CMHopeSunshine 4bbc07e52f 优化代码
2022-04-04 16:36:23 +08:00

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from hoshino.typing import CQEvent, Message,CQHttpError
import hoshino
from nonebot import scheduler
from hoshino import Service
from hoshino.util import filt_message, PriFreqLimiter
import random, os, json,datetime, re
from os import path
lmt = PriFreqLimiter(30)
res_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'res')
# 不进行复读的关键词
ban_word = ['禁言','ys','ssbq','十连','sy','原神']
# 派蒙聊天关键词的配置,第一个为冷却时间,单位秒,第二个为触发概率
word_config = {
'确实': (60, 0.6),
'坏了': (60, 0.6),
'诶嘿': (180, 0.5),
'进不去': (240, 0.5),
'派蒙是谁': (480, 1),
'大佬': (300, 0.6),
'好色': (300, 0.5),
'无语': (300, 0.6),
'祝福': (480, 1),
'相信': (600, 0.5),
'憨批': (480, 0.5),
'可爱': (480, 0.5),
'绿茶': (600, 1),
'不是吧': (300, 0.5),
'好耶': (180, 0.75),
'好听': (600, 0.4),
'耽误时间': (600, 0.6),
'不可以': (180, 0.6),
'好意思': (300, 0.5),
'不要啊': (180, 0.5),
'羡慕': (180, 0.5),
'过分': (300, 0.5),
'不明白': (300, 0.5),
'哪里不对': (300, 0.5)
PROB_A = 1.6
group_stat = {}
check_rep = {}
async def random_repeater(bot, ev: CQEvent):
if ev.message_type == 'group':
gid = str(ev.group_id)
elif ev.message_type == 'guild':
gid = str(ev.channel_id)
msg = str(ev.message)
if gid not in group_stat:
group_stat[gid] = (msg, False, 0)
if gid not in check_rep:
check_rep[gid] = False
last_msg, is_repeated, p = group_stat[gid]
if last_msg == msg and not any(msg in w for w in ban_word): # 群友正在复读
check_rep[gid] = True
if not is_repeated: # 机器人尚未复读过,开始测试复读
if random.random() < p: # 概率测试通过复读并设flag
group_stat[gid] = (msg, True, 0)
await bot.send(ev, filt_message(ev.message))
except CQHttpError as e:
hoshino.logger.error(f'复读失败: {type(e)}')
else: # 概率测试失败,蓄力
p = 1 - (1 - p) / PROB_A
group_stat[gid] = (msg, False, p)
else: # 不是复读,重置
group_stat[gid] = (msg, False, 0)
check_rep[gid] = False
async def paimonchat(bot, ev:CQEvent):
if ev.message_type == 'group':
gid = str(ev.group_id)
elif ev.message_type == 'guild':
gid = str(ev.user_id)
msg = str(ev.message)
# 如果当前在判断复读,则不触发语音聊天
if gid not in check_rep:
check_rep[gid] = False
if check_rep[gid]:
if re.match(r'.*派蒙.*坏.*',msg):
word = '坏了'
reply = random.choice(['你才坏!','瞎说啥呢?','派蒙怎么可能会坏!']) + '[CQ:face,id=146]'
elif re.match(r'.*(雀食|确实).*',msg):
word = '确实'
reply = '雀食' if '雀食' in msg else '确实'
elif re.match(r'.*(诶嘿|哎嘿|欸嘿).*',msg):
word = '诶嘿'
path = res_dir + random.choice(['/诶嘿.mp3','/诶嘿cn.mp3'])
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*进不?(来|去).*',msg):
word = '进不去'
path = res_dir + '/进不去.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*(派蒙.*是(什么|谁))|((什么|谁)是?.*派蒙).*',msg):
word = '派蒙是谁'
path = res_dir + random.choice(['/嘿嘿你猜.mp3','/中二派蒙.mp3','/伙伴.mp3'])
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*((大|巨)佬)|带带|帮帮|邦邦.*',msg):
word = '大佬'
path = res_dir + '/大佬nb.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*好色|变态(哦|噢)?',msg):
word = '好色'
path = res_dir + random.choice(['/好色哦.mp3','/好变态.mp3'])
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*(\.{3,9})|(\{3,9})|无语|无话可说.*',msg):
word = '无语'
path = res_dir + random.choice(['/无语.mp3','/冷淡反应.mp3'])
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*派蒙.*(祝福|吟唱|施法).*',msg):
word = '祝福'
path = res_dir + '/来个祝福.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*信?不信|信我.*',msg):
word = '相信'
path = res_dir + random.choice(['/我信你个鬼.mp3','/真的假的.mp3'])
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*(憨批|傻(逼|B|b)).*',msg):
word = '憨批'
path = res_dir + '/憨批.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*可爱|卡哇伊',msg):
word = '可爱'
path = res_dir + '/真是个小可爱.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*派蒙.*(giegie|绿茶).*',msg):
word = '绿茶'
path = res_dir + '/绿茶派.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'不(是|会)吧',msg):
word = '不是吧'
path = res_dir + '/不是吧阿sir.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'好耶|太(好|棒)(了|啦)|好(\!|\)',msg):
word = '好耶'
path = res_dir + random.choice(['/好耶.mp3','/太好啦.mp3'])
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'(好|真|非常)?好听(\!|\)?',msg):
word = '好听'
path = res_dir + '/好听.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'{1,4}|gkd|搞?快点|赶紧的?|(.*耽误.*时间.*)',msg):
word = '耽误时间'
path = res_dir + '/耽误时间.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'不(可以|行|能)(吧|的|噢)?',msg):
word = '不可以'
path = res_dir + '/不可以.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'不(好|要)(吧|啊)?',msg):
word = '不要啊'
path = res_dir + '/不要啊.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*好意思.*',msg):
word = '好意思'
path = res_dir + '/好意思.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*羡慕.*',msg):
word = '羡慕'
path = res_dir + '/羡慕.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*过分.*',msg):
word = '过分'
path = res_dir + '/好过分.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'.*明白.*',msg):
word = '不明白'
path = res_dir + '/不明白.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
elif re.match(r'(是|对)(吧|吗)',msg):
word = '哪里不对'
path = res_dir + '/哪里不对.mp3'
reply = f'[CQ:record,file=file:///{path}]'
if not lmt.check(gid,word): # 判断是否在冷却
elif random.random() < word_config[word][1]: # 判断概率是否触发
await bot.send(ev,reply)
lmt.start_cd(gid, word, word_config[word][0]) # 开始冷却