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synced 2024-12-16 13:40:53 +08:00
253 lines
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253 lines
9.7 KiB
import numpy,random,datetime
import re, copy ,json
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from ..util import pil2b64
import os
from .gacha_role import init_user_info, user_info, save_user_info
assets_dir = Path(__file__) .parent.parent / 'res' / 'gacha_res'
font_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'res', 'zh-cn.ttf')
countfont = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 35)
timefont = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 20)
with open(assets_dir / 'type.json', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
type_json = json.load(fp)
cache_img = {}
cache_item = {}
def random_int():
return numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=10000, size=None, dtype='l')
# 抽卡概率来自https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv10468091
# 角色抽卡概率
def character_probability(rank, count):
ret = 0
count += 1
if rank == 5 and count <= 73:
ret = 60
elif rank == 5 and count >= 74:
ret = 60 + 600 * (count - 73)
elif rank == 4 and count <= 8:
ret = 510
elif rank == 4 and count >= 9:
ret = 510 + 5100 * (count - 8)
return ret
# 武器抽卡概率
def weapon_probability(rank, count):
ret = 0
count += 1
if rank == 5 and count <= 62:
ret = 70
elif rank == 5 and count <= 73:
ret = 70 + 700 * (count - 62)
elif rank == 5 and count >= 74:
ret = 7770 + 350 * (count - 73)
elif rank == 4 and count <= 7:
ret = 600
elif rank == 4 and count == 8:
ret = 6600
elif rank == 4 and count >= 9:
ret = 6600 + 3000 * (count - 8)
return ret
def get_pool_type(gacha_type):
if gacha_type == 301 or gacha_type == 400:
return 'role'
if gacha_type == 200:
return 'permanent'
return 'weapon'
def get_rank(uid , pool_str):
value = random_int()
if pool_str == 'weapon':
index_5 = weapon_probability(5, user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_5_%s" % pool_str)])
index_4 = weapon_probability(4, user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_4_%s" % pool_str)]) + index_5
index_5 = character_probability(5, user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_5_%s" % pool_str)])
index_4 = character_probability(4, user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_4_%s" % pool_str)]) + index_5
if value <= index_5:
return 5
elif value <= index_4:
return 4
return 3
def is_Up(uid, rank, pool_str):
if pool_str == 'permanent':
return False
elif pool_str == 'weapon':
return random_int() <= 7500 or user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["is_up_%s_weapon" % rank]
return random_int() <= 5000 or user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["is_up_%s_role" % rank]
def once(uid, gacha_data):
role = {}
pool_str = get_pool_type(gacha_data['gacha_type'])
# 判定星级
rank = get_rank(uid, pool_str)
# 是否为up
if rank != 3:
is_up = is_Up(uid, rank, pool_str)
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["wish_total"] += 1
if rank == 3:
role = random.choice(gacha_data['r3_prob_list'])
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_4_%s" % pool_str)] += 1
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_5_%s" % pool_str)] += 1
role['count'] = 1
if rank == 5 and pool_str == 'weapon' and user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_time"] == 2 and "pool_type" not in gacha_data:
role['item_name'] = user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_name"]
role['item_type'] = '武器'
role['rank'] = rank
elif is_up:
role = random.choice(gacha_data['r%s_up_items' % rank])
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["wish_%s_up" % rank] += 1
role['rank'] = rank
role = random.choice(gacha_data['r%s_prob_list' % rank])
while True:
role = random.choice(gacha_data['r%s_prob_list' % rank])
if role['is_up'] == 0:
if rank == 4:
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_5_%s" % pool_str)] += 1
elif rank == 5:
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("gacha_4_%s" % pool_str)] += 1
if pool_str == 'weapon' and "pool_type" not in gacha_data:
if user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_name"] == '':
role['dg_time'] = -1
elif role['item_name'] != user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_name"]:
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_time"] += 1
role['dg_time'] = user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_time"]
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_name"] = ''
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["dg_time"] = 0
role['dg_time'] = 3
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["wish_%s" % rank] += 1
if gacha_data['gacha_type'] != 200:
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"][("is_up_%s_%s"%(rank,pool_str))] = not is_up
if role['item_type'] == '角色':
itemname = 'role'
itemname = 'weapon'
if role['item_name'] not in user_info[uid]["role_list"]:
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']] = {}
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']]['数量'] = 1
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']]['出货'] = []
if rank == 5:
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']]['星级'] = '★★★★★'
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']]['出货'].append((user_info[uid]['gacha_list']['gacha_%s_%s' % (rank,pool_str)] + 1))
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']]['星级'] = '★★★★'
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']]['数量'] += 1
if rank == 5:
user_info[uid]["%s_list" % itemname][role['item_name']]['出货'].append((user_info[uid]['gacha_list']['gacha_%s_%s' % (rank,pool_str)] + 1))
role['count'] = user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["gacha_%s_%s" % (rank,pool_str)] + 1
user_info[uid]["gacha_list"]["gacha_%s_%s" % (rank,pool_str)] = 0
return role
def get_assets(path) -> PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile:
base_path = assets_dir
cache = cache_img.get(path)
if cache:
return copy.deepcopy(cache)
cache_img[path] = Image.open(str(base_path / path))
return get_assets(path)
def item_bg(rank):
return get_assets('%s_background.png' % str(rank)).resize((143, 845))
def rank_icon(rank):
return get_assets('%s_star.png' % str(rank))
async def create_item(rank, item_type, name, element, count, dg_time):
bg = item_bg(rank)
item_img = get_assets(Path(item_type) / (name + '.png'))
rank_img = rank_icon(rank).resize((119, 30))
if item_type == '角色':
item_img = item_img.resize((item_img.size[0] + 12, item_img.size[1] + 45))
item_img.alpha_composite(rank_img, (4, 510))
item_type_icon = get_assets(Path('元素') / (element + '.png')).resize((80, 80))
item_img.alpha_composite(item_type_icon, (25, 420))
bg.alpha_composite(item_img, (3, 125))
bg.alpha_composite(item_img, (3, 240))
bg.alpha_composite(rank_img, (9, 635))
item_type_icon = type_json.get(name)
if item_type_icon:
item_type_icon = get_assets(Path('类型') / (item_type_icon + '.png')).resize((100, 100))
bg.alpha_composite(item_type_icon, (18, 530))
if rank == 5 and count != -1:
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bg)
if len(str(count)) == 2:
draw.text((19,750),('['+str(count)+'抽]'), font=countfont, fill='white')
draw.text((26,750),('['+str(count)+'抽]'), font=countfont, fill='white')
if dg_time != -1:
if dg_time == 3:
draw.text((3,785),('定轨结束'), font=countfont, fill='white')
draw.text((7,785),('定轨'+str(dg_time)+'/2'), font=countfont, fill='white')
return bg
async def ten(uid, gacha_data, sd) -> PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile:
gacha_list = []
for i in range(0,10):
if gacha_data['gacha_type'] == 'all_star':
role = random.choice(gacha_data['list'])
role['count'] = -1
role['rank'] = 5
role = once(uid,gacha_data).copy()
gacha_list.sort(key = lambda x:x["rank"],reverse=True)
img: PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile
img = get_assets('background.png')
i = 0
for wish in gacha_list:
i += 1
rank = wish['rank']
item_type = wish['item_type']
name = wish['item_name']
element = wish.get('item_attr') or type_json[name]
count = wish['count']
dg_time = wish['dg_time']
dg_time = -1
i_img = await create_item(rank, item_type, name, element, count, dg_time)
img.alpha_composite(i_img, (105 + (i_img.size[0] * i), 123))
img.thumbnail((1024, 768))
img2 = Image.new("RGB", img.size, (255, 255, 255))
img2.paste(img, mask=img.split()[3])
return img2
async def more_ten(uid, gacha_data, num, sd):
time_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(),'%m-%d %H:%M')
if num == 1:
img = await ten(uid,gacha_data, sd)
img = Image.new("RGB", (1024, 575 * num), (255, 255, 255))
for i in range(0, num):
item_img = await ten(uid, gacha_data, sd)
img.paste(item_img, (0, 575 * i))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.text((27,575 * num - 30),('@%s %s Created By 惜月の小派蒙' % (str(sd['nickname']),time_str)), font=timefont, fill="#8E8E8E")
return pil2b64(img, 75)