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synced 2024-12-16 13:40:53 +08:00
174 lines
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174 lines
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import json
import urllib
import requests
from asyncio import sleep
import time
import os
import hoshino,os
from hoshino import R,MessageSegment,aiorequests,logger,Service
sv = Service('原神抽卡记录导出')
def checkApi(url) -> bool:
if not url:
return "url为空"
if "getGachaLog" not in url:
return "错误的url,检查是否包含getGachaLog"
r = requests.get(url)
s = r.content.decode("utf-8")
j = json.loads(s)
except Exception as e:
#print("API请求解析出错:" + str(e))
return "API请求解析出错:" + str(e)
if not j["data"]:
if j["message"] == "authkey valid error":
return "authkey错误"
return "数据为空,错误代码:" + j["message"]
return "OK"
def getApi(url: str, gachaType: str, size: str, page: int, end_id="") -> str:
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
querys = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(parsed.query)
param_dict = dict(querys)
param_dict["size"] = size
param_dict["gacha_type"] = gachaType
param_dict["page"] = page
param_dict["lang"] = "zh-cn"
param_dict["end_id"] = end_id
param = urllib.parse.urlencode(param_dict)
path = url.split("?")[0]
api = path + "?" + param
return api
async def getGachaLogs(url: str, gachaTypeId: str, gachaTypeDict: dict) -> list:
size = "20"
# api限制一页最大20
gachaList = []
gachaList_temp = []
end_id = "0"
c = 0
for page in range(1, 9999):
#print(f"正在获取 {gachaTypeDict[gachaTypeId]} 第 {page} 页", flush=True)
api = getApi(url, gachaTypeId, size, page, end_id)
r = requests.get(api)
s = r.content.decode("utf-8")
j = json.loads(s)
gacha = j["data"]["list"]
if not len(gacha):
for i in gacha:
end_id = j["data"]["list"][-1]["id"]
await sleep(0.3)
if gachaList_temp:
for i in gachaList_temp:
c += 1
if i['rank_type'] == "5":
fivechar = {}
fivechar['name'] = i['name']
fivechar['item_type'] = i['item_type']
fivechar['count'] = c
c = 0
return gachaList
# def getGachaTypes(url: str) -> list:
# tmp_url = url.replace("getGachaLog", "getConfigList")
# parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(tmp_url)
# querys = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(parsed.query)
# param_dict = dict(querys)
# param_dict["lang"] = "zh-cn"
# param = urllib.parse.urlencode(param_dict)
# path = tmp_url.split("?")[0]
# tmp_url = path + "?" + param
# r = requests.get(tmp_url)
# s = r.content.decode("utf-8")
# configList = json.loads(s)
# return configList["data"]["gacha_type_list"]
# def mergeDataFunc(localData: dict, gachaData: dict) -> dict:
# gachaTypes = gachaData["gachaType"]
# gachaTypeIds = [banner["key"] for banner in gachaTypes]
# gachaTypeNames = [banner["name"] for banner in gachaTypes]
# gachaTypeDict = dict(zip(gachaTypeIds, gachaTypeNames))
# for banner in gachaTypeDict:
# bannerLocal = localData["gachaLog"][banner]
# bannerGet = gachaData["gachaLog"][banner]
# if bannerGet == bannerLocal:
# pass
# else:
# #print("合并", gachaTypeDict[banner])
# flaglist = [1] * len(bannerGet)
# loc = [[i["time"], i["name"]] for i in bannerLocal]
# for i in range(len(bannerGet)):
# gachaGet = bannerGet[i]
# get = [gachaGet["time"], gachaGet["name"]]
# if get in loc:
# pass
# else:
# flaglist[i] = 0
# print("获取到", len(flaglist), "条记录")
# tempData = []
# for i in range(len(bannerGet)):
# if flaglist[i] == 0:
# gachaGet = bannerGet[i]
# tempData.insert(0, gachaGet)
# print("追加", len(tempData), "条记录")
# for i in tempData:
# localData["gachaLog"][banner].insert(0, i)
# return localData
async def get_gacha_record(bot,ev):
url = ev.message.extract_plain_text().strip()
spliturl = url.split("?")
spliturl[0] = "https://hk4e-api.mihoyo.com/event/gacha_info/api/getGachaLog"
url = "?".join(spliturl)
checkApimsg = checkApi(url)
if checkApimsg == 'OK':
await bot.send(ev,'获取抽卡记录中,请稍候...',at_sender=True)
gachaTypes = {'200': '常驻祈愿', '301': '角色活动祈愿', '302': '武器活动祈愿'}
gachaData = {}
gachaData["gachaLog"] = {}
for gachaType in gachaTypes.items():
gachaLog = await getGachaLogs(url, gachaType[0], gachaTypes)
gachaData["gachaLog"][gachaType[1]] = gachaLog
uid_flag = 1
for gachaType in gachaData["gachaLog"]:
for log in gachaData["gachaLog"][gachaType]:
if uid_flag and log["uid"]:
gachaData["uid"] = log["uid"]
uid_flag = 0
#gen_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
uid = gachaData["uid"]
mergeData = gachaData
msg = f'你的抽卡记录如下\nuid: {uid}\n'
for gachaType in gachaTypes.values():
if gachaType in mergeData['gachaLog']:
msg += gachaType +': '
if len(mergeData['gachaLog'][gachaType]) <= 2:
msg += '没有五星记录'
for role in mergeData['gachaLog'][gachaType]:
if 'name' in role:
msg += f"{role['name']}({role['count']}) "
msg += '\n'
await bot.send(ev,msg,at_sender=True)
await bot.send(ev,checkApimsg,at_sender=True) |