import * as gulp from 'gulp'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import {promises as fsp} from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as util from 'util'; import * as zip from 'gulp-zip'; import * as ts from 'gulp-typescript'; import * as xml2js from 'xml2js'; import * as child_process from 'child_process'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore import * as jeditor from 'gulp-json-editor'; import {XLIFF} from 'xlf-google-translate'; import {PrivateConfigClass} from './src/common/config/private/Config'; import {ConfigClassBuilder} from 'typeconfig/src/decorators/builders/ConfigClassBuilder'; const execPr = util.promisify(child_process.exec); const translationFolder = 'translate'; const tsBackendProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json'); declare const process: NodeJS.Process; const getSwitch = (name: string, def: string = null): string => { name = '--' + name; for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length; i++) { if (process.argv[i].startsWith(name + '=')) { return process.argv[i].replace(name + '=', '').trim(); } if (process.argv[i].startsWith(name)) { if (i + 1 < process.argv.length) { return process.argv[i + 1].trim(); } return 'true'; } } return def; }; gulp.task('build-backend', (): any => gulp .src(['src/common/**/*.ts', 'src/backend/**/*.ts', 'benchmark/**/*.ts'], { base: '.', }) .pipe(tsBackendProject()) .js.pipe(gulp.dest('./release')) ); const createDynamicTranslationFile = async ( language: string ): Promise<void> => { // load const folder = './src/frontend/' + translationFolder; const data: string = await fsp.readFile( path.join(folder, `messages.${language}.xlf`), 'utf-8' ); const translationXml: XLIFF.Root = await xml2js.parseStringPromise(data); // clean translations, keep only .ts transaltions const hasTsTranslation = (cg: XLIFF.ContextGroup): boolean => cg.context.findIndex( (c: any): boolean => c.$['context-type'] === 'sourcefile' && c._.endsWith('.ts') ) !== -1; const translations = translationXml.xliff.file[0].body[0]['trans-unit']; const filtered = translations.filter( (tr): boolean => tr['context-group'].findIndex(hasTsTranslation) !== -1 ); filtered.forEach((tr): boolean => delete tr['context-group']); translationXml.xliff.file[0].body[0]['trans-unit'] = filtered; // save const builder = new xml2js.Builder(); const xml = builder.buildObject(translationXml); await fsp.writeFile(path.join(folder, `ts-only-msg.${language}.xlf`), xml); }; const removeDynamicTranslationFile = async ( language: string ): Promise<void> => { const translationFile = path.join( './src/frontend/', translationFolder, `ts-only-msg.${language}.xlf` ); fsp.unlink(translationFile); }; const setDynTransFileAtAppModule = async (language: string): Promise<void> => { const file = './src/frontend/app/app.module.ts'; let data: string = await fsp.readFile(file, 'utf-8'); const from = 'messages.${locale}.xlf'; const to = `ts-only-msg.${language}.xlf`; data = data.replace(from, to); await fsp.writeFile(file, data); }; const resetAppModule = async (language: string): Promise<void> => { const file = './src/frontend/app/app.module.ts'; let data: string = await fsp.readFile(file, 'utf-8'); const from = 'messages.${locale}.xlf'; const to = `ts-only-msg.${language}.xlf`; data = data.replace(to, from); await fsp.writeFile(file, data); }; const createFrontendTask = ( type: string, script: string ): void => { gulp.task(type, async (cb): Promise<void> => { try { const {stdout, stderr} = await execPr(script); console.log(stdout); console.error(stderr); } catch (e) { console.error(e); cb(e); } }); }; const getLanguages = (): any[] | string[] => { if (!fs.existsSync('./src/frontend/' + translationFolder)) { return []; } const dirCont = fs.readdirSync('./src/frontend/' + translationFolder); const files: string[] = dirCont.filter((elm): any => { return elm.match(/.*\.[a-zA-Z]+(-[a-zA-Z]+)?\.(xlf)/gi); }); // get languages to filter let languageFilter: string[] = null; if (getSwitch('languages')) { languageFilter = getSwitch('languages').split(','); } let languages = string): string => { return f.split('.')[1]; }); if (languageFilter !== null) { languages = languages.filter((l): boolean => { return languageFilter.indexOf(l) !== -1; }); } return languages; }; gulp.task( 'build-frontend', ((): any => { const tasks = []; createFrontendTask( 'build-frontend-release default', 'ng build --configuration production --no-progress --output-path=./release/dist' ); tasks.push('build-frontend-release default'); return gulp.series(...tasks); })() ); gulp.task('copy-static', (): any => gulp .src( [ 'src/backend/model/diagnostics/blank.jpg', '', // 'package-lock.json', should not add, it keeps optional packages optional even with --force-opt-packages. 'LICENSE', ], {base: '.'} ) .pipe(gulp.dest('./release')) ); gulp.task('copy-package', (): any => gulp .src(['package.json'], {base: '.'}) .pipe( jeditor( (json: { devDependencies: { [key: string]: string }; scripts: { [key: string]: string }; dependencies: { [key: string]: string }; optionalDependencies: { [key: string]: string }; buildTime: string; buildCommitHash: string; }): { devDependencies: { [p: string]: string }; scripts: { [p: string]: string }; dependencies: { [p: string]: string }; optionalDependencies: { [p: string]: string }; buildTime: string; buildCommitHash: string; } => { delete json.devDependencies; json.scripts = {start: 'node ./src/backend/index.js'}; if (getSwitch('skip-opt-packages')) { const skipPackages = getSwitch('skip-opt-packages') .replace(new RegExp(' ', 'g'), ',') .split(','); for (const pkg of skipPackages) { for (const key of Object.keys(json.optionalDependencies)) { if (key.indexOf(pkg) !== -1) { delete json.optionalDependencies[key]; } } } } if (getSwitch('force-opt-packages')) { for (const key of Object.keys(json.optionalDependencies)) { json.dependencies[key] = json.optionalDependencies[key]; } delete json.optionalDependencies; } json.buildTime = new Date().toISOString(); try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires json.buildCommitHash = require('child_process') .execSync('git rev-parse HEAD') .toString() .trim(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty } catch (e) { } return json; } ) ) .pipe(gulp.dest('./release')) ); gulp.task('zip-release', (): any => gulp .src(['release/**/*'], {base: './release'}) .pipe(zip('')) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')) ); const simpleBuild = (isProd: boolean): any => { const tasks = []; let cmd = 'ng build '; if (isProd) { cmd += ' --configuration production --no-extract-licenses '; } createFrontendTask('build-frontend default', cmd); tasks.push('build-frontend default'); return gulp.series(...tasks); }; gulp.task('extract-locale', async (cb): Promise<any> => { console.log('creating source translation file: locale.source.xlf'); try { { const {stdout, stderr} = await execPr( 'ng extract-i18n --out-file=locale.source.xlf --format=xlf', {maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024} ); console.log(stdout); console.error(stderr); } cb(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return cb(e); } }); const translate = async ( list: any[], cb: (err?: any) => void ): Promise<void> => { try { const localsStr = '"[\\"' + list.join('\\",\\"') + '\\"]"'; const {stdout, stderr} = await execPr( 'xlf-google-translate ' + '--source-lang="en" ' + '--source-file="./locale.source.xlf" ' + '--destination-filename="messages" ' + '--destination-folder="./src/frontend/"' + translationFolder + ' --destination-languages=' + localsStr ); console.log(stdout); console.error(stderr); cb(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return cb(e); } }; const merge = async (list: any[], cb: (err?: any) => void): Promise<void> => { try { const localsStr = '"[\\"' + list.join('\\",\\"') + '\\"]"'; const command = 'xlf-google-translate ' + '--method="extend-only" ' + '--source-lang="en" ' + '--source-file="./locale.source.xlf" ' + '--destination-filename="messages" ' + '--destination-folder="./src/frontend/' + translationFolder + '" ' + '--destination-languages=' + localsStr; console.log(command); const {stdout, stderr} = await execPr(command); console.log(stdout); console.error(stderr); cb(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return cb(e); } }; gulp.task('update-translation-only', (cb): void => { translate(getLanguages(), cb).catch(console.error); }); gulp.task('merge-translation-only', (cb): void => { merge(getLanguages(), cb).catch(console.error); }); gulp.task( 'update-translation', gulp.series('extract-locale', 'update-translation-only') ); gulp.task( 'merge-new-translation', gulp.series('extract-locale', 'merge-translation-only') ); gulp.task('add-translation-only', (cb): any => { const languages = getLanguages(); let lng = null; for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length - 1; i++) { if (process.argv[i] === 'add-translation') { lng = process.argv[i + 1].replace('--', ''); } } if (lng == null) { console.error( 'Error: set language with \'--\' e.g: npm run add-translation -- --en' ); return cb(); } if (languages.indexOf(lng) !== -1) { console.error( 'Error: language already exists, can\'t add. These language(s) already exist(s): ' + languages ); return cb(); } translate([lng], cb); }); gulp.task('generate-man', async (cb): Promise<void> => { const defCFG = ConfigClassBuilder.attachInterface(new PrivateConfigClass()); defCFG.Server.sessionSecret = []; let txt = '# Pigallery 2 man page\n'; txt += 'pigallery2 uses [typeconfig]( for configuration\n\n'; txt += '`npm start -- --help` prints the following:\n\n'; txt += '```\n' + ConfigClassBuilder.attachPrivateInterface(defCFG).__printMan() + '```'; txt += '\n\n ### `config.json` sample:\n'; txt += '```json\n' + JSON.stringify(defCFG, null, 4) + '```'; await fsp.writeFile('', txt); cb(); }); // this is a workaround for bundle hash is not considering localization // so all the js files would have the same name and caching would not be possible to use // prefixing main.js with localization to force reload // see: gulp.task('localize-bundles', async (cb): Promise<void> => { const bundlesToUpdate = ['main']; const foldersToCheck = ['./dist', './release/dist']; for (let f = 0; f < foldersToCheck.length; ++f) { const folder = foldersToCheck[f]; if (!fs.existsSync(folder)) { continue; } const builds = fs.readdirSync(folder); for (let i = 0; i < builds.length; ++i) { const dir = path.join(folder, builds[i]); const indexhtmlPath = path.join(dir, 'index.html'); let indexhtml = fs.readFileSync(indexhtmlPath, 'utf8'); for (let j = 0; j < bundlesToUpdate.length; ++j) { const rgx = new RegExp('<script src="' + bundlesToUpdate[j], 'g'); indexhtml = indexhtml.replace(rgx, '<script src="' + builds[i] + '.' + bundlesToUpdate[j]); fs.readdirSync(folder); const fileToRename = fs.readdirSync(dir) .find(fl => fl.startsWith(bundlesToUpdate[j]) && fl.endsWith('js')); if (!fileToRename) { continue; } fs.renameSync(path.join(dir, fileToRename), path.join(dir, builds[i] + '.' + fileToRename)); } fs.writeFileSync(indexhtmlPath, indexhtml, 'utf8'); } } cb(); }); gulp.task( 'add-translation', gulp.series('extract-locale', 'add-translation-only') ); gulp.task('build-dev', simpleBuild(false)); gulp.task('build-prod', gulp.series(simpleBuild(true), 'localize-bundles')); gulp.task( 'create-release', gulp.series( 'build-frontend', 'localize-bundles', 'build-backend', 'copy-static', 'copy-package', 'zip-release' ) );