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synced 2024-12-16 13:40:53 +08:00
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175 lines
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import re
import base64
from PIL import Image
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple
from io import BytesIO
from nonebot import get_bot, logger
from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import MessageEvent, Message, MessageSegment
from .db_util import get_last_query, update_last_query
from .file_handler import load_image
from . import aiorequests
class MessageBuild:
def Image(cls,
img: Union[Image.Image, Path, str],
size: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int], float]] = None,
crop: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None,
quality: Optional[int] = 100,
mode: Optional[str] = 'RGB'
) -> MessageSegment:
if isinstance(img, str) or isinstance(img, Path):
img = load_image(path=img, size=size, mode=mode, crop=crop)
bio = BytesIO()
img = img.convert(mode)
img.save(bio, format='JPEG' if mode == 'RGB' else 'PNG', quality=quality)
img_b64 = 'base64://' + base64.b64encode(bio.getvalue()).decode()
return MessageSegment.image(img_b64)
async def StaticImage(cls,
url: str,
size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
crop: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None,
quality: Optional[int] = 100,
mode: Optional[str] = 'RGB'
path = Path() / 'data' / url
if not path.exists():
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
img = await aiorequests.get_img(url='https://static.cherishmoon.fun/' + url, save_path=path)
img = Image.open(path)
if size:
img = img.resize(size)
if crop:
img = img.crop(crop)
bio = BytesIO()
img = img.convert(mode)
img.save(bio, format='JPEG' if mode == 'RGB' else 'PNG', quality=quality)
img_b64 = 'base64://' + base64.b64encode(bio.getvalue()).decode()
return MessageSegment.image(img_b64)
def Text(cls, text: str) -> MessageSegment:
# TODO 过滤负面文本
return MessageSegment.text(text)
def Record(cls, path: str) -> MessageSegment:
# TODO 网络语音
return MessageSegment.record(path)
async def StaticRecord(cls, url: str) -> MessageSegment:
path = Path() / 'data' / url
if not path.exists():
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
resp = await aiorequests.get(url='https://static.cherishmoon.fun/' + url)
content = resp.content
return MessageSegment.record(file=path)
async def get_at_target(msg):
for msg_seg in msg:
if msg_seg.type == "at":
return msg_seg.data['qq']
return None
# message预处理,获取uid、干净的msg、user_id、是否缓存
async def get_uid_in_msg(event: MessageEvent, msg: Message):
msg = str(msg).strip()
if not msg:
uid = await get_last_query(str(event.user_id))
return uid, '', str(event.user_id), True
user_id = await get_at_target(event.message) or str(event.user_id)
msg = re.sub(r'\[CQ.*?\]', '', msg)
use_cache = False if '-r' in msg else True
msg = msg.replace('-r', '').strip()
find_uid = r'(?P<uid>(1|2|5)\d{8})'
for msg_seg in event.message:
if msg_seg.type == 'text':
match = re.search(find_uid, msg_seg.data['text'])
if match:
await update_last_query(user_id, match.group('uid'), 'uid')
return match.group('uid'), msg.replace(match.group('uid'), '').strip(), user_id, use_cache
uid = await get_last_query(user_id)
return uid, msg.strip(), user_id, use_cache
# 向超级用户私聊发送cookie删除信息
async def send_cookie_delete_msg(cookie_info):
msg = ''
if cookie_info['type'] == 'public':
msg = f'公共池的{cookie_info["no"]}号cookie已失效'
elif cookie_info['type'] == 'private':
if cookie_info['uid']:
msg = f'用户{cookie_info["user_id"]}的uid{cookie_info["uid"]}的cookie已失效'
elif cookie_info['mys_id']:
msg = f'用户{cookie_info["user_id"]}的mys_id{cookie_info["mys_id"]}的cookie已失效'
if msg:
for superuser in get_bot().config.superusers:
await get_bot().send_private_msg(user_id=superuser, message=msg + ',派蒙帮你删除啦!')
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'发送cookie删除消息失败: {e}')
def get_message_id(event):
if event.message_type == 'private':
return event.user_id
elif event.message_type == 'group':
return event.group_id
elif event.message_type == 'guild':
return event.channel_id
def uid_userId_to_dict(uid, user_id) -> Tuple[dict, Message]:
total_result = Message()
query_dict = {}
if isinstance(uid, str) and isinstance(user_id, str):
query_dict[uid] = user_id
elif isinstance(uid, list) and isinstance(user_id, str):
for u in uid:
query_dict[u] = user_id
elif isinstance(uid, list) and isinstance(user_id, list):
for u, us in zip(uid, user_id):
if u is not None:
query_dict[u] = us
total_result += MessageSegment.text(f'派蒙没有{us}的{u}信息哦,请把uid给派蒙吧~')
return query_dict, total_result
def replace_all(raw_text: str, text_list: Union[str, list]):
if not text_list:
return raw_text
if isinstance(text_list, str):
text_list = [text_list]
for text in text_list:
raw_text = raw_text.replace(text, '')
return raw_text
def transform_uid(msg):
if isinstance(msg, Message):
msg = msg.extract_plain_text().strip()
check_uid = msg.split(' ')
uid_list = []
for check in check_uid:
uid = re.search(r'(?P<uid>(1|2|5)\d{8})', check)
if uid:
return uid_list if len(uid_list) > 1 else uid_list[0] if uid_list else None