from hoshino import logger, Service from aiocqhttp.exceptions import ActionFailed from ..util import get_uid_in_msg from ..get_data import get_abyss_data from .get_img import draw_abyss_card help_msg=''' [sy/深渊查询/深境螺旋查询 (uid) (层数)]查询深渊战绩信息 *绑定私人cookie之后才能查看层数具体阵容哦 ''' sv = Service('派蒙深渊查询', bundle='派蒙', help_=help_msg) @sv.on_prefix(('sy','深渊查询','深境螺旋查询')) async def main(bot,ev): uid, msg, user_id, use_cache = await get_uid_in_msg(ev) if not uid: await bot.send(ev,'请把正确的uid给派蒙哦,例如sy100123456!',at_sender=True) return if not msg: floor = [] else: floor = msg.split(' ') true_floor = [] for f in floor: if f.isdigit() and (9 <= int(f) <=12) and len(true_floor) < 2: true_floor.append(int(f)) true_floor.sort() try: data = await get_abyss_data(user_id, uid, use_cache=use_cache) if isinstance(data, str): await bot.send(ev, data, at_sender=True) else: abyss_card = await draw_abyss_card(data, uid, true_floor) await bot.send(ev, abyss_card, at_sender=True) except ActionFailed: logger.exception('账号可能被风控') await bot.send(ev, '派蒙可能被风控,发不出消息') except TypeError or AttributeError: await bot.send(ev, '派蒙好像没有该UID的绑定信息') except IndexError or KeyError: await bot.send(ev, '派蒙获取信息失败,可能是米游社API有变动,请联系开发者') except JSONDecodeError: await bot.send(ev, '派蒙获取信息失败,重试一下吧') except Exception as e: await bot.send(ev, f'派蒙出现了问题:{e}')