttf", 48), "white"
await bg_img.draw_ring(
(266, 266),
(98, 369),
percent=data["current_resin"] / 160,
colors=["#507bd0", "#FFFFFF"],
if data["current_resin"] == 160:
await bg_img.text("树脂满了哦~", 892, 480, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
recover_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(data['resin_recovery_time']))
recover_time_day = '今天' if recover_time.day == datetime.datetime.now().day else '明天'
recover_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(
recover_time_day = (
"今天" if recover_time.day == datetime.datetime.now().day else "明天"
recover_time_str = f'将于{recover_time_day}{recover_time.strftime("%H:%M")}回满'
await bg_img.text(recover_time_str, 780, 480, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(recover_time_str, 780, 480, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
# 宝钱文字
await bg_img.text(f"{data['current_home_coin']}/{data['max_home_coin']}", 337, 701, fm.get('number.ttf', 48),
await bg_img.draw_ring((266, 266), (98, 593), percent=data['current_home_coin'] / (
data['max_home_coin'] if data['max_home_coin'] != 0 else 1), width=0.18, colors=['#507bd0', '#FFFFFF'])
if data['current_home_coin'] == data['max_home_coin']:
await bg_img.text("洞天宝钱满了哦~", 820, 701, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(
fm.get("number.ttf", 48),
await bg_img.draw_ring(
(266, 266),
(98, 593),
/ (data["max_home_coin"] if data["max_home_coin"] != 0 else 1),
colors=["#507bd0", "#FFFFFF"],
if data["current_home_coin"] == data["max_home_coin"]:
await bg_img.text("洞天宝钱满了哦~", 820, 701, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
recover_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(data['home_coin_recovery_time']))
recover_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(
recover_time_day = recover_time.day - datetime.datetime.now().day
if recover_time_day == 1:
recover_time_day_str = '明天'
recover_time_day_str = "明天"
elif recover_time_day == 0:
recover_time_day_str = '今天'
recover_time_day_str = "今天"
recover_time_day_str = str(recover_time.day) + ''
recover_time_day_str = str(recover_time.day) + ""
recover_time_str = f'将于{recover_time_day_str}{recover_time.strftime("%H:%M")}攒满'
await bg_img.text(recover_time_str, 762, 701, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(recover_time_str, 762, 701, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
# 委托文字
await bg_img.text(f"{data['finished_task_num']}/4", 337, 924, fm.get('number.ttf', 48), 'white')
await bg_img.draw_ring((266, 266), (98, 816), percent=data['finished_task_num'] / 4, width=0.18,
colors=['#507bd0', '#FFFFFF'])
if data['finished_task_num'] == 4:
await bg_img.text("今日委托已全部完成~", 750, 924, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(
f"{data['finished_task_num']}/4", 337, 924, fm.get("number.ttf", 48), "white"
await bg_img.draw_ring(
(266, 266),
(98, 816),
percent=data["finished_task_num"] / 4,
colors=["#507bd0", "#FFFFFF"],
if data["finished_task_num"] == 4:
await bg_img.text("今日委托已全部完成~", 750, 924, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
await bg_img.text("今日委托完成情况", 790, 924, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text("今日委托完成情况", 790, 924, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
# 质变文字
if data['transformer']['obtained']:
await bg_img.text(f"{7 - data['transformer']['recovery_time']['Day']}/7", 337, 1147, fm.get('number.ttf', 48),
await bg_img.draw_ring((266, 266), (98, 1039), percent=(7 - data['transformer']['recovery_time']['Day']) / 7,
width=0.18, colors=['#507bd0', '#FFFFFF'])
rt = data['transformer']['recovery_time']
if rt['Day'] == 0 and rt['reached']:
await bg_img.text("可使用", 465, 1147, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
elif rt['Day'] == 0 and not rt['reached']:
await bg_img.text(f"{rt['Hour']}时后", 463, 1127, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text("可使用", 465, 1167, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
if data["transformer"]["obtained"]:
await bg_img.text(
f"{7 - data['transformer']['recovery_time']['Day']}/7",
fm.get("number.ttf", 48),
await bg_img.draw_ring(
(266, 266),
(98, 1039),
percent=(7 - data["transformer"]["recovery_time"]["Day"]) / 7,
colors=["#507bd0", "#FFFFFF"],
rt = data["transformer"]["recovery_time"]
if rt["Day"] == 0 and rt["reached"]:
await bg_img.text("可使用", 465, 1147, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
elif rt["Day"] == 0 and not rt["reached"]:
await bg_img.text(
f"{rt['Hour']}时后", 463, 1127, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white"
await bg_img.text("可使用", 465, 1167, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
await bg_img.text(f"{rt['Day']}天后", 471, 1127, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text("可使用", 465, 1167, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(
f"{rt['Day']}天后", 471, 1127, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white"
await bg_img.text("可使用", 465, 1167, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
await bg_img.text("未获得", 337, 1143, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 48), 'white')
await bg_img.text("未获得", 337, 1143, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 48), "white")
# 周本文字
await bg_img.text(f"{3 - data['remain_resin_discount_num']}/3", 843, 1147, fm.get('number.ttf', 48), 'white')
await bg_img.draw_ring((266, 266), (604, 1039), percent=(3 - data['remain_resin_discount_num']) / 3, width=0.18,
colors=['#507bd0', '#FFFFFF'])
if data['remain_resin_discount_num'] == 0:
await bg_img.text("已完成", 1005, 1147, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(
f"{3 - data['remain_resin_discount_num']}/3",
fm.get("number.ttf", 48),
await bg_img.draw_ring(
(266, 266),
(604, 1039),
percent=(3 - data["remain_resin_discount_num"]) / 3,
colors=["#507bd0", "#FFFFFF"],
if data["remain_resin_discount_num"] == 0:
await bg_img.text("已完成", 1005, 1147, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
await bg_img.text(f"剩余{data['remain_resin_discount_num']}", 977, 1127, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text("周本减半", 965, 1167, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.text(
fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40),
await bg_img.text("周本减半", 965, 1167, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white")
# 深渊文字
now = datetime.datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
abyss_new = now.replace(day=16) if now.day < 16 else now.replace(
year=now.year + 1 if (next_month := now.month % 12 + 1) == 1 else now.year, month=next_month, day=1)
abyss_new = (
if now.day < 16
else now.replace(
year=now.year + 1 if (next_month := now.month % 12 + 1) == 1 else now.year,
abyss_now = now.replace(day=1) if now.day < 16 else now.replace(day=16)
left_day = (abyss_new - now).days
total_day = (abyss_new - abyss_now).days
await bg_img.text(f"{left_day}/{total_day}", 337, 1358, fm.get('number.ttf', 48), 'white')
await bg_img.text(f"本期深渊还有{left_day}天结束",
745, 1358, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), 'white')
await bg_img.draw_ring(percent=left_day / total_day, pos=(100, 1249), size=(266, 266), width=0.18,
colors=['#507bd0', '#FFFFFF'])
await bg_img.text(
f"{left_day}/{total_day}", 337, 1358, fm.get("number.ttf", 48), "white"
await bg_img.text(
f"本期深渊还有{left_day}天结束", 745, 1358, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "white"
await bg_img.draw_ring(
percent=left_day / total_day,
pos=(100, 1249),
size=(266, 266),
colors=["#507bd0", "#FFFFFF"],
# 派遣情况
exp = data['expeditions']
exp = data["expeditions"]
if exp:
i = 0
# await asyncio.gather(*[draw_exp(bg_img, exp[i], circle_img, finished_icon, i) for i in range(len(exp))])
for role in exp:
role_avatar = await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'avatar_side' / role['avatar_side_icon'].split('/')[-1],
size=(135, 135), mode='RGBA')
# role_avatar = await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'avatar_side' / role['avatar_side_icon'].split('/')[-1],
# size=(135, 135), mode='RGBA')
role_avatar = await aiorequests.get_img(
/ "avatar_side"
/ role["avatar_side_icon"].split("/")[-1],
size=(135, 135),
await bg_img.paste(role_avatar, (i * 200 + 168, 1537))
await bg_img.draw_ring(percent=1 - int(role['remained_time']) / 72000, pos=(i * 201 + 101, 1490),
size=(266, 266), width=0.18, colors=['#507bd0', '#FFFFFF'])
if role['status'] == 'Ongoing':
await bg_img.draw_ring(
percent=1 - int(role["remained_time"]) / 72000,
pos=(i * 201 + 101, 1490),
size=(266, 266),
colors=["#507bd0", "#FFFFFF"],
if role["status"] == "Ongoing":
await bg_img.paste(circle_img, (i * 201 + 172, 1559))
hour = int(role['remained_time']) // 3600
await bg_img.text(f"{hour}h", i * 200 + 212, 1580, fm.get('number.ttf', 40), 'white')
minute = int(role['remained_time']) % 3600 // 60
await bg_img.text(f"{minute}m", i * 200 + 197, 1620, fm.get('number.ttf', 40), 'white')
hour = int(role["remained_time"]) // 3600
await bg_img.text(
f"{hour}h", i * 200 + 212, 1580, fm.get("number.ttf", 40), "white"
minute = int(role["remained_time"]) % 3600 // 60
await bg_img.text(
f"{minute}m", i * 200 + 197, 1620, fm.get("number.ttf", 40), "white"
await bg_img.paste(finished_icon, (i * 200 + 191, 1576))
i += 1
await bg_img.text("派遣全部", 1220, 1580, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), '#5680d2')
await bg_img.text("完成时间", 1220, 1620, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), '#5680d2')
max_time = int(max([s['remained_time'] for s in exp]))
await bg_img.text("派遣全部", 1220, 1580, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "#5680d2")
await bg_img.text("完成时间", 1220, 1620, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "#5680d2")
max_time = int(max([s["remained_time"] for s in exp]))
if max_time == 0:
await bg_img.text("已全部完成~", 1410, 1583, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 60), '#5680d2')
await bg_img.text("已全部完成~", 1410, 1583, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 60), "#5680d2")
last_finish_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_time)
last_finish_day = last_finish_time.day > datetime.datetime.now().day and '明天' or '今天'
last_finish_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(
last_finish_day = (
last_finish_time.day > datetime.datetime.now().day and "明天" or "今天"
last_finish_str = f'{last_finish_day}{last_finish_time.strftime("%H:%M")}'
await bg_img.text(last_finish_str, 1408, 1588, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 60), '#5680d2')
await bg_img.text(
last_finish_str, 1408, 1588, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 60), "#5680d2"
await bg_img.text('未安排派遣', 1408, 1588, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 60), '#5680d2')
role_img = await load_image(random.choice(list((RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'emoticons').iterdir())), size=3.5,
await bg_img.text("未安排派遣", 1408, 1588, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 60), "#5680d2")
role_img = await load_image(
random.choice(list((RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / "emoticons").iterdir())),
await bg_img.paste(role_img, (1220, 200))
now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%m月%d%H:%M')
await bg_img.text('Created by LittlePaimon·' + now, 554, 1794, fm.get('优设标题黑.ttf', 40), '#5680d2')
return MessageBuild.Image(bg_img.image, size=0.35, quality=70, mode='RGB')
now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m月%d%H:%M")
await bg_img.text(
"Created by LittlePaimon·" + now, 554, 1794, fm.get("优设标题黑.ttf", 40), "#5680d2"
return MessageBuild.Image(bg_img.image, size=0.35, quality=70, mode="RGB")