2022-08-17 19:35:34 +08:00

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import time
from nonebot import on_command, on_regex
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import MessageEvent, Message, MessageSegment
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11.helpers import is_cancellation
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11.exception import ActionFailed
from nonebot.params import RegexDict, ArgPlainText
from nonebot.plugin import PluginMetadata
from nonebot.typing import T_State
from ..utils.message_util import MessageBuild
from ..utils.alias_handler import get_match_alias
from .abyss_rate_draw import draw_rate_rank, draw_teams_rate
__paimon_help__ = {
'type': '原神Wiki',
'range': ['private', 'group', 'guild']
__plugin_meta__ = PluginMetadata(
'type': '原神Wiki',
'range': ['private', 'group', 'guild'],
"author": "惜月 <>",
"version": "0.1.3",
daily_material = on_regex(r'(?P<week>今日|今天|现在|明天|明日|后天|后日|周一|周二|周三|周四|周五|周六|周日)(天赋|角色)?材料', priority=12, block=True)
daily_material.__paimon_help__ = {
"usage": '<今日|周x>材料',
"introduce": "查看可刷取的素材表",
"priority": 4
abyss_rate = on_command('syrate', aliases={'深渊登场率', '深境螺旋登场率', '深渊登场率排行', '深渊排行'}, priority=6, block=True)
abyss_rate.__paimon_help__ = {
"usage": '深渊登场率',
"introduce": "查看本期深渊的角色登场率",
"priority": 5
abyss_team = on_regex(r'^(深渊|深境螺旋)(?P<floor>上半|下半)阵容(排行|出场率)?$', priority=5, block=True)
abyss_team.__paimon_help__ = {
'introduce': '查看本期深渊的阵容出场率排行',
'usage': '深渊<上半|下半>阵容排行',
'priority': 6
async def daily_material_handle(event: MessageEvent, find_week: dict = RegexDict()):
if find_week['week'] in ['今日', '今天', '现在']:
week = time.strftime("%w")
elif find_week['week'] in ['明日', '明天']:
week = str(int(time.strftime("%w")) + 1)
elif find_week['week'] in ['后日', '后天']:
week = str(int(time.strftime("%w")) + 2)
elif find_week['week'] in ['周一', '周四']:
week = '1'
elif find_week['week'] in ['周二', '周五']:
week = '2'
elif find_week['week'] in ['周三', '周六']:
week = '3'
week = '0'
if week == "0":
await daily_material.finish('周日所有材料都可以刷哦!', at_sender=True)
elif week in ['1', '4']:
await daily_material.finish(
elif week in ['2', '5']:
await daily_material.finish(
await daily_material.finish(
async def abyss_rate_handler(event: MessageEvent):
abyss_img = await draw_rate_rank()
await abyss_rate.finish(abyss_img)
async def abyss_team_handler(event: MessageEvent, reGroup=RegexDict()):
abyss_img = await draw_teams_rate(reGroup['floor'])
await abyss_team.finish(abyss_img)
def create_wiki_matcher(pattern: str, help_fun: str, help_name: str):
maps = on_regex(pattern, priority=10, block=True)
maps.plugin_name = 'Paimon_Wiki'
maps.__paimon_help__ = {'introduce': f"查看该{help_name}{help_fun}",
'usage': f'<{help_name}名> {help_fun}', 'priority': 3}
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, regex_dict: dict = RegexDict()):
name = regex_dict['name1'] or regex_dict['name2']
state['type'] = regex_dict['type']
if '武器' in state['type']:
state['type'] = '武器'
state['img_url'] = '{}.jpg'
elif '圣遗物' in state['type']:
state['type'] = '圣遗物'
state['img_url'] = '{}.jpg'
elif '怪物' in state['type'] or '原魔' in state['type']:
state['type'] = '原魔'
state['img_url'] = '{}.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '角色攻略':
state['type'] = '角色'
state['img_url'] = '{}.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '角色材料':
state['type'] = '角色'
state['img_url'] = '{}材料.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '收益曲线':
state['type'] = '角色'
state['img_url'] = '{}.jpg'
elif state['type'] == '参考面板':
state['type'] = '角色'
state['img_url'] = '{}.jpg'
if name:
state['name'] = name'name', prompt=Message.template('请提供要查询的{type}'))
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State):
name = state['name']
if isinstance(name, Message):
if is_cancellation(name):
await maps.finish()
name = name.extract_plain_text().strip()
match_alias = get_match_alias(name, state['type'])
true_name = match_alias[0] if (
isinstance(match_alias, list) and len(match_alias) == 1) else match_alias if isinstance(match_alias,
str) else None
if true_name:
await maps.finish(MessageSegment.image(state['img_url'].format(match_alias)))
except ActionFailed:
await maps.finish(f'暂时没有{true_name}的资源哦')
elif match_alias:
if isinstance(match_alias, dict):
match_alias = list(match_alias.keys())
if 'choice' not in state:
msg = f'你要查询的{state["type"]}是:\n'
msg += '\n'.join([f'{int(i) + 1}. {name}' for i, name in enumerate(match_alias)])
await maps.send(msg + '\n回答\"取消\"来取消查询', at_sender=True)
state['match_alias'] = match_alias
await maps.finish(MessageBuild.Text(f'没有找到叫{name}{state["type"]}'))'choice')
async def _(event: MessageEvent, state: T_State, choice: str = ArgPlainText('choice')):
match_alias = state['match_alias']
if is_cancellation(choice):
await maps.finish()
if choice.isdigit() and (1 <= int(choice) <= len(match_alias)):
await maps.finish(MessageSegment.image(state['img_url'].format(match_alias[int(choice) - 1])))
except ActionFailed:
await maps.finish(f'暂时没有{match_alias[int(choice) - 1]}的资源哦')
if choice not in match_alias:
state['times'] = state['times'] + 1 if 'times' in state else 1
if state['times'] == 1:
await maps.reject(f'请旅行者从上面的{state["type"]}中选一个问派蒙\n回答\"q\"可以取消查询', at_sender=True)
elif state['times'] == 2:
await maps.reject(f'别调戏派蒙啦,快选一个吧,不想问了请回答\"q\"', at_sender=True)
elif state['times'] >= 3:
await maps.finish(f'看来旅行者您有点神志不清哦(,下次再问派蒙吧{MessageSegment.face(146)}', at_sender=True)
await maps.finish(MessageSegment.image(state['img_url'].format(choice)))
except ActionFailed:
await maps.finish(f'暂时没有{choice}的资源哦')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w*)(?P<type>(原魔|怪物)(图鉴|攻略))(?P<name2>\w*)', '原魔图鉴', '原魔')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w*)(?P<type>武器(图鉴|攻略))(?P<name2>\w*)', '武器图鉴', '武器')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w*)(?P<type>圣遗物(图鉴|攻略))(?P<name2>\w*)', '圣遗物图鉴', '圣遗物')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w*)(?P<type>角色攻略)(?P<name2>\w*)', '角色攻略', '角色')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w*)(?P<type>角色材料)(?P<name2>\w*)', '角色材料', '角色')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w*)(?P<type>收益曲线)(?P<name2>\w*)', '收益曲线', '角色')
create_wiki_matcher(r'(?P<name1>\w*)(?P<type>参考面板)(?P<name2>\w*)', '参考面板', '角色')