
This commit is contained in:
CMHopeSunshine 2022-12-17 17:08:59 +08:00
parent 72dbeb79cf
commit 8ad13992e0
12 changed files with 289 additions and 299 deletions

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ConfigModel(BaseModel):
command_alias_enable: bool = Field(True, alias='启用命令别名')
github_proxy: str = Field('https://ghproxy.com/', alias='github资源地址')
github_proxy: str = Field('https://github.cherishmoon.fun/', alias='github资源地址')
def alias_dict(self):

View File

@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ class PluginManager:
if file.is_file() and file.name.endswith('.yml'):
data = load_yaml(file)
plugins[file.name.replace('.yml', '')] = PluginInfo.parse_obj(data)
# ------临时删除------
if plugins.get('Paimon_Wiki'):
plugins['Paimon_Wiki'].matchers = [matcher for matcher in plugins['Paimon_Wiki'].matchers
if matcher.pm_name not in {'圣遗物图鉴', '每日材料', '原魔图鉴', '参考面板',
'收益曲线', '角色材料', '角色攻略',
def save(cls):
@ -73,16 +81,15 @@ class PluginManager:
cls.plugins[plugin.name] = PluginInfo(name=plugin.name, module_name=plugin.name)
if cls.plugins[plugin.name].matchers is None:
cls.plugins[plugin.name].matchers = []
matchers = plugin.matcher
for matcher in matchers:
if matcher._default_state:
matcher_info = MatcherInfo.parse_obj(matcher._default_state)
if cls.plugins[plugin.name].matchers is not None and matcher_info.pm_name not in [m.pm_name for
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
matcher_info = MatcherInfo.parse_obj(matcher._default_state)
if matcher_info.pm_name not in [m.pm_name for m in cls.plugins[plugin.name].matchers]:
logger.success('插件管理器', '<g>初始化完成</g>')

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ async def _(event: Union[GroupMessageEvent, PrivateMessageEvent], lang=CommandLa
voice = await GenshinVoice.get_or_none(id=int(msg))
await get_voice.finish(MessageBuild.Record(voice.voice_url) if voice else MessageBuild.Text(f'没有{msg}号原神语音'))
if chara := get_match_alias(msg, '角色', True):
if chara := get_match_alias(msg, ['角色'], True):
chara = list(chara.keys())[0]
await get_voice.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'没有叫{chara}的角色'))

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import datetime
import re
from nonebot import on_regex, on_command
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import MessageEvent, Message, MessageSegment, GroupMessageEvent, PrivateMessageEvent, \
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11.exception import ActionFailed
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11.helpers import HandleCancellation
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11.helpers import HandleCancellation, convert_chinese_to_bool
from nonebot.params import RegexDict, ArgPlainText, CommandArg, Arg
from nonebot.permission import SUPERUSER
from nonebot.plugin import PluginMetadata
@ -17,29 +18,18 @@ from LittlePaimon.utils.alias import get_match_alias
from LittlePaimon.utils.message import MessageBuild, fullmatch_rule
from LittlePaimon.utils.path import RESOURCE_BASE_PATH
from LittlePaimon.utils.tool import freq_limiter
from LittlePaimon.utils.typing import COMMAND_START_RE
from .draw_daily_material import draw_material
from .draw_map import init_map, draw_map, get_full_map
from .SereniteaPot import draw_pot_materials
from .card import get_match_card, CARD_API, get_card_resources
from .card import get_match_card, get_card_resources
from .wiki_api import API
__paimon_help__ = {
'type': '原神Wiki',
'range': ['private', 'group', 'guild']
help_msg = """"1.[xx角色攻略]查看西风驿站出品的角色一图流攻略\n"
__plugin_meta__ = PluginMetadata(
'author': '惜月',
'version': '3.0',
@ -47,74 +37,52 @@ __plugin_meta__ = PluginMetadata(
daily_material = on_regex(r'^(?P<day>现在|(今|明|后)(天|日)|周(一|二|三|四|五|六|日))(天赋|角色|武器)?材料$',
priority=11, block=True, state={
'pm_name': '每日材料',
'pm_description': '查看某日开放材料刷取的角色和武器',
'pm_usage': '<今天|周几>材料',
'pm_priority': 8
cancel = [HandleCancellation(f'好吧,有需要再找{NICKNAME}')]
total_wiki = on_regex(
COMMAND_START_RE + r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>(材料|图鉴|攻略|参考面板|收益曲线))(?P<name2>\w{0,7})',
'pm_name': '原神WIKI',
'pm_description': '支持查询:角色的图鉴、攻略、材料、参考面板、收益曲线,武器、圣遗物、原魔、七圣召唤图鉴,今日|周几材料'
'pm_usage': '<对象名><图鉴|攻略|材料>',
'pm_priority': 1
material_map = on_command('材料图鉴', priority=11, block=True, state={
'pm_name': '材料图鉴',
'pm_description': '查看某个材料的介绍和采集点。',
'pm_usage': '材料图鉴<材料名>[地图]',
'pm_priority': 9
'pm_priority': 2
material_map_full = on_command('材料地图', priority=11, block=True, state={
'pm_name': '材料地图',
'pm_description': '查看多个材料大地图采集点。\n示例:材料地图 鸣草 鬼兜虫 提瓦特',
'pm_usage': '材料地图<材料名列表>[地图]',
'pm_priority': 10
'pm_priority': 3
generate_map = on_command('生成地图', priority=1, block=True, permission=SUPERUSER, state={
'pm_name': '生成地图',
'pm_description': '生成材料图鉴等所需要的地图资源,仅超级用户可用。',
'pm_usage': '生成地图',
'pm_priority': 11
'pm_priority': 4
pot_material = on_command('尘歌壶摹本', aliases={'摹本材料', '尘歌壶材料', '尘歌壶摹本材料'}, priority=11, block=True,
'pm_name': '尘歌壶摹本材料',
'pm_description': '查看尘歌壶摹本所需要的材料总览',
'pm_usage': '尘歌壶材料<摹数>',
'pm_priority': 12
'pm_priority': 5
card_wiki = on_command('七圣召唤图鉴', aliases={'原牌图鉴', '原石传说图鉴', '原牌'}, priority=11, block=True, state={
'pm_name': '七圣召唤图鉴',
'pm_description': '查看七圣召唤图鉴,支持模糊查询',
'pm_usage': '七圣召唤图鉴<卡牌名>',
'pm_priority': 13
card_wiki_list = on_command('七圣召唤列表', aliases={'七圣召唤卡牌列表', '原牌列表', '原石传说列表'}, priority=11,
rule=fullmatch_rule, block=True, state={
'pm_name': '七圣召唤图鉴列表',
'pm_description': '查看七圣召唤卡牌图鉴列表',
'pm_description': '查看已支持查询的七圣召唤卡牌图鉴列表',
'pm_usage': '原牌列表',
'pm_priority': 14
'pm_priority': 6
week_str = ['周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六']
async def _(event: MessageEvent, regex_dict: dict = RegexDict()):
if regex_dict['day'] in {'今日', '今天', '现在'}:
day = datetime.datetime.now().weekday()
elif regex_dict['day'] in {'明日', '明天'}:
day = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).weekday()
elif regex_dict['day'] in {'后日', '后天'}:
day = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)).weekday()
elif regex_dict['day'] == '周日':
await daily_material.finish('周日所有材料都可以刷哦!', at_sender=True)
elif regex_dict['day'].startswith(''):
await daily_material.send('开始获取每日材料,请稍候...')
await daily_material.finish(await draw_material(str(event.user_id), regex_dict['day']))
if day == 6:
await daily_material.finish('周日所有材料都可以刷哦!', at_sender=True)
await daily_material.send('开始获取每日材料,请稍候...')
await daily_material.finish(await draw_material(str(event.user_id), week_str[day]), at_sender=True)
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
@ -131,7 +99,7 @@ async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
@material_map.got('map', prompt='地图名称有误,请在【提瓦特、层岩巨渊、渊下宫】中选择,或回答【取消】退出',
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, map_: str = ArgPlainText('map')):
if map_ not in {'提瓦特', '层岩巨渊', '渊下宫'}:
await material_map.reject('地图名称有误,请在【提瓦特、层岩巨渊、渊下宫】中选择')
@ -140,7 +108,7 @@ async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, map_: str = ArgPlainText('map')
@material_map.got('name', prompt='请输入要查询的材料名称,或回答【取消】退出',
async def _(event: MessageEvent, map_: str = ArgPlainText('map'), name: str = ArgPlainText('name')):
if (file_path := RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'genshin_map' / 'results' / f'{map_}_{name}.png').exists():
await material_map.finish(MessageSegment.image(file_path), at_sender=True)
@ -163,7 +131,7 @@ async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
@material_map_full.got('names', prompt='请输入要查询的材料名称,或回答【取消】退出',
async def _(event: MessageEvent, map_: str = Arg('map'), names=Arg('names')):
if isinstance(names, Message):
names = names.extract_plain_text().split(' ')
@ -179,11 +147,15 @@ async def _(event: MessageEvent, map_: str = Arg('map'), names=Arg('names')):
await material_map_full.finish(result, at_sender=True)
async def _(event: MessageEvent):
await generate_map.send('开始生成地图资源,这可能需要较长时间。')
result = await init_map()
await generate_map.finish(result)
if convert_chinese_to_bool(event.message):
await generate_map.send('开始生成地图资源,这可能需要较长时间...')
result = await init_map()
await generate_map.finish(result)
await generate_map.finish('取消生成地图资源!')
@ -200,173 +172,160 @@ async def _(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
await pot_material.finish(result, at_sender=True)
def create_wiki_matcher(pattern: str, help_fun: str, help_name: str):
maps = on_regex(pattern, priority=11, block=True, state={
'pm_name': help_fun,
'pm_description': f"查看该{help_name}{help_fun}",
'pm_usage': f'<{help_name}名> {help_fun}',
'pm_priority': 5
maps.plugin_name = 'Paimon_Wiki'
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, regex_dict: dict = RegexDict()):
if regex_dict['name1'] and regex_dict['name2']:
await maps.finish()
name = regex_dict['name1'] or regex_dict['name2']
state['type'] = regex_dict['type']
if '武器' in state['type']:
state['type'] = '武器'
# state['img_url'] = 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/WeaponMaps/{}.jpg'
state['img_url'] = '{}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/genshin-atlas/master/weapon/{}.png'
elif '圣遗物' in state['type']:
state['type'] = '圣遗物'
state['img_url'] = 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/ArtifactMaps/{}.jpg'
elif '怪物' in state['type'] or '原魔' in state['type']:
state['type'] = '原魔'
state['img_url'] = 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/MonsterMaps/{}.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '角色攻略':
state['type'] = '角色'
state['img_url'] = 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/XFGuide/{}.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '角色材料':
state['type'] = '角色'
# state['img_url'] = 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/RoleMaterials/{}材料.jpg'
'img_url'] = '{}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/genshin-atlas/master/material%20for%20role/{}.png'
elif state['type'] == '角色图鉴':
state['type'] = '角色'
'img_url'] = '{}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CMHopeSunshine/GenshinWikiMap/master/results/character_map/{}.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '收益曲线':
state['type'] = '角色'
state['img_url'] = 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/blue/{}.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '参考面板':
state['type'] = '角色'
state['img_url'] = 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/blueRefer/{}.jpg'
if name:
state['name'] = name
@maps.got('name', prompt=Message.template('请提供要查询的{type}'),
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State):
name = state['name']
if isinstance(name, Message):
name = name.extract_plain_text().strip()
if state['type'] == '角色' and (
match_alias := await PlayerAlias.get_or_none(user_id=str(event.user_id), alias=name)):
a = '1'
await maps.finish(
MessageSegment.image(state['img_url'].format(config.github_proxy, match_alias.character) if
not state['img_url'].startswith('http') else state['img_url'].format(
except ActionFailed:
await maps.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'没有找到{name}的图鉴'))
match_alias = get_match_alias(name, state['type'])
true_name = match_alias[0] if (
isinstance(match_alias, list) and len(match_alias) == 1) else match_alias if isinstance(match_alias,
str) else None
if true_name:
await maps.finish(MessageSegment.image(state['img_url'].format(config.github_proxy, match_alias)
if not state['img_url'].startswith('http') else state[
except ActionFailed:
await maps.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'没有找到{name}的图鉴'))
elif match_alias:
if isinstance(match_alias, dict):
match_alias = list(match_alias.keys())
if 'choice' not in state:
msg = f'你要查询的{state["type"]}是:\n'
msg += '\n'.join([f'{int(i) + 1}. {name}' for i, name in enumerate(match_alias)])
await maps.send(msg + '\n回答\"取消\"来取消查询', at_sender=True)
state['match_alias'] = match_alias
async def _(state: T_State, regex_dict: dict = RegexDict()):
if regex_dict['name1'] and regex_dict['name2']:
await total_wiki.finish()
name = regex_dict['name1'] or regex_dict['name2'] or ''
type = regex_dict.get('type')
if type == '材料':
if name.endswith(('角色', '天赋', '培养')):
state['type'] = '角色材料'
name = name[:-2]
elif name.endswith('武器'):
state['type'] = '武器图鉴'
name = name[:-2]
elif re.match(r'现在|[今明后][天日]|周[一二三四五六日]', name):
state['type'] = '每日材料'
# await maps.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'没有找到{name}的图鉴'))
await maps.finish()
state['type'] = '材料'
elif type in {'图鉴', '攻略'}:
if name.endswith(('角色', '天赋', '命座', '技能')):
state['type'] = f'角色{type}'
name = name[:-2]
elif name.endswith('武器'):
state['type'] = '武器图鉴'
name = name[:-2]
elif name.endswith(('原魔', '怪物')):
state['type'] = '原魔图鉴'
name = name[:-2]
elif name.endswith('圣遗物'):
state['type'] = '圣遗物图鉴'
name = name[:-3]
elif name.endswith(('七圣召唤', '原牌', '卡牌')):
state['type'] = '七圣召唤图鉴'
name = name.replace('七圣召唤', '').replace('原牌', '').replace('卡牌', '')
state['type'] = type
elif type in {'参考面板', '收益曲线'}:
state['type'] = type
if name:
state['name'] = Message(name)
state['times'] = 1
@maps.got('choice', parameterless=[HandleCancellation(f'好吧,有需要再找{NICKNAME}')])
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, choice: str = ArgPlainText('choice')):
match_alias = state['match_alias']
if choice.isdigit() and (1 <= int(choice) <= len(match_alias)):
week_str = ['周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六']
@total_wiki.got('name', prompt=Message.template('你要查询谁的{type}呢?'), parameterless=cancel)
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, type: str = Arg('type'), name: str = ArgPlainText('name')):
if not name:
if state['times'] == 2:
await total_wiki.finish('旅行者似乎不太能理解,下次再问我吧' + MessageSegment.face(146))
state['times'] = state['times'] + 1
await total_wiki.reject(f'你要查询谁的{type}呢?', at_sender=True)
if type == '每日材料':
if name in {'今日', '今天', '现在'}:
day = datetime.datetime.now().weekday()
elif name in {'明日', '明天'}:
day = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).weekday()
elif name in {'后日', '后天'}:
day = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)).weekday()
elif name == '周日':
await total_wiki.finish('周日所有材料都可以刷哦!', at_sender=True)
elif name.startswith(''):
await total_wiki.send('开始获取每日材料,请稍候...')
await total_wiki.finish(await draw_material(str(event.user_id), name))
if day == 6:
await total_wiki.finish('周日所有材料都可以刷哦!', at_sender=True)
await total_wiki.send('开始获取每日材料,请稍候...')
await total_wiki.finish(await draw_material(str(event.user_id), week_str[day]), at_sender=True)
if type.startswith('角色') or type in {'参考面板', '收益曲线'}:
if alias := await PlayerAlias.get_or_none(user_id=str(event.user_id), alias=name):
final_name = alias.character
matches = {}
await total_wiki.finish(
MessageSegment.image(API[type].format(proxy=config.github_proxy, name=final_name)))
except ActionFailed:
await total_wiki.finish(
matches = get_match_alias(name, ['角色'])
elif type.startswith(('武器', '原魔')):
matches = get_match_alias(name, [type[:2]])
elif type.startswith('圣遗物'):
matches = get_match_alias(name, ['圣遗物'])
elif type.startswith('七圣召唤'):
matches = await get_match_card(name)
matches = get_match_alias(name, ['角色', '武器', '原魔', '圣遗物'])
if m := await get_match_card(name):
matches['七圣召唤'] = m
if not matches:
await total_wiki.finish()
elif len(matches) == 1 and len(list(matches.values())[0]) == 1:
final_name = list(matches.values())[0][0]
if type in {'材料', '攻略', '图鉴'}:
type = list(matches.keys())[0] + type
if type.endswith(('攻略', '图鉴')) and type.startswith(('原魔', '圣遗物', '武器', '七圣召唤')):
type = f'{type[-2:]}图鉴'
await maps.finish(MessageSegment.image(
state['img_url'].format(match_alias[int(choice) - 1]) if state['img_url'].startswith('http')
else state['img_url'].format(config.github_proxy, match_alias[int(choice) - 1])))
await total_wiki.finish(
MessageSegment.image(API[type].format(proxy=config.github_proxy, name=final_name)))
except ActionFailed:
await maps.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'没有找到{match_alias[int(choice) - 1]}的图鉴'))
if choice not in match_alias:
state['times'] = state['times'] + 1 if 'times' in state else 1
if state['times'] == 1:
await maps.reject(f'请旅行者从上面的{state["type"]}中选一个问{NICKNAME}\n回答\"取消\"可以取消查询')
await total_wiki.finish(
msg = f'你要查询的{type}是:\n'
index = 1
for key, value in matches.items():
for v in value:
msg += f'{index}.{v}({key})\n' if len(matches) > 1 else f'{index}.{v}\n'
index += 1
# msg += '\n'.join([f'{i}({key})' if len(matches) > 1 else f'{i}' for i in value]) + '\n'
msg += '回答\"序号\"查询或回答\"取消\"取消查询'
await total_wiki.send(msg)
state['matches'] = matches
elif state['times'] == 2:
await maps.reject(f'别调戏{NICKNAME}啦,快选一个吧,不想问了请回答\"取消\"')
elif state['times'] >= 3:
await maps.finish(
MessageSegment.text(f'看来旅行者您有点神志不清哦(,下次再问{NICKNAME}') + MessageSegment.face(146))
@total_wiki.got('choice', parameterless=cancel)
async def _(state: T_State, matches: dict = Arg('matches'), choice: str = ArgPlainText('choice'),
type: str = Arg('type')):
if choice.isdigit() and 1 <= int(choice) <= sum(len(value) for value in matches.values()):
choice_num = int(choice)
choice_num = None
final_name = None
for key, value in matches.items():
if choice_num:
if len(value) >= choice_num:
final_name = value[choice_num - 1]
if type in {'材料', '攻略', '图鉴'}:
type = f'{key}图鉴' if key != '角色' else f'{key}{type}'
choice_num -= len(value)
elif choice in value:
final_name = choice
if type in {'材料', '攻略', '图鉴'}:
type = f'{key}图鉴' if key != '角色' else f'{key}{type}'
if final_name:
await maps.finish(MessageSegment.image(state['img_url'].format(
state['img_url'].format(config.github_proxy, choice) if not state['img_url'].startswith(
'http') else state['img_url'].format(choice))))
await total_wiki.finish(
MessageSegment.image(API[type].format(proxy=config.github_proxy, name=final_name)))
except ActionFailed:
await maps.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'没有找到{choice}的图鉴'))
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>(原魔|怪物)(图鉴|攻略))(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '原魔图鉴', '原魔')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>武器(图鉴|攻略))(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '武器图鉴', '武器')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>圣遗物(图鉴|攻略))(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '圣遗物图鉴', '圣遗物')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>角色攻略)(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '角色攻略', '角色')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>角色材料)(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '角色材料', '角色')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>角色图鉴)(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '角色图鉴', '角色')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>收益曲线)(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '收益曲线', '角色')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w{0,7})(?P<type>参考面板)(?P<name2>\w{0,7})', '参考面板', '角色')
async def _(state: T_State, msg: Message = CommandArg()):
state['name'] = msg
@card_wiki.got('name', prompt='你想查询哪张卡牌的图鉴呢?')
async def _(state: T_State, name: str = ArgPlainText('name')):
if not (matches := await get_match_card(name)):
await card_wiki.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'暂时没有{name}的卡牌图鉴'))
if name in matches:
await card_wiki.finish(MessageSegment.image(CARD_API.format(config.github_proxy, name)))
if len(matches) == 1:
await card_wiki.finish(MessageSegment.image(CARD_API.format(config.github_proxy, matches[0])))
if 'choice' not in state:
msg = f'你要查询的卡牌是:\n'
msg += '\n'.join([f'{int(i) + 1}. {name}' for i, name in enumerate(matches)])
await card_wiki.send(msg + '\n回答\"取消\"来取消查询', at_sender=True)
state['matches'] = matches
@card_wiki.got('choice', parameterless=[HandleCancellation(f'好吧,有需要再找{NICKNAME}')])
async def _(state: T_State, choice: str = ArgPlainText('choice')):
matches = state['matches']
if choice.isdigit() and (1 <= int(choice) <= len(matches)):
await card_wiki.finish(MessageSegment.image(CARD_API.format(config.github_proxy, matches[int(choice) - 1])))
except ActionFailed:
await card_wiki.finish(
MessageBuild.Text(f'获取{matches[int(choice) - 1]}的卡牌图鉴失败,请检查网络或更换资源地址'))
if choice not in matches:
state['times'] = state['times'] + 1 if 'times' in state else 1
if state['times'] == 1:
await card_wiki.reject(f'请旅行者从上面的卡牌中选一个问{NICKNAME}\n回答\"取消\"可以取消查询')
elif state['times'] == 2:
await card_wiki.reject(f'别调戏{NICKNAME}啦,快选一个吧,不想问了请回答\"取消\"')
elif state['times'] >= 3:
await card_wiki.finish(
MessageSegment.text(f'看来旅行者您有点神志不清哦(,下次再问{NICKNAME}') + MessageSegment.face(146))
await card_wiki.finish(MessageSegment.image(CARD_API.format(config.github_proxy, choice)))
except ActionFailed:
await card_wiki.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'获取{choice}的卡牌图鉴失败,请检查网络或更换资源地址'))
await total_wiki.finish(
elif state['times'] == 2:
await total_wiki.finish(f'旅行者似乎不太能理解,下次再问我吧{MessageSegment.face(146)}')
state['times'] = state['times'] + 1
await total_wiki.reject(f'请旅行者从上面的{type}中选一个问{NICKNAME}或回答\"取消\"可以取消查询', at_sender=True)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .api import get_card_resources, get_match_card, CARD_API

View File

@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ from ruamel import yaml
from LittlePaimon.config import config
from LittlePaimon.utils.requests import aiorequests
CARD_RESOURCES_API = '{}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/Atlas/master/resource/text/card.yaml'
CARD_API = '{}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/genshin-atlas/master/card/{}.png'
CARD_RESOURCES_API = '{proxy}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/Atlas/master/resource/text/card.yaml'
CARD_API = '{proxy}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/genshin-atlas/master/card/{name}.png'
async def get_card_resources() -> Optional[dict]:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
resp = await aiorequests.get(CARD_RESOURCES_API.format(config.github_proxy))
resp = await aiorequests.get(CARD_RESOURCES_API.format(proxy=config.github_proxy))
data = yaml.load(resp.content, Loader=yaml.Loader)
return data

View File

@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True
map_name = {
'teyvat': '提瓦特',
'teyvat': '提瓦特',
'enkanomiya': '渊下宫',
'chasm': '层岩巨渊'
'chasm': '层岩巨渊'
map_name_reverse = {
'提瓦特': 'teyvat',
'渊下宫': 'enkanomiya',
'提瓦特': 'teyvat',
'渊下宫': 'enkanomiya',
'层岩巨渊': 'chasm'
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ async def draw_map(name: str, map_: str):
y1_temp = int(points[0].y) - 700
y2_temp = int(points[0].y) + 700
group_point = [(
models.XYPoint(x1_temp, y1_temp),
models.XYPoint(x2_temp, y2_temp),
models.XYPoint(x1_temp, y1_temp),
models.XYPoint(x2_temp, y2_temp),
map_img = (await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'genshin_map' / 'results' / f'{map_id.name}.png')).copy()
lt_point = group_point[0][0]
rb_point = group_point[0][1]
@ -111,8 +111,10 @@ async def draw_map(name: str, map_: str):
if 'source' in info:
des += '\n推荐采集地点:' + ''.join(info['source']).replace('推荐:', '')
if des:
await total_img.text_box(des.replace('\n', '^'), (482, 1010), (281, 520), fm.get('SourceHanSansCN-Bold.otf', 30), '#3c3c3c')
await total_img.text('CREATED BY LITTLEPAIMON', (0, total_img.width), total_img.height - 45, fm.get('bahnschrift_bold', 36, 'Bold'), '#3c3c3c', align='center')
await total_img.text_box(des.replace('\n', '^'), (482, 1010), (281, 520),
fm.get('SourceHanSansCN-Bold.otf', 30), '#3c3c3c')
await total_img.text('CREATED BY LITTLEPAIMON', (0, total_img.width), total_img.height - 45,
fm.get('bahnschrift_bold', 36, 'Bold'), '#3c3c3c', align='center')
total_img.save(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'genshin_map' / 'results' / f'{map_}_{name}.png')
return MessageBuild.Image(total_img, mode='RGB', quality=85)
@ -144,20 +146,19 @@ async def get_full_map(names: List[str], map_: str):
return MessageBuild.Text(f'{map_}未查找到材料{"".join(names)},请尝试其他地图')
map_img = (await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'genshin_map' / 'results' / f'{map_id.name}.png')).copy()
box_icon = await load_image(RESOURCE_BASE_PATH / 'genshin_map' / 'point_box.png')
i = 0
max_point = XYPoint(x=0, y=0)
min_point = XYPoint(x=16384, y=12288)
for points in resources_points:
min_point = XYPoint(x=map_img.width, y=map_img.height)
for i, points in enumerate(resources_points):
resource_icon = box_icon.copy()
resource_icon.alpha_composite(await aiorequests.get_img(resources[i].icon, size=(90, 90)), (28, 15))
resource_icon = resource_icon.resize((48, 48), Image.ANTIALIAS)
if len(points) >= 3:
group_point = img.k_means_points(points, 16000)
group_point = img.k_means_points(points, 2000)
x1_temp = int(points[0].x) - 16000
x2_temp = int(points[0].x) + 16000
y1_temp = int(points[0].y) - 16000
y2_temp = int(points[0].y) + 16000
x1_temp = int(points[0].x) - 2000
x2_temp = int(points[0].x) + 2000
y1_temp = int(points[0].y) - 2000
y2_temp = int(points[0].y) + 2000
group_point = [(
models.XYPoint(x1_temp, y1_temp),
models.XYPoint(x2_temp, y2_temp),
@ -169,13 +170,9 @@ async def get_full_map(names: List[str], map_: str):
for point in group_point[0][2]:
point_trans = (int(point.x), int(point.y))
map_img.paste(resource_icon, (point_trans[0] - 24, point_trans[1] - 48), resource_icon)
i += 1
map_img = map_img.crop((int(min_point.x) - 50, int(min_point.y) - 50, int(max_point.x) + 50, int(max_point.y) + 50))
if resources_not:
return MessageBuild.Text(f'{map_}未找到材料{"".join(resources_not)},请尝试其他地图\n') + MessageBuild.Image(map_img)
return MessageBuild.Text(f'{map_}未找到材料{"".join(resources_not)},请尝试其他地图\n') + MessageBuild.Image(
return MessageBuild.Image(map_img)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from typing import Dict
from .card import CARD_API
API: Dict[str, str] = {
'角色图鉴': '{proxy}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CMHopeSunshine/GenshinWikiMap/master/results/character_map/{name}.jpg',
'角色攻略': 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/XFGuide/{name}.jpg',
'角色材料': '{proxy}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/genshin-atlas/master/material%20for%20role/{name}.png',
'收益曲线': 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/blue/{name}.jpg',
'参考面板': 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/blueRefer/{name}.jpg',
'武器图鉴': '{proxy}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nwflower/genshin-atlas/master/weapon/{name}.png',
'圣遗物图鉴': 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/ArtifactMaps/{name}.jpg',
'原魔图鉴': 'https://static.cherishmoon.fun/LittlePaimon/MonsterMaps/{name}.jpg',
'七圣召唤图鉴': CARD_API

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from nonebot import get_driver
from .logger import logger
from .scheduler import scheduler
__version__ = '3.0.0rc6'
__version__ = '3.0.0rc7'
DRIVER = get_driver()

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import difflib
from typing import Union, Literal, List, Optional
from difflib import get_close_matches
from typing import Union, Literal, List, Optional, Dict
from .files import load_json
from .path import JSON_DATA
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ weapon_file = load_json(JSON_DATA / 'weapon.json')
def get_id_by_name(name: str) -> Optional[str]:
:param name: 角色名
:return: id字符串
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def get_id_by_name(name: str) -> Optional[str]:
def get_name_by_id(role_id: Union[str, int]) -> Optional[str]:
:param role_id: 角色id
:return: 角色名字符串
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def get_name_by_id(role_id: Union[str, int]) -> Optional[str]:
def get_alias_by_name(name: str) -> Optional[List[str]]:
:param name: 角色名
:return: 别名列表
@ -43,42 +43,49 @@ def get_alias_by_name(name: str) -> Optional[List[str]]:
return next((r for r in name_list.values() if name in r), None)
def get_match_alias(msg: str, type: Literal['角色', '武器', '原魔', '圣遗物'] = '角色', single_to_dict: bool = False) -> Union[
str, list, dict]:
def get_match_alias(name: str, types: List[Literal['角色', '武器', '原魔', '圣遗物']] = None,
one_to_list: bool = False) -> Union[
Dict[str, List[str]], List[str]]:
:param msg: 消息
:param type: 匹配类型有rolesweaponsmonsters
:param single_to_dict: 是否将角色单结果也转换成{角色:id}字典
:return: 匹配的字符串列表或字典
:param name: 名称
:param types: 匹配类型'角色', '武器', '原魔', '圣遗物'
:param one_to_list: 只有一种匹配结果时是否直接返回其列表
:return: 匹配结果
alias_list = alias_file[type]
if msg in {'风主', '岩主', '雷主', '草主'}:
return msg
elif type == '角色':
possible = {}
for role_id, alias in alias_list.items():
match_list = difflib.get_close_matches(msg, alias, cutoff=0.6, n=3)
if msg in match_list:
return {alias[0]: role_id} if single_to_dict else alias[0]
elif match_list:
possible[alias[0]] = role_id
if len(possible) == 1:
return {list(possible.keys())[0]: possible[list(possible.keys())[0]]} if single_to_dict else \
return possible
elif type in {'武器', '圣遗物'}:
possible = []
for name, alias in alias_list.items():
match_list = difflib.get_close_matches(msg, alias, cutoff=0.4, n=3)
if msg in match_list:
return name
elif match_list:
return possible
elif type == '原魔':
match_list = difflib.get_close_matches(msg, alias_list, cutoff=0.4, n=5)
return match_list[0] if len(match_list) == 1 else match_list
if types is None:
types = ['角色']
matches = {}
for type in types:
alias_list = alias_file[type]
matches[type] = []
if type == '角色':
if name.startswith(('', '', '', '', '', '', '')) and name.endswith(
('', '主角', '', '', '旅行者')):
matches[type].append(name if name.endswith(('', '')) else f'{name[0]}')
for alias in alias_list.values():
if name in alias:
if get_close_matches(name, alias, cutoff=0.6, n=3):
elif type in {'武器', '圣遗物'}:
for raw_name, alias in alias_list.items():
if name in alias:
if get_close_matches(name, alias, cutoff=0.6, n=3):
elif type == '原魔':
matches[type] = get_close_matches(name, alias_list, cutoff=0.4, n=5)
if not matches[type]:
del matches[type]
if one_to_list and len(matches) == 1:
return list(matches.values())[0]
return matches
def get_chara_icon(name: Optional[str] = None, chara_id: Optional[int] = None,

View File

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def CommandCharacter(limit: int = 3) -> List[str]:
msg.replace(character_name, '')
# 如果有匹配别名
elif character_match := get_match_alias(character_name, '角色', True):
elif character_match := get_match_alias(character_name, ['角色'], True):
msg.replace(character_name, '')
# 没有匹配到角色时,结束事件

View File

@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ try:
except ImportError:
import json
from . import DRIVER
command_start = list(DRIVER.config.command_start)
COMMAND_START_RE = '^' + '|'.join(command_start) if command_start else '^'
ElementType = Literal['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '物理']
WeaponType = Literal['单手剑', '双手剑', '长柄武器', '', '法器']