From d9d04528c3eb59195da9ec5b0b02afa0d54c217f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: CMHopeSunshine <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 21:18:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=94=B9=E7=94=A8=E6=95=B0=E6=8D=AE=E5=BA=93?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
--- | 98 ++-----
.../Genshin_Paimon/abyss_info/ | 68 ++---
.../Genshin_Paimon/daily_note/ | 48 ++--
hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/ | 244 ++++++++++++++++++
.../modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha/ | 20 +-
.../gacha_log_export/ | 105 ++------
.../Genshin_Paimon/game_guild/ | 11 +-
hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/ | 121 +++++----
.../Genshin_Paimon/monthinfo/ | 71 ++---
.../Genshin_Paimon/player_card/ | 153 ++++-------
.../Genshin_Paimon/player_card/ | 5 +-
.../Genshin_Paimon/user_data/ | 50 +++-
hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/ | 235 ++++++++---------
hoshino/modules/botmanage/ | 2 +-
14 files changed, 655 insertions(+), 576 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
diff --git a/ b/
index 635be12..0e8db80 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
-## 简介
+## 简介✨
-## 功能示例
+## 功能示例💖
@@ -61,98 +61,36 @@
+## 功能列表
-## 指令列表
-### 查询功能
+## 重要通知⚠️
+4.11对代码进行了一次较大幅度的重构,cookie数据存储方式改用了`sqlite`数据库,原`json`数据会在首次启动时自动导入数据库;如果您对本项目代码有修改,请确保`git pull`时能解决冲突,目前测试未有BUG,如有请发起issue,且注意备份用户数据!
-| 指令 | 介绍 | 备注 |
-| ----------------- | --------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
-| ys uid | 查询uid的个人信息卡片 | |
-| ysa uid | 查询uid拥有的角色和武器 | 没绑cookie则只显示8个 |
-| ysc uid 角色名 | 查询uid指定角色的信息 | 没绑cookie则只能查公开的8个,且不显示天赋;支持角色别名 |
-| ysb cookie | 绑定私人cookie到qq号 | 建议使用私聊绑定 |
-| 添加公共ck cookie | 添加cookie到公共cookie池 | 需要添加至少一个公共cookie才能使用查询功能,每个cookie每日查询上限30次 |
-| sy uid (层数) | 查询uid的深渊信息 | 绑定私人cookie后才能查看具体层数信息 |
-| ssbq uid | 查询uid的实时便签,包括树脂、派遣情况等 | uid必须绑定了对应私人cookie才能使用 |
-| myzj uid (月份) | 查询uid的该月札记 | uid必须绑定了对应私人cookie才能使用,不写月份时默认为本月,只能看最近3个月 |
-### 抽卡记录导出和分析
-| 指令 | 介绍 | 备注 |
-| --------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| 查看抽卡记录 uid 池子 | 查看uid已有的抽卡记录的分析图片 | 池子有all\|角色\|武器\|常驻,默认为all |
-| 获取抽卡记录 uid 链接 | 从api获取抽卡记录,时间较长 | |
-| 导出抽卡记录 uid 格式 | 导出抽卡记录的文件,上传到群文件 | 格式有xlsx和json;只能在群里导出 |
-### 模拟抽卡功能
-| 指令 | 介绍 | 备注 |
-| -------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| 抽n十连xx | 模拟抽n个xx池子的十连 | n必须为阿拉伯数字,最多同时5次;xx池子有角色1\|角色2\|武器\|常驻\|彩蛋,可以DIY池子 |
-| 选择定轨 武器名称 | 武器定轨 | 武器名必须是全称 |
-| 查看定轨 | 查看当前定轨的武器和能量值 | |
-| 删除定轨 | 删除定轨 | |
-| 查看模拟抽卡记录 | 查看模拟抽卡的出货率、保底数等信息 | |
-| 查看模拟抽卡记录 角色/武器 | 查看模拟抽卡抽到的角色/武器列表 | |
-| 删除模拟抽卡记录 | 清空自己的模拟抽卡记录 | |
-### 原神WIKI
-| 指令 | 介绍 | 备注 |
-| ---------- | ----------------------------------- | -------- |
-| xx角色攻略 | 查看西风驿站出品的角色攻略一图流 | 支持别名 |
-| xx角色材料 | 查看我出品的角色材料一图流 | 支持别名 |
-| xx参考面板 | 查看bluemushoom出品的角色参考面板图 | 支持别名 |
-| xx收益曲线 | 查看bluemushoom出品的角色收益曲线图 | 支持别名 |
-### 米游币帮兑功能
-### 派蒙语音功能
-> 发送语音功能需要额外安装FFmpeg,请自行安装
-### 头像表情包制作
-| 指令 | 介绍 | 备注 | 例子 |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------- | :-------- | -------------- |
-| #亲亲/贴贴/拍拍/给爷爬/吃掉/扔掉/撕掉/精神支柱/要我一直 @人/qq号/图片 | 好玩的头像图片gif表情包生成 | 要以#开头 | #精神支柱@群主 |
-## 新功能更新
+## 新功能更新😙
- 3.20 新增Windows一键部署脚本
- 3.22 新增蓝佬授权提供的收益曲线和参考面板攻略图
- 3.24 新增抽卡记录导出和分析功能,原模拟抽卡的指令更改
- 3.30 个人信息卡片新增层岩巨渊和神里绫人信息
- 3.31 实时便签加入参量质变仪信息
+- 4.11 改用数据库进行数据存储,优化代码
-## 已知问题\待优化
-- [ ] 公共cookie达到每日30次上限时不会更换
-- [ ] 公共cookie没有复用
-- [ ] 指令参数判别不够清晰
-## ToDo
+## ToDo🕛
- [ ] 实时便签树脂提醒
- [x] 抽卡记录导出和分析
- [ ] ocr圣遗物评分和角色面板记录
-- [ ] 角色、武器和圣遗物wiki(进度30%)
+- [ ] 角色、武器和圣遗物wiki
- [ ] 派蒙AI闲聊
-- [ ] 米游社自动签到(进度70%)
+- [ ] 米游社自动签到
- [ ] 今日可刷材料
- [ ] 角色练度统计
+- [ ] 派蒙戳一戳集卡
-## 部署方法
+## 部署方法🖥️
> 本项目和HoshinoBot的部署方式一样,因此Linux可以参考:
@@ -160,6 +98,8 @@
### 一键安装脚本
#### Windows
@@ -179,13 +119,13 @@ javascript:(function(){prompt(document.domain,document.cookie)})();
#### Linux
-## 额外说明
+## 额外说明🗝️
-## 感谢
+## 感谢❤️
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/abyss_info/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/abyss_info/
index 854b18a..58e1813 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/abyss_info/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/abyss_info/
@@ -1,56 +1,40 @@
import json,os,re
from hoshino import R,MessageSegment,logger, Service
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message
-from ..util import get_uid_by_qq, get_cookie, update_last_query_to_qq
+from ..util import get_uid_in_msg
from ..get_data import get_abyss_data
from .get_img import draw_abyss_card
-sv = Service('原神深渊查询')
+[sy/深渊查询/深境螺旋查询 (uid) (层数)]查询深渊战绩信息
+sv = Service('派蒙深渊查询', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
async def main(bot,ev):
- msg = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip().split(' ')
- uid = ''
- if len(msg[0]) == 9 and msg[0].isdigit():
- uid = msg[0]
- del msg[0]
- if not msg:
- abyss_floor = []
- else:
- abyss_floor = msg
- abyss_floor_true = []
- for floor in abyss_floor:
- if floor.isdigit() and (int(floor) <= 12 and int(floor) >= 9):
- abyss_floor_true.append(int(floor))
- abyss_floor_true.sort()
- if len(abyss_floor_true)>2:
- abyss_floor_true = [abyss_floor_true[0],abyss_floor_true[1]]
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- # nickname = ev['sender']['nickname']
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
- else:
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- uid = ''
- qq = str(
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如sy100000001',at_sender=True)
- return
- cookie = await get_cookie(qq, uid)
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
- if not cookie:
- await bot.send(ev,'当前cookie池中没有可用的cookie,请联系开发者',at_sender=True)
+ await bot.send(ev,'请把正确的uid给派蒙哦,例如sy100123456!',at_sender=True)
+ return
+ if not msg:
+ floor = []
- try:
- data = await get_abyss_data(uid, cookie)
- abyss_card = await draw_abyss_card(data, uid, abyss_floor_true)
- await bot.send(ev,abyss_card,at_sender=True)
- except Exception as e:
- await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
+ floor = msg.split(' ')
+ true_floor = []
+ for f in floor:
+ if f.isdigit() and (9 <= int(f) <=12) and len(true_floor) < 2:
+ true_floor.append(int(f))
+ true_floor.sort()
+ # try:
+ data = await get_abyss_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=use_cache)
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ await bot.send(ev, data, at_sender=True)
+ else:
+ abyss_card = await draw_abyss_card(data, uid, true_floor)
+ await bot.send(ev, abyss_card, at_sender=True)
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/daily_note/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/daily_note/
index 94ddd29..1def99e 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/daily_note/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/daily_note/
@@ -2,43 +2,25 @@ import json,os,re
from hoshino import R,MessageSegment,logger, Service
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message
from hoshino.util import filt_message
-from ..util import get_uid_by_qq, get_cookie, check_uid_by_qq, update_last_query_to_qq
+from ..util import get_uid_in_msg
from ..get_data import get_daily_note_data
from .get_img import draw_daily_note_card
-sv = Service('原神实时便签')
+[ssbq/实时便签 (uid)]查询当前树脂、洞天宝钱、派遣状况等
+sv = Service('派蒙实时便签', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
async def main(bot,ev):
- uid = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip()
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
+ # try:
+ data = await get_daily_note_data(uid)
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ await bot.send(ev, data, at_sender=True)
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- uid = ''
- qq = str(
- if uid and not check_uid_by_qq(qq, uid):
- await bot.send(ev,'派蒙没有这个uid的绑定信息哦',at_sender=True)
- return
- if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'你还没把信息绑定给派蒙哦',at_sender=True)
- return
- if len(uid) != 9 or not uid.isdigit():
- await bot.send(ev,f'uid {filt_message(uid)} 不合规,是不是打错了呀',at_sender=True)
- return
- cookie = await get_cookie(qq, uid, only_private = True, only_match_uid = True)
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
- if not cookie:
- await bot.send(ev,'你没有绑定cookie或者cookie失效了噢!',at_sender=True)
- else:
- try:
- data = await get_daily_note_data(uid, cookie)
- daily_note_card = await draw_daily_note_card(data, uid)
- await bot.send(ev, daily_note_card, at_sender=True)
- except Exception as e:
- await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
+ daily_note_card = await draw_daily_note_card(data, uid)
+ await bot.send(ev, daily_note_card, at_sender=True)
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c83417d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import sqlite3
+import json
+import os
+import re
+from hoshino import logger
+from datetime import datetime
+db_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'user_data', 'user_data.db')
+# 重载公共cookie
+def reload_public_cookie(is_drop=True):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ if is_drop:
+ cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public_cookies;')
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_cookies
+ (
+ no int PRIMARY KEY
+ cookie TEXT,
+ status TEXT,
+ );''')
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'user_data', 'user_cookies.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ for d in data['通用']:
+ cursor.execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO public_cookies VALUES (?, ?, "OK");', (d['no'], d['cookie']))
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+ return f'公共cookie池载入成功,共载入{len(data)}条cookie'
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f'---公共cookie池载入失败,错误:{e}---')
+ return f'公共cookie池载入失败,错误:{e}'
+# 初始化数据库,将原json数据导入数据库
+def init_db():
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('SELECT NAME FROM sqlite_master WHERE TYPE="table" and NAME="private_cookies"')
+ if not cursor.fetchone():
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE private_cookies
+ (
+ user_id TEXT NOT NULL,
+ mys_id TEXT,
+ cookie TEXT,
+ stoken TEXT,
+ PRIMARY KEY (user_id, uid)
+ );''')
+ cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS last_query;')
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE last_query
+ (
+ uid TEXT,
+ mys_id TEXT,
+ last_time datetime
+ );''')
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'user_data', 'user_cookies.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ for d in data['私人'].items():
+ for c in d[1]['cookies']:
+ match ='account_id=(\d{6,12})', c['cookie'])
+ mys_id = if match else ''
+ cursor.execute('INSERT INTO private_cookies (user_id, uid, mys_id, cookie) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);', (d[0], c['uid'], mys_id, c['cookie']))
+ cursor.execute('INSERT INTO last_query (user_id, uid, last_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?);', (d[0], d[1]['last_query'],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_cookies (
+ cookie TEXT,
+ status TEXT);''')
+ for d in data['通用']:
+ if d['cookie']:
+ try:
+ cursor.execute('INSERT INTO public_cookies VALUES (?, ?, "OK");', (d['no'], d['cookie']))
+ except:
+ pass
+ except:
+ logger.error('---派蒙初始化数据库失败,请检查user_cookies.json文件是否存在---')
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# 获取公共cookie
+async def get_public_cookie():
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_cookies(
+ cookie TEXT,
+ status TEXT);''')
+ cursor.execute('SELECT no, cookie FROM public_cookies WHERE status="OK";')
+ cookie = cursor.fetchone()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+ return cookie
+# 插入公共cookie
+async def insert_public_cookie(cookie):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_cookies
+ (
+ cookie TEXT,
+ status TEXT,
+ );''')
+ cursor.execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO public_cookies (cookie, status) VALUES (?,"ok");', (cookie,))
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# 设置公共cookie到上限
+async def limit_public_cookie(cookie):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public_cookies(
+ no int PRIMARY KEY
+ cookie TEXT,
+ status TEXT);''')
+ cursor.execute('UPDATE public_cookies SET status="limited30" WHERE cookie=?;', (cookie,))
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# 通过key(如user_id, uid)获取私人cookie
+async def get_private_cookie(value, key='user_id'):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute(f'SELECT user_id, cookie, uid, mys_id FROM private_cookies WHERE {key}="{value}";')
+ cookie = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.close()
+ return cookie
+# 更新cookie
+async def update_private_cookie(user_id, uid='', mys_id='', cookie='', stoken=''):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('REPLACE INTO private_cookies VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', (user_id, uid, mys_id, cookie, stoken))
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# 删除私人cookie
+async def delete_private_cookie(user_id):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('DELETE FROM private_cookies WHERE user_id=?',(user_id,))
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# 删除cookie
+async def delete_cookie(cookie, type='public'):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('DELETE FROM cookie_cache WHERE cookie=?;', (cookie,))
+ cursor.execute(f'DELETE FROM {type}_cookies WHERE cookie="{cookie}";')
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# 获取cookie缓存
+async def get_cookie_cache(value, key='uid'):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cookie_cache(
+ mys_id TEXT,
+ cookie TEXT);''')
+ cursor.execute(f'SELECT cookie FROM cookie_cache WHERE {key}="{value}"')
+ res = cursor.fetchone()
+ if res:
+ try:
+ cursor.execute('SELECT user_id, uid, mys_id FROM private_cookies WHERE cookie=?;', (res[0],))
+ is_in_private = cursor.fetchone()
+ if is_in_private:
+ return {'type':'private', 'user_id': is_in_private[0], 'cookie': res[0], 'uid': is_in_private[1], 'mys_id': is_in_private[2]}
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ cursor.execute('SELECT no FROM public_cookies WHERE cookie=?;', (res[0],))
+ is_in_public = cursor.fetchone()
+ if is_in_public:
+ return {'type':'public', 'cookie': res[0], 'no': is_in_public[0]}
+ except:
+ pass
+ conn.close()
+ return None
+# 更新cookie缓存
+async def update_cookie_cache(cookie, value, key='uid'):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cookie_cache(
+ mys_id TEXT,
+ cookie TEXT);''')
+ cursor.execute(f'REPLACE INTO cookie_cache ({key}, cookie) VALUES ("{value}", "{cookie}");')
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+# 删除cookie缓存
+async def delete_cookie_cache(value='', key='cookie', all=False):
+ try:
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ if all:
+ cursor.execute('DROP TABLE cookie_cache;')
+ else:
+ cursor.execute(f'DELETE FROM cookie_cache WHERE {key}="{value}";')
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+# 获取user_id最后查询的uid
+async def get_last_query(user_id):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS last_query(
+ uid TEXT,
+ last_time datetime);''')
+ cursor.execute('SELECT uid FROM last_query WHERE user_id=?;', (user_id,))
+ uid = cursor.fetchone()
+ conn.close()
+ return uid[0] if uid else None
+# 更新user_id最后查询的uid
+async def update_last_query(user_id, value, key='uid'):
+ t ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS last_query(
+ uid TEXT,
+ mys_id TEXT,
+ last_time datetime);''')
+ cursor.execute(f'REPLACE INTO last_query (user_id, {key}, last_time) VALUES ("{user_id}", "{value}", "{t}");')
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha/
index 5145be5..d0faf1b 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha/
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
import requests, json,re
-from hoshino import R,MessageSegment
+from hoshino import MessageSegment, Service, aiorequests
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message
from hoshino.util import PriFreqLimiter
-import hoshino
from ..util import Dict
-from hoshino import aiorequests
from .gacha_role import *
from .gacha_wish import more_ten
-lmt = PriFreqLimiter(60)
+lmt = PriFreqLimiter(30)
+3.[模拟抽卡记录 角色/武器]查看模拟抽卡抽到的五星角色/武器
+5.[选择定轨 武器全名]选择武器定轨
+sv = Service('派蒙模拟抽卡', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
#activity = 301 限定卡池
#activity2 = 400 限定卡池2
#weapon = 302 武器卡池
@@ -44,7 +52,7 @@ async def gacha(bot, ev):
if not lmt.check(gid,uid):
await bot.finish(ev, f'模拟抽卡冷却中(剩余{int(lmt.left_time(gid,uid)) + 1}秒)', at_sender=True)
- lmt.start_cd(gid,uid,60)
+ lmt.start_cd(gid, uid, 30)
if num >= 3:
await bot.send(ev, '抽卡图正在生成中,请稍候')
if isinstance(gacha_type,int):
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha_log_export/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha_log_export/
index c526f7c..ef3a0ca 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha_log_export/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/gacha_log_export/
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
import json,os,re
from hoshino import R,MessageSegment,logger, Service
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message
-from ..util import get_uid_by_qq, update_last_query_to_qq
+from ..util import get_uid_in_msg
from .gacha_logs import get_data
from .get_img import get_gacha_log_img
from .api import toApi, checkApi
-sv = Service('原神抽卡记录导出')
+1.[获取抽卡记录 (uid) (url)]提供url,获取原神抽卡记录,需要一定时间
+2.[查看抽卡记录 (uid)]查看抽卡记录分析
+3.[导出抽卡记录 (uid) (xlsx/json)]导出抽卡记录文件,上传到群文件中
+sv = Service('派蒙抽卡记录导出', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'user_data', 'gacha_log_data')
if not os.path.exists(data_path):
@@ -20,33 +25,13 @@ async def ckjl(bot,ev):
if ev.message_type != 'group':
await bot.send(ev,'在群聊中才能导出抽卡记录文件哦!')
- msg = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip().split(' ')
- uid = ''
- if len(msg[0]) == 9 and msg[0].isdigit():
- uid = msg[0]
- if len(msg) >= 2:
- filetype = msg[1]
- else:
- filetype = 'xlsx'
- else:
- filetype = msg[0]
- if not filetype or filetype not in ['xlsx', 'json']:
- filetype = 'xlsx'
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
- else:
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- uid = ''
- qq = str(
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如抽卡记录导出100000001 xlsx',at_sender=True)
- return
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
+ await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如获取抽卡记录100000001 链接',at_sender=True)
+ return
+ find_filetype = r'(?Pxlsx|json)'
+ match =, msg)
+ filetype ='filetype') if match else 'xlsx'
if filetype == 'xlsx':
filetype = f'gachaExport-{uid}.xlsx'
@@ -59,24 +44,12 @@ async def ckjl(bot,ev):
@sv.on_prefix(('更新抽卡记录', '获取抽卡记录', 'updategachalog', 'gxckjl'))
async def update_ckjl(bot,ev):
- msg = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip().split(' ')
- uid = ''
- if len(msg[0]) == 9 and msg[0].isdigit():
- uid = msg[0]
- if len(msg) >= 2:
- url = msg[1]
- else:
- url = ''
- else:
- url = msg[0]
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如获取抽卡记录100000001 链接',at_sender=True)
- return
- if url:
- match ='(*#/log)', url)
+ await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如获取抽卡记录100000001 链接',at_sender=True)
+ return
+ if msg:
+ match ='(*#/log)', msg)
if match:
url = str(
@@ -85,17 +58,17 @@ async def update_ckjl(bot,ev):
with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'user_gacha_log.json'), 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
user_data = json.load(f)
- if qq in user_data and uid in user_data[qq]:
- url = user_data[qq][uid]
+ if user_id in user_data and uid in user_data[user_id]:
+ url = user_data[user_id][uid]
await bot.send(ev,'发现历史抽卡记录链接,尝试使用...')
await bot.send(ev, '拿到游戏抽卡记录链接后,对派蒙说[获取抽卡记录 uid 链接]就可以啦\n获取抽卡记录链接的方式和vx小程序的是一样的,还请旅行者自己搜方法', at_sender=True)
with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'user_gacha_log.json'), 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
user_data = json.load(f)
- if qq not in user_data:
- user_data[qq] = {}
- user_data[qq][uid] = url
+ if user_id not in user_data:
+ user_data[user_id] = {}
+ user_data[user_id][uid] = url
with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'user_gacha_log.json'), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(user_data, f, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
@@ -115,34 +88,12 @@ async def update_ckjl(bot,ev):
@sv.on_prefix('查看抽卡记录', 'ckjl', 'gachalog')
async def get_ckjl(bot,ev):
- msg = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip().split(' ')
- uid = ''
- if len(msg[0]) == 9 and msg[0].isdigit():
- uid = msg[0]
- if len(msg) >= 2:
- pool = msg[1]
- else:
- pool = 'all'
- else:
- pool = msg[0]
- if not pool or pool not in ['all', '角色', '武器', '常驻', '新手']:
- pool = 'all'
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
- else:
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- uid = ''
- qq = str(
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = get_uid_in_msg(ev)
if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如抽卡记录100000001 all',at_sender=True)
- return
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
+ await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如获取抽卡记录100000001 链接',at_sender=True)
+ return
+ match ='(all|角色|武器|常驻|新手)',msg)
+ pool = if match else 'all'
local_data = os.path.join(data_path, f'gachaData-{uid}.json')
if not os.path.exists(local_data):
await bot.send(ev, '你在派蒙这里还没有抽卡记录哦,对派蒙说 获取抽卡记录 吧!', at_sender=True)
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/game_guild/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/game_guild/
index 4401617..6ab0c24 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/game_guild/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/game_guild/
@@ -7,7 +7,16 @@ from .blue import get_blue_pic
from ..util import pil2b64
from hoshino.util import filt_message
+sv = Service('派蒙WIKI', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
res_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'res')
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
index b162c7a..a0641b2 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
@@ -1,31 +1,38 @@
from hoshino import aiorequests
-from .util import get_headers, cache
+from .util import get_headers, cache, get_use_cookie, get_own_cookie, check_retcode
+from .db_util import update_cookie_cache
import datetime
import re
+import random
-async def get_abyss_data(uid, cookie, schedule_type = "1", use_cache=True):
- if uid[0] == '5':
- server_id = "cn_qd01"
- else:
- server_id = "cn_gf01"
+# TODO:注意每处参数顺序的更改
+async def get_abyss_data(user_id, uid, schedule_type = "1", use_cache=True):
+ server_id = "cn_qd01" if uid[0] == '5' else "cn_gf01"
url =""
- headers = get_headers(q="role_id=" + uid + "&schedule_type=" + schedule_type + "&server=" + server_id, cookie=cookie)
params ={
"schedule_type": schedule_type,
"role_id": uid,
- "server": server_id
- }
- res = await aiorequests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
- return await res.json()
+ "server": server_id}
+ while True:
+ cookie = await get_use_cookie(user_id, uid=uid, action='查询深渊')
+ if not cookie:
+ return '现在派蒙没有可以用的cookie哦,请让主人 添加公共ck 吧!'
+ headers = get_headers(q=f'role_id={uid}&schedule_type={schedule_type}&server={server_id}', cookie=cookie['cookie'])
+ res = await aiorequests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
+ data = await res.json()
+ if await check_retcode(data, cookie, uid):
+ return data
-async def get_daily_note_data(uid, cookie):
- if uid[0] == '5':
- server_id = "cn_qd01"
- else:
- server_id = "cn_gf01"
+async def get_daily_note_data(uid):
+ server_id = "cn_qd01" if uid[0] == '5' else "cn_gf01"
url =""
- headers = get_headers(q="role_id=" + uid + "&server=" + server_id, cookie=cookie)
+ cookie = await get_own_cookie(uid, action='查询实时便签')
+ if not cookie:
+ return f'你的uid{uid}没有绑定对应的cookie哦,先用ysb给派蒙绑定吧!'
+ await update_cookie_cache(cookie['cookie'], uid, 'uid')
+ headers = get_headers(q=f'role_id={uid}&server={server_id}', cookie=cookie['cookie'])
params = {
"server": server_id,
"role_id": uid
@@ -34,67 +41,79 @@ async def get_daily_note_data(uid, cookie):
return await res.json()
-async def get_player_card_data(uid, cookie, use_cache=True):
- if uid[0] == '5':
- server_id = "cn_qd01"
- else:
- server_id = "cn_gf01"
+async def get_player_card_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=True):
+ server_id = "cn_qd01" if uid[0] == '5' else "cn_gf01"
url =""
- headers = get_headers(q="role_id=" + uid + "&server=" + server_id, cookie=cookie)
params = {
"server": server_id,
"role_id": uid
- res = await aiorequests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
- return await res.json()
+ while True:
+ cookie = await get_use_cookie(user_id, uid=uid, action='查询原神卡片')
+ if not cookie:
+ return '现在派蒙没有可以用的cookie哦,请让主人 添加公共ck 吧!'
+ headers = get_headers(q=f'role_id={uid}&server={server_id}', cookie=cookie['cookie'])
+ res = await aiorequests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
+ data = await res.json()
+ if await check_retcode(data, cookie, uid):
+ return data
-async def get_chara_detail_data(uid, cookie, use_cache=True):
- if uid[0] == '5':
- server_id = "cn_qd01"
- else:
- server_id = "cn_gf01"
+async def get_chara_detail_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=True):
+ server_id = "cn_qd01" if uid[0] == '5' else "cn_gf01"
json_data = {
"server": server_id,
"role_id": uid,
"character_ids": []
url = ''
- headers = get_headers(b=json_data, cookie=cookie)
- res = await, headers=headers, json=json_data)
- return await res.json()
+ while True:
+ cookie = await get_use_cookie(user_id, uid=uid, action='查询角色详情')
+ if not cookie:
+ return '现在派蒙没有可以用的cookie哦,请让主人 添加公共ck 吧!'
+ headers = get_headers(b=json_data, cookie=cookie['cookie'])
+ res = await, headers=headers, json=json_data)
+ data = await res.json()
+ if await check_retcode(data, cookie, uid):
+ return data
-async def get_chara_skill_data(uid, chara_id, cookie, use_cache=True):
- if uid[0] == '5':
- server_id = "cn_qd01"
- else:
- server_id = "cn_gf01"
+async def get_chara_skill_data(uid, chara_id, use_cache=True):
+ server_id = "cn_qd01" if uid[0] == '5' else "cn_gf01"
url = ''
- headers = get_headers(q="uid=" + uid + "®ion=" + server_id + "&avatar_id=" + str(chara_id), cookie=cookie)
+ cookie = await get_own_cookie(uid, action='查询角色天赋')
+ if not cookie:
+ return None
+ await update_cookie_cache(cookie['cookie'], uid, 'uid')
+ headers = get_headers(q=f'uid={uid}®ion={server_id}&avatar_id={chara_id}', cookie=cookie['cookie'])
params = {
"region": server_id,
"uid": uid,
"avatar_id": chara_id
res = await aiorequests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
- return await res.json()
+ data = await res.json()
+ # TODO:待定,未知cookie对技能的影响
+ return data
-async def get_monthinfo_data(uid, month, cookie, use_cache=True):
- if uid[0] == '5':
- server_id = "cn_qd01"
- else:
- server_id = "cn_gf01"
+async def get_monthinfo_data(uid, month, use_cache=True):
+ server_id = "cn_qd01" if uid[0] == '5' else "cn_gf01"
url = ''
- headers = get_headers(q='month='+ str(month) + '&bind_uid=' + uid + '&bind_region=' + server_id, cookie=cookie)
+ cookie = await get_own_cookie(uid, action='查询每月札记')
+ if not cookie:
+ return f'你的uid{uid}没有绑定对应的cookie哦,先用ysb给派蒙绑定吧!'
+ await update_cookie_cache(cookie['cookie'], uid, 'uid')
+ headers = get_headers(q=f'month={month}&bind_uid={uid}&bind_region={server_id}', cookie=cookie['cookie'])
params = {
"month": int(month),
"bind_uid": uid,
"bind_region": server_id
res = await aiorequests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
- return await res.json()
+ data = await res.json()
+ if await check_retcode(data, cookie, uid):
+ return data
async def get_bind_game(cookie):
finduid ='account_id=(\d{6,12})', cookie)
@@ -102,11 +121,13 @@ async def get_bind_game(cookie):
return None
uid =
url = ''
- headers = get_headers(q='uid=' + uid, cookie = cookie)
+ headers = get_headers(q=f'uid={uid}', cookie = cookie)
params = {
"uid": uid
res = await aiorequests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params)
- return await res.json()
+ return (await res.json()), uid
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/monthinfo/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/monthinfo/
index a12ae6e..2f1d8bc 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/monthinfo/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/monthinfo/
@@ -2,55 +2,36 @@ import json,os,re,datetime
from hoshino import R,MessageSegment,logger, Service
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message
from hoshino.util import filt_message
-from ..util import get_uid_by_qq, get_cookie, check_uid_by_qq, update_last_query_to_qq
+from ..util import get_uid_in_msg
from ..get_data import get_monthinfo_data
from .get_img import draw_monthinfo_card
-sv = Service('原神每月札记')
+[myzj/每月札记/zj (uid) (月份)]查看该月份获得的原石、摩拉数
+sv = Service('派蒙每月札记', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
+@sv.on_prefix(('myzj', '每月札记', 'zj'))
async def main(bot,ev):
- msg = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip().split(' ')
- uid = ''
- if len(msg[0]) == 9 and msg[0].isdigit():
- uid = msg[0]
- if len(msg) >= 2:
- month = msg[1]
- else:
- month =
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
+ # 札记只能查看最近3个月的,构造正则来获取月份
+ month_now =
+ if month_now == 1:
+ month_list = ['11','12','1']
+ elif month_now == 2:
+ month_list = ['12', '1', '2']
- month = msg[0]
- if month and not month.isdigit():
- await bot.send(ev,'月份是不是写错了呀,要阿拉伯数字哦',at_sender=True)
- return
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
+ month_list = [str(month_now - 2), str(month_now - 1)]
+ find_month = '(?P' + '|'.join(month_list) + ')'
+ match =, msg)
+ month ='month') if match else month_now
+ # try:
+ data = await get_monthinfo_data(uid, month, use_cache=use_cache)
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ await bot.send(ev, data, at_sender=True)
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- uid = ''
- qq = str(
- if uid and not check_uid_by_qq(qq, uid):
- await bot.send(ev,'派蒙没有这个uid的绑定信息哦',at_sender=True)
- return
- if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'你还没把信息绑定给派蒙哦',at_sender=True)
- return
- if len(uid) != 9 or not uid.isdigit():
- await bot.send(ev,f'uid {filt_message(uid)} 不合规,是不是打错了呀',at_sender=True)
- return
- cookie = await get_cookie(qq, uid, only_private = True, only_match_uid = True)
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
- if not cookie:
- await bot.send(ev,'你没有绑定cookie或者cookie失效了噢!',at_sender=True)
- else:
- try:
- data = await get_monthinfo_data(uid, month, cookie)
- monthinfo_card = await draw_monthinfo_card(data)
- await bot.send(ev, monthinfo_card, at_sender=True)
- except Exception as e:
- await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
+ monthinfo_card = await draw_monthinfo_card(data)
+ await bot.send(ev, monthinfo_card, at_sender=True)
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/
index dd4de47..23507a5 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/
@@ -2,127 +2,80 @@ import json,os,re
from hoshino import R,MessageSegment,logger, Service
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message
from hoshino.util import filt_message
-from ..util import get_uid_by_qq, get_cookie, check_uid_by_qq, update_last_query_to_qq
+from ..util import get_uid_in_msg, get_at_target
from ..get_data import get_player_card_data, get_chara_detail_data, get_chara_skill_data
from .get_img import draw_player_card, draw_all_chara_card, draw_chara_card
from ..character_alias import get_id_by_alias
-sv = Service('原神信息查询')
+1.[ys (uid)]查看原神个人卡片(包含宝箱、探索度等数据)
+2.[ysa (uid)]查看所有公开的8角色的简略信息
+3.[ysc (uid) 角色名]查看公开的8角色的详细信息
+sv = Service('派蒙原神信息查询', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
async def player_card(bot,ev):
- uid = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip()
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
- else:
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- uid = ''
- qq = str(
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如ys100000001',at_sender=True)
- return
- if len(uid) != 9 or not uid.isdigit():
- await bot.send(ev,f'uid {filt_message(uid)} 不合规,是不是打错了呀',at_sender=True)
- return
- cookie = await get_cookie(qq, uid)
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
- if not cookie:
- await bot.send(ev,'这个uid的cookie信息好像失效了,请给派蒙重新绑定!',at_sender=True)
+ await bot.send(ev,'请把正确的uid给派蒙哦,例如sy100123456!',at_sender=True)
+ return
+ # try:
+ data = await get_player_card_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=use_cache)
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ await bot.send(ev, data, at_sender=True)
- try:
- if ev.message_type == 'group':
- user_info = await bot.get_group_member_info(group_id=ev.group_id,user_id=int(qq))
- nickname = user_info['card'] or user_info['nickname']
- else:
- nickname = ev.sender['nickname']
- data = await get_player_card_data(uid, cookie)
- chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(uid, cookie) or []
- player_card = await draw_player_card(data, chara_data, uid, nickname)
- await bot.send(ev, player_card, at_sender=True)
- except Exception as e:
- await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
+ if ev.message_type == 'group':
+ user_info = await bot.get_group_member_info(group_id=ev.group_id,user_id=int(user_id))
+ nickname = user_info['card'] or user_info['nickname']
+ else:
+ nickname = ev.sender['nickname']
+ chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=use_cache)
+ chara_data = None if isinstance(chara_data, str) else chara_data
+ player_card = await draw_player_card(data, chara_data, uid, nickname)
+ await bot.send(ev, player_card, at_sender=True)
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
async def all_characters(bot,ev):
- uid = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip()
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
- else:
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- uid = ''
- qq = str(
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如ysa100000001',at_sender=True)
- return
- if len(uid) != 9 or not uid.isdigit():
- await bot.send(ev,f'uid {filt_message(uid)} 不合规,是不是打错了呀',at_sender=True)
+ await bot.send(ev,'请把正确的uid给派蒙哦,例如sy100123456!',at_sender=True)
- cookie = await get_cookie(qq, uid)
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
- if not cookie:
- await bot.send(ev,'这个uid的cookie信息好像失效了,请给派蒙重新绑定!',at_sender=True)
+ # try:
+ chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=use_cache)
+ if isinstance(chara_data, str):
+ await bot.send(ev, chara_data, at_sender=True)
- try:
- chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(uid, cookie) or []
- player_card = await draw_all_chara_card(chara_data, uid)
- await bot.send(ev, player_card, at_sender=True)
- except Exception as e:
- await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
+ player_card = await draw_all_chara_card(chara_data, uid)
+ await bot.send(ev, player_card, at_sender=True)
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
async def my_characters(bot,ev):
- msg = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip().split(' ')
- qq = str(ev.user_id)
- uid = ''
- if len(msg[0]) == 9 and msg[0].isdigit():
- uid = msg[0]
- if len(msg) >= 2:
- chara = msg[1]
- else:
- await bot.send(ev,'要把想查询的角色名告诉我哦!',at_sender=True)
- return
- else:
- chara = msg[0]
+ uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev)
+ if not uid:
+ await bot.send(ev,'请把正确的uid给派蒙哦,例如sy100123456!',at_sender=True)
+ return
+ if not msg:
+ await bot.send(ev,f'要把角色名给派蒙呀!例如ysc100123456钟离',at_sender=True)
+ return
+ chara = msg.split(' ')[0]
chara_name = get_id_by_alias(chara)
if not chara_name:
await bot.send(ev,f'没有角色名叫{filt_message(chara)}哦!',at_sender=True)
- if ev.message_type == 'guild':
- rm = str(ev.message)
+ # try:
+ chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=use_cache)
+ if isinstance(chara_data, str):
+ await bot.send(ev, chara_data, at_sender=True)
- rm = str(ev.raw_message)
- match ="\[CQ:at,qq=(.*)\]", rm)
- if match:
- qq = str(
- if not uid:
- uid = get_uid_by_qq(qq)
- if not uid:
- await bot.send(ev,'请把uid给派蒙哦,比如ysc100000001 钟离',at_sender=True)
- return
- if len(uid) != 9 or not uid.isdigit():
- await bot.send(ev,f'uid {filt_message(uid)} 不合规,是不是打错了呀',at_sender=True)
- return
- cookie = await get_cookie(qq, uid)
- update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid)
- if not cookie:
- await bot.send(ev,'你没有绑定cookie或者cookie失效了噢!',at_sender=True)
- else:
- try:
- chara_data = await get_chara_detail_data(uid, cookie)
- skill_data = await get_chara_skill_data(uid, chara_name[0], cookie)
- chara_card = await draw_chara_card(chara_data, skill_data, chara_name, uid)
- await bot.send(ev, chara_card, at_sender=True)
- except Exception as e:
- await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
+ skill_data = await get_chara_skill_data(uid, chara_name[0], use_cache=use_cache)
+ chara_card = await draw_chara_card(chara_data, skill_data, chara_name, uid)
+ await bot.send(ev, chara_card, at_sender=True)
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}',at_sender=True)
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/
index 14dc7ba..017a919 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/player_card/
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ async def draw_player_card(data, chara_data, uid, nickname="旅行者"):
# 世界探索
await draw_world_data(bg_draw,data)
# 角色
- if chara_data['data']:
+ if chara_data:
chara_data = chara_data['data']['avatars']
w = 1045
i = 0
@@ -429,6 +429,9 @@ async def draw_chara_card(data, skill_data, chara_name, uid):
bg_img.alpha_composite(reli_icon, reli_p[i])
i += 1
+ if not skill_data:
+ skill_data = {'retcode' : 'error'}
# 补上三命和五命的技能等级提升
if skill_data['retcode'] == 0 and character['constellations'][2]['is_actived']:
skill_name ='>(.*)', character['constellations'][2]['effect'])
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/user_data/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/user_data/
index 4c638ac..7939252 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/user_data/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/user_data/
@@ -1,42 +1,64 @@
-from hoshino import MessageSegment, Service, trigger, priv, CanceledException
+from hoshino import MessageSegment, Service, trigger, priv, CanceledException,logger
from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message
-from ..util import update_last_query_to_qq, bind_cookie, bind_public_cookie
from nonebot import message_preprocessor
from ..get_data import get_bind_game
+from ..db_util import insert_public_cookie, update_private_cookie, delete_cookie_cache, delete_cookie
-sv = Service('原神绑定',visible=False,enable_on_default=True)
+1.[ysb cookie]绑定你的私人cookie以开启高级功能
+3.[添加公共ck cookie]添加公共cookie以供大众查询*仅管理员
+sv = Service('派蒙绑定', visible=False, enable_on_default=True, bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg)
+cookie_error_msg = '这个cookie无效哦,请旅行者确认是否正确\n1.ck要登录mys帐号后获取\n2.获取ck后不能退出登录\n3.ck至少要包含cookie_token和account_id两个参数\n4.建议在无痕模式下取'
async def bind(bot,ev):
cookie = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip()
- qq=str(ev.user_id)
if cookie == '':
res = '''旅行者好呀,你可以直接用ys/ysa等指令附上uid来使用派蒙\n如果想看全部角色信息和实时便笺等功能,要把cookie给派蒙哦\ncookie获取方法:登录网页版米游社,在地址栏粘贴代码:\njavascript:(function(){prompt(document.domain,document.cookie)})();\n复制弹窗出来的字符串(手机要via或chrome浏览器才行)\n然后添加派蒙私聊发送ysb接刚刚复制的字符串,例如:ysb UM_distinctid=17d131d...\ncookie是账号重要安全信息,请确保机器人持有者可信赖!'''
await bot.send(ev,res,at_sender=True)
- cookie_info = await get_bind_game(cookie)
+ cookie_info, mys_id = await get_bind_game(cookie)
if not cookie_info or cookie_info['retcode'] != 0:
- msg = '这cookie没有用哦,检查一下是不是复制错了或者过期了(试试重新登录米游社再获取)'
+ msg = cookie_error_msg
if ev.detail_type != 'private':
- msg += '\n当前是在群聊里绑定,建议旅行者添加派蒙好友私聊绑定!'
+ msg += '\n当前是在群聊里绑定,建议旅行者添加派蒙好友私聊绑定!'
await bot.send(ev,msg,at_sender=True)
for data in cookie_info['data']['list']:
if data['game_id'] == 2:
uid = data['game_role_id']
nickname = data['nickname']
- # level = data['level']
if uid:
- await bind_cookie(qq,uid,cookie)
- msg = f'{nickname}绑定成功啦!使用ys/ysa等指令和派蒙互动吧!'
+ await update_private_cookie(user_id=str(ev.user_id), uid=uid, mys_id=mys_id, cookie=cookie)
+ await delete_cookie_cache(uid, key='uid', all=False)
+ msg = f'{nickname}绑定成功啦!使用ys/ysa等指令和派蒙互动吧!'
if ev.detail_type != 'private':
- msg += '\n当前是在群聊里绑定,建议旅行者把cookie撤回哦!'
+ msg += '\n当前是在群聊里绑定,建议旅行者把cookie撤回哦!'
await bot.send(ev,msg,at_sender=True)
+async def delete(bot,ev):
+ user_id = str(ev.user_id)
+ await delete_private_cookie(str(ev.user_id))
+ await bot.send(ev, '派蒙把你的私人cookie都删除啦!', at_sender=True)
-async def bing_public(bot,ev):
+async def bing_public(bot, ev):
+ if not priv.check_priv(ev, hoshino.priv.ADMIN):
+ await bot.send(ev, '只有管理员或主人才能添加公共cookie哦!')
+ return
cookie = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip()
- res = await bind_public_cookie(cookie)
- await bot.send(ev,res,at_sender=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+ if await check_cookie(cookie):
+ await insert_public_cookie(cookie)
+ await bot.send(ev, '公共cookie添加成功啦,派蒙开始工作!')
+ else:
+ await bot.send(ev, cookie_error_msg)
+@sv.scheduled_job('cron', hour='0')
+async def delete_cache():
+ await delete_cookie_cache(all=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
index 7e31ba5..be3e3da 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/Genshin_Paimon/
@@ -1,54 +1,78 @@
import os
import json
-import traceback
import hashlib
+import re
import random
import time
-import uuid
-import requests
from hoshino import logger, aiorequests
from io import BytesIO
import base64
import datetime
import functools
import inspect
+from nonebot import get_bot
+from .db_util import get_private_cookie, get_cookie_cache, get_public_cookie, limit_public_cookie, update_cookie_cache,get_last_query,update_last_query,delete_cookie
-# user_cookies.json数据文件模版,如没有.json文件就会按这个模版生成文件
-user_cookies_example = {
- "通用": [
- {
- "cookie": "",
- "no": 1
- },
- {
- "cookie": "",
- "no": 2
- }
- ],
- "私人":{}
-user_cookies = {}
-def load_data():
- path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'user_data','user_cookies.json')
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- with open(path,'w',encoding='UTF-8') as f:
- json.dump(user_cookies_example,f,ensure_ascii=False)
- try:
- with open(path, encoding='utf8') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- for k, v in data.items():
- user_cookies[k] = v
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
+async def get_use_cookie(user_id, uid='', mys_id='', action=''):
+ cache_cookie = await get_cookie_cache(uid, 'uid')
+ if cache_cookie:
+ if cache_cookie['type'] == 'public':
+ else:
+ return cache_cookie
+ cookies = await get_private_cookie(user_id, 'user_id')
+ if not cookies:
+ public_cookie = await get_public_cookie()
+ if not public_cookie:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return {'type':'public', 'cookie': public_cookie[1], 'no': public_cookie[0]}
+ else:
+ for user_id_, cookie, uid_, mys_id_ in cookies:
+ if (uid and uid_ == uid) or (mys_id and mys_id_ == mys_id):
+ return {'type':'private', 'user_id': user_id_, 'cookie': cookie, 'uid': uid_, 'mys_id': mys_id_}
+ use_cookie = random.choice(cookies)
+ return {'type':'private', 'user_id': use_cookie[0], 'cookie': use_cookie[1], 'uid': use_cookie[2], 'mys_id': use_cookie[3]}
+async def get_own_cookie(uid='', mys_id='', action=''):
+ if uid:
+ cookie = (await get_private_cookie(uid, 'uid'))
+ elif mys_id:
+ cookie = (await get_private_cookie(mys_id, 'mys_id'))
+ else:
+ cookie = None
+ if not cookie:
+ return None
+ else:
+ cookie = cookie[0]
+ return {'type':'private', 'user_id': cookie[0], 'cookie': cookie[1], 'uid': cookie[2], 'mys_id': cookie[3]}
+# 检查数据返回状态,10001为ck过期了,10101为达到每日30次上线了
+async def check_retcode(data, cookie, uid):
+ if data['retcode'] == 10001:
+ # TODO:此处为删除cookie的操作
+ await delete_cookie(cookie['cookie'], cookie['type'])
+ # TODO: 此处为发送cookie删除信息提醒的操作
+ await send_cookie_delete_msg(cookie)
+ return False
+ elif data['retcode'] == 10101:
+ # TODO: 此处为设置cookie到30次上限的操作
+ if cookie['type'] == 'public':
+ elif cookie['type'] == 'private':
+ await limit_public_cookie(cookie['cookie'])
+ return False
+ else:
+ # TODO: 此处为更新最后查询的操作
+ await update_cookie_cache(cookie['cookie'], uid, 'uid')
+ return True
-def save_data():
- path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'user_data','user_cookies.json')
- try:
- with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
- json.dump(user_cookies, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
# 缓存装饰器 ttl为过期时间 参数use_cache决定是否使用缓存,默认为True
def cache(ttl=datetime.timedelta(hours=1), **kwargs):
@@ -81,6 +105,34 @@ def cache(ttl=datetime.timedelta(hours=1), **kwargs):
return wrap
+# 获取message中的艾特对象
+async def get_at_target(msg):
+ for msg_seg in msg:
+ if msg_seg.type == "at":
+ return['qq']
+ return None
+# message预处理,获取uid、干净的msg、user_id、是否缓存
+async def get_uid_in_msg(ev):
+ msg = ev.message
+ msgt = msg.extract_plain_text().strip()
+ if not msg:
+ uid = await get_last_query(str(ev.user_id))
+ return uid, '', str(ev.user_id), True
+ user_id = await get_at_target(msg) or str(ev.user_id)
+ use_cache = False if '-r' in msgt else True
+ msgt = msgt.replace('-r', '').strip()
+ find_uid = r'(?P(1|2|5)\d{8})'
+ for msg_seg in msg:
+ if msg_seg.type == 'text':
+ match =,['text'])
+ if match:
+ await update_last_query(user_id,'uid'), 'uid')
+ return'uid'), msgt.replace('uid'), '').strip(), user_id, use_cache
+ uid = await get_last_query(user_id)
+ return uid, msgt.strip(), user_id, use_cache
class Dict(dict):
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
@@ -123,10 +175,9 @@ def get_headers(cookie, q='',b=None):
'x-rpc-client_type': '5',
'Referer': ''
- #print(headers)
return headers
-# 检查cookie是否有效,通过查看个人主页是否返回ok来判断
+# 检查cookie是否有效,通过查看个人主页来判断
async def check_cookie(cookie):
url = ''
headers ={
@@ -144,91 +195,21 @@ async def check_cookie(cookie):
return True
-# 通过qq号获取最后查询的uid
-def get_uid_by_qq(qq):
- if qq not in user_cookies['私人']:
- return None
- return user_cookies['私人'][qq]['last_query']
+# 向超级用户私聊发送cookie删除信息
+async def send_cookie_delete_msg(cookie_info):
+ msg = ''
+ if cookie_info['type'] == 'public':
+ msg = f'公共池的{cookie_info["no"]}号cookie已失效'
+ elif cookie_info['type'] == 'private':
+ if cookie_info['uid']:
+ msg = f'用户{cookie_info["user_id"]}的uid{cookie_info["uid"]}的cookie已失效'
+ elif cookie_info['mys_id']:
+ msg = f'用户{cookie_info["user_id"]}的mys_id{cookie_info["mys_id"]}的cookie已失效'
+ if msg:
+ for superuser in get_bot().config.SUPERUSERS:
+ try:
+ await get_bot().send_private_msg(user_id=superuser,message=msg + ',派蒙帮你删除啦!')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f'发送cookie删除消息失败: {e}')
-# 检查qq号是否绑定uid
-def check_uid_by_qq(qq, uid):
- if qq not in user_cookies['私人']:
- return False
- for cookie in user_cookies['私人'][qq]['cookies']:
- if cookie['uid'] == uid:
- return True
- return False
-# 更新qq最后查询的uid
-def update_last_query_to_qq(qq, uid):
- if qq not in user_cookies['私人']:
- user_cookies['私人'][qq] = {}
- user_cookies['私人'][qq]['cookies'] = []
- user_cookies['私人'][qq]['last_query'] = uid
- save_data()
-# 绑定uid、cookie到qq号
-async def bind_cookie(qq, uid, cookie):
- if qq not in user_cookies['私人']:
- user_cookies['私人'][qq] = {}
- user_cookies['私人'][qq]['cookies'] = []
- f = False
- for c in user_cookies['私人'][qq]['cookies']:
- if c['uid'] == uid:
- c['cookie'] = cookie
- f = True
- break
- if not f:
- c = {'cookie':cookie,'uid':uid}
- user_cookies['私人'][qq]['cookies'].append(c)
- user_cookies['私人'][qq]['last_query'] = uid
- save_data()
-# 绑定cookie到公共cookie池
-async def bind_public_cookie(cookie):
- if not await check_cookie(cookie):
- return '这cookie没有用哦,检查一下是不是复制错了或者过期了(试试重新登录米游社再获取)'
- else:
- user_cookies['通用'].append({"cookie": cookie, "no": len(user_cookies['通用']) + 1})
- save_data()
- return '添加公共cookie成功'
-# 获取公共池可用的cookie
-async def get_public_cookie():
- for cookie in user_cookies['通用']:
- if await check_cookie(cookie['cookie']):
- return cookie['cookie']
- else:
- logger.error('--CMgenshin:原神查询公共cookie池已全部失效--')
- return None
-# 获取可用的cookie,优先获取私人cookie,没有则获取公共池cookie
-async def get_cookie(qq, uid, only_private = False, only_match_uid = False):
- if qq not in user_cookies['私人']:
- if only_private:
- return None
- else:
- return await get_public_cookie()
- else:
- valid_cookie = []
- for cookie in user_cookies['私人'][qq]['cookies']:
- if not await check_cookie(cookie['cookie']):
- logger.error(f'--CMgenshin:qq{qq}下的cookie-{cookie["uid"]}已失效--')
- else:
- valid_cookie.append(cookie)
- if cookie['uid'] == uid:
- return cookie['cookie']
- if valid_cookie and only_match_uid:
- return random.choice(valid_cookie)['cookie']
- else:
- if only_private:
- return None
- else:
- return await get_public_cookie()
-# 初始化读取cookie数据
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hoshino/modules/botmanage/ b/hoshino/modules/botmanage/
index c29f603..3238092 100644
--- a/hoshino/modules/botmanage/
+++ b/hoshino/modules/botmanage/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ async def handle_group_invite(session: RequestSession):
async def handle_unknown_group_invite(session):
if session.ctx['user_id'] == session.ctx['self_id']:
- await nonebot.get_bot().send_private_msg(user_id=nonebot.get_bot().config.SUPERUSERS,message=f'群{session.ctx["group_id"]}未经允许拉了派蒙进群')
+ await nonebot.get_bot().send_private_msg(user_id=nonebot.get_bot().config.SUPERUSERS[0],message=f'群{session.ctx["group_id"]}未经允许拉了派蒙进群')
except Exception as e: