#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import nonebot from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import Adapter as ONEBOT_V11Adapter import matcher_patch # Custom your logger # # from nonebot.log import logger, default_format # logger.add("error.log", # rotation="00:00", # diagnose=False, # level="ERROR", # format=default_format) # You can pass some keyword args config to init function nonebot.init() app = nonebot.get_asgi() driver = nonebot.get_driver() driver.register_adapter(ONEBOT_V11Adapter) # Please DO NOT modify this file unless you know what you are doing! # As an alternative, you should use command `nb` or modify `pyproject.toml` to load plugins nonebot.load_from_toml("pyproject.toml") nonebot.load_plugin("LittlePaimon") # Modify some config / config depends on loaded configs # # config = driver.config # do something... if __name__ == "__main__": nonebot.logger.warning("Always use `nb run` to start the bot instead of manually running!") nonebot.run(app="__mp_main__:app", access_log=False)