mirror of
synced 2025-01-14 14:43:17 +08:00
Moving extension folder within config folder for docker. #743
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ ENV NODE_ENV=production \
default-Database-dbFolder=/app/data/db \
default-Media-folder=/app/data/images \
default-Media-tempFolder=/app/data/tmp \
default-Extensions-folder=/app/data/config/extensions \
# flagging dockerized environemnt
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ ENV NODE_ENV=production \
default-Database-dbFolder=/app/data/db \
default-Media-folder=/app/data/images \
default-Media-tempFolder=/app/data/tmp \
default-Extensions-folder=/app/data/config/extensions \
# flagging dockerized environemnt
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ ENV NODE_ENV=production \
default-Database-dbFolder=/app/data/db \
default-Media-folder=/app/data/images \
default-Media-tempFolder=/app/data/tmp \
default-Extensions-folder=/app/data/config/extensions \
# flagging dockerized environemnt
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ ENV NODE_ENV=production \
default-Database-dbFolder=/app/data/db \
default-Media-folder=/app/data/images \
default-Media-tempFolder=/app/data/tmp \
default-Extensions-folder=/app/data/config/extensions \
# flagging dockerized environemnt
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class ProjectPathClass {
this.TranscodedFolder = path.join(this.TempFolder, 'tc');
this.FacesFolder = path.join(this.TempFolder, 'f');
this.DBFolder = this.getAbsolutePath(Config.Database.dbFolder);
this.ExtensionFolder = path.join(this.Root, 'extensions');
this.ExtensionFolder = this.getAbsolutePath(Config.Extensions.folder);
// create thumbnail folder if not exist
if (!fs.existsSync(this.TempFolder)) {
@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ export enum FFmpegPresets {
export type videoCodecType = 'libvpx-vp9' | 'libx264' | 'libvpx' | 'libx265';
export type videoResolutionType =
| 240
| 360
| 480
| 720
| 1080
| 1440
| 2160
| 4320;
| 240
| 360
| 480
| 720
| 1080
| 1440
| 2160
| 4320;
export type videoFormatType = 'mp4' | 'webm';
@SubConfigClass({softReadonly: true})
@ -102,51 +102,51 @@ export class MySQLConfig {
envAlias: 'MYSQL_HOST',
name: $localize`Host`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
name: $localize`Host`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
host: string = 'localhost';
envAlias: 'MYSQL_PORT', min: 0, max: 65535,
name: $localize`Port`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
name: $localize`Port`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
port: number = 3306;
name: $localize`Database`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
name: $localize`Database`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
database: string = 'pigallery2';
name: $localize`Username`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
name: $localize`Username`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
username: string = '';
envAlias: 'MYSQL_PASSWORD', type: 'password',
name: $localize`Password`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
name: $localize`Password`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
password: string = '';
@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ export class MySQLConfig {
export class SQLiteConfig {
name: $localize`Sqlite db filename`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Sqlite db filename`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`Sqlite will save the db with this filename.`,
DBFileName: string = 'sqlite.db';
@ -169,51 +169,51 @@ export class SQLiteConfig {
export class UserConfig {
name: $localize`Name`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Name`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: string;
type: UserRoles,
name: $localize`Role`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Role`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
role: UserRoles = UserRoles.User;
@ConfigProperty<string, ServerConfig, TAGS>({
type: 'string',
name: $localize`Password`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
relevant: (c: UserConfig) => !c.encrypted
name: $localize`Password`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
relevant: (c: UserConfig) => !c.encrypted
description: $localize`Unencrypted, temporary password. App will encrypt it and delete this.`
password: string;
name: $localize`Encrypted password`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
secret: true
name: $localize`Encrypted password`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
secret: true
encryptedPassword: string | undefined;
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
relevant: () => false // never render this on UI. Only used to indicate that encryption is done.
} as TAGS,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
relevant: () => false // never render this on UI. Only used to indicate that encryption is done.
} as TAGS,
encrypted: boolean;
@ -235,44 +235,44 @@ export class ServerDataBaseConfig {
@ConfigProperty<DatabaseType, ServerConfig>({
type: DatabaseType,
name: $localize`Type`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiResetNeeded: {db: true},
githubIssue: 573
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Type`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiResetNeeded: {db: true},
githubIssue: 573
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`SQLite is recommended.`
type: DatabaseType = DatabaseType.sqlite;
name: $localize`Database folder`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
name: $localize`Database folder`,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
description: $localize`All file-based data will be stored here (sqlite database, job history data).`,
dbFolder: string = 'db';
name: $localize`SQLite`,
uiResetNeeded: {db: true},
relevant: (c: any) => c.type === DatabaseType.sqlite,
name: $localize`SQLite`,
uiResetNeeded: {db: true},
relevant: (c: any) => c.type === DatabaseType.sqlite,
sqlite?: SQLiteConfig = new SQLiteConfig();
name: $localize`MySQL`,
uiResetNeeded: {db: true},
relevant: (c: any) => c.type === DatabaseType.mysql,
name: $localize`MySQL`,
uiResetNeeded: {db: true},
relevant: (c: any) => c.type === DatabaseType.mysql,
mysql?: MySQLConfig = new MySQLConfig();
@ -285,13 +285,13 @@ export class ServerUserConfig extends ClientUserConfig {
arrayType: UserConfig,
name: $localize`Enforced users`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
uiOptional: true,
githubIssue: 575
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Enforced users`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true},
uiOptional: true,
githubIssue: 575
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`Creates these users in the DB during startup if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it won't be overwritten, even if the role is different.`,
enforcedUsers: UserConfig[] = [];
@ -302,40 +302,40 @@ export class ServerUserConfig extends ClientUserConfig {
export class ServerThumbnailConfig extends ClientThumbnailConfig {
name: $localize`High quality resampling`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`High quality resampling`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`if true, 'lanczos3' will used to scale photos, otherwise faster but lower quality 'nearest'.`
useLanczos3: boolean = true;
max: 100, min: 1, type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Converted photo and thumbnail quality`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Converted photo and thumbnail quality`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`Between 0-100.`
quality = 80;
type: 'boolean',
name: $localize`Use chroma subsampling`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Use chroma subsampling`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`Use high quality chroma subsampling in webp. See: https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/api-output#webp.`
smartSubsample = true;
type: 'float',
name: $localize`Person face margin`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Person face margin`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`This ratio of the face bounding box will be added to the face as a margin. Higher number add more margin.`
personFaceMargin: number = 0.7; // in ratio [0-1]
@ -345,47 +345,47 @@ export class ServerThumbnailConfig extends ClientThumbnailConfig {
export class ServerGPXCompressingConfig extends ClientGPXCompressingConfig {
name: $localize`OnTheFly *.gpx compression`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
name: $localize`OnTheFly *.gpx compression`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
description: $localize`Enables on the fly *.gpx compression.`,
onTheFly: boolean = true;
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Min distance`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'm',
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Min distance`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'm',
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`Filters out entry that are closer than this to each other in meters.`
minDistance: number = 5;
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Max middle point deviance`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'm',
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Max middle point deviance`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'm',
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`Filters out entry that would fall on the line if we would just connect the previous and the next points. This setting sets the sensitivity for that (higher number, more points are filtered).`
maxMiddleDeviance: number = 5;
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Min time delta`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'ms',
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Min time delta`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'ms',
uiDisabled: (sc: ServerGPXCompressingConfig, c: ServerConfig) => !c.Map.enabled || !sc.enabled || !c.MetaFile.gpx
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`Filters out entry that are closer than this in time in milliseconds.`
minTimeDistance: number = 5000;
@ -395,17 +395,17 @@ export class ServerGPXCompressingConfig extends ClientGPXCompressingConfig {
export class ServerMetaFileConfig extends ClientMetaFileConfig {
name: $localize`GPX compression`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiJob: [{
job: DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']],
relevant: (c) => c.MetaFile.GPXCompressing.enabled
}, {
job: DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Delete Compressed GPX']],
relevant: (c) => c.MetaFile.GPXCompressing.enabled
} as TAGS
name: $localize`GPX compression`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiJob: [{
job: DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']],
relevant: (c) => c.MetaFile.GPXCompressing.enabled
}, {
job: DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Delete Compressed GPX']],
relevant: (c) => c.MetaFile.GPXCompressing.enabled
} as TAGS
GPXCompressing: ServerGPXCompressingConfig = new ServerGPXCompressingConfig();
@ -416,11 +416,11 @@ export class ServerSharingConfig extends ClientSharingConfig {
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Update timeout`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'ms'
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Update timeout`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'ms'
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`After creating a sharing link, it can be updated for this long.`
updateTimeout: number = 1000 * 60 * 5;
@ -431,47 +431,47 @@ export class ServerIndexingConfig {
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Index cache timeout`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'ms'
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Index cache timeout`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
unit: 'ms'
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`If there was no indexing in this time, it reindexes. (skipped if indexes are in DB and sensitivity is low).`
cachedFolderTimeout: number = 1000 * 60 * 60; // Do not rescans the folder if seems ok
type: ReIndexingSensitivity,
name: $localize`Folder reindexing sensitivity`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
name: $localize`Folder reindexing sensitivity`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced
description: $localize`Set the reindexing sensitivity. High value check the folders for change more often. Setting to never only indexes if never indexed or explicit running the Indexing Job.`
reIndexingSensitivity: ReIndexingSensitivity = ReIndexingSensitivity.low;
arrayType: 'string',
name: $localize`Exclude Folder List`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true, db: true},
uiOptional: true,
uiAllowSpaces: true
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Exclude Folder List`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true, db: true},
uiOptional: true,
uiAllowSpaces: true
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`Folders to exclude from indexing. If an entry starts with '/' it is treated as an absolute path. If it doesn't start with '/' but contains a '/', the path is relative to the image directory. If it doesn't contain a '/', any folder with this name will be excluded.`,
excludeFolderList: string[] = ['.Trash-1000', '.dtrash', '$RECYCLE.BIN'];
arrayType: 'string',
name: $localize`Exclude File List`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true, db: true},
uiOptional: true,
hint: $localize`.ignore;.pg2ignore`
} as TAGS,
name: $localize`Exclude File List`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiResetNeeded: {server: true, db: true},
uiOptional: true,
hint: $localize`.ignore;.pg2ignore`
} as TAGS,
description: $localize`Files that mark a folder to be excluded from indexing. Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing.`,
excludeFileList: string[] = [];
@ -482,10 +482,10 @@ export class ServerDuplicatesConfig {
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Max duplicates`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Max duplicates`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`Maximum number of duplicates to list.`
listingLimit: number = 1000;
@ -586,21 +586,21 @@ export class JobScheduleConfig implements JobScheduleDTO {
| AfterJobTriggerConfig
| NeverJobTriggerConfig
| PeriodicJobTriggerConfig
| ScheduledJobTriggerConfig;
name: string,
jobName: string,
| AfterJobTriggerConfig
| NeverJobTriggerConfig
| PeriodicJobTriggerConfig
| ScheduledJobTriggerConfig;
name: string,
jobName: string,
| AfterJobTriggerConfig
| NeverJobTriggerConfig
| PeriodicJobTriggerConfig
| ScheduledJobTriggerConfig,
config: any = {},
allowParallelRun: boolean = false
| ScheduledJobTriggerConfig,
config: any = {},
allowParallelRun: boolean = false
) {
this.name = name;
this.jobName = jobName;
@ -615,20 +615,20 @@ export class ServerJobConfig {
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Max saved progress`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Max saved progress`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`Job history size.`
maxSavedProgress: number = 20;
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Processing batch size`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
name: $localize`Processing batch size`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood
description: $localize`Jobs load this many photos or videos form the DB for processing at once.`
mediaProcessingBatchSize: number = 1000;
@ -641,46 +641,46 @@ export class ServerJobConfig {
scheduled: JobScheduleConfig[] = [
new JobScheduleConfig(
new NeverJobTriggerConfig(),
{indexChangesOnly: true} // set config explicitly, so it is not undefined on the UI
new NeverJobTriggerConfig(),
{indexChangesOnly: true} // set config explicitly, so it is not undefined on the UI
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Album Cover Filling']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Album Cover Filling']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Indexing']]),
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Album Cover Filling']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Album Cover Filling']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Indexing']]),
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Album Cover Filling']]),
{sizes: [240], indexedOnly: true}
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Album Cover Filling']]),
{sizes: [240], indexedOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Temp Folder Cleaning']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Temp Folder Cleaning']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Temp Folder Cleaning']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Temp Folder Cleaning']],
new AfterJobTriggerConfig(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['GPX Compression']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
@ -690,73 +690,73 @@ export class VideoTranscodingConfig {
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Bit rate`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
unit: 'bps'
name: $localize`Bit rate`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
unit: 'bps'
description: $localize`Target bit rate of the output video will be scaled down this this. This should be less than the upload rate of your home server.`
bitRate: number = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
type: 'unsignedInt',
name: $localize`Resolution`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiOptions: [720, 1080, 1440, 2160, 4320],
unit: 'px'
name: $localize`Resolution`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiOptions: [720, 1080, 1440, 2160, 4320],
unit: 'px'
description: $localize`The height of the output video will be scaled down to this, while keeping the aspect ratio.`
resolution: videoResolutionType = 720;
type: 'positiveFloat',
name: $localize`FPS`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiOptions: [24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60]
name: $localize`FPS`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiOptions: [24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60]
description: $localize`Target frame per second (fps) of the output video will be scaled down this this.`
fps: number = 25;
name: $localize`Format`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiOptions: ['mp4', 'webm']
name: $localize`Format`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
uiOptions: ['mp4', 'webm']
format: videoFormatType = 'mp4';
name: $localize`MP4 codec`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiOptions: ['libx264', 'libx265'],
relevant: (c: any) => c.format === 'mp4'
name: $localize`MP4 codec`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiOptions: ['libx264', 'libx265'],
relevant: (c: any) => c.format === 'mp4'
mp4Codec: videoCodecType = 'libx264';
name: $localize`Webm Codec`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiOptions: ['libvpx', 'libvpx-vp9'],
relevant: (c: any) => c.format === 'webm'
name: $localize`Webm Codec`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiOptions: ['libvpx', 'libvpx-vp9'],
relevant: (c: any) => c.format === 'webm'
webmCodec: videoCodecType = 'libvpx';
type: 'unsignedInt', max: 51,
name: $localize`CRF`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
name: $localize`CRF`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
description: $localize`The range of the Constant Rate Factor (CRF) scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible.`,
@ -764,10 +764,10 @@ export class VideoTranscodingConfig {
type: FFmpegPresets,
name: $localize`Preset`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
name: $localize`Preset`,
priority: ConfigPriority.advanced,
description: $localize`A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio. A slower preset will provide better compression (compression is quality per filesize).`,
preset: FFmpegPresets = FFmpegPresets.medium;
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ export class PhotoConvertingConfig extends ClientPhotoConvertingConfig {
name: $localize`On the fly converting`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
uiDisabled: (sc: PhotoConvertingConfig) =>
description: $localize`Converts photos on the fly, when they are requested.`,
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ export class PhotoConvertingConfig extends ClientPhotoConvertingConfig {
uiOptions: [720, 1080, 1440, 2160, 4320],
unit: 'px',
uiDisabled: (sc: PhotoConvertingConfig) =>
description: $localize`The shorter edge of the converted photo will be scaled down to this, while keeping the aspect ratio.`,
@ -1016,6 +1016,17 @@ export class ServerServiceConfig extends ClientServiceConfig {
@SubConfigClass<TAGS>({softReadonly: true})
export class ServerExtensionsConfig extends ClientExtensionsConfig {
tags: {
name: $localize`Extension folder`,
priority: ConfigPriority.underTheHood,
dockerSensitive: true
description: $localize`Folder where the app stores the extensions. Extensions live in their sub-folders.`,
folder: string = 'extensions';
@ConfigProperty({volatile: true})
list: string[] = [];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user