import {DirectoryDTO} from './DirectoryDTO'; import {Utils} from '../Utils'; export enum UserRoles { LimitedGuest = 1, Guest = 2, User = 3, Admin = 4, Developer = 5 } export interface UserDTO { id: number; name: string; password: string; role: UserRoles; csrfToken?: string; usedSharingKey?: string; permissions: string[]; // user can only see these permissions. if ends with *, its recursive } export const UserDTOUtils = { isDirectoryPathAvailable: (path: string, permissions: string[]): boolean => { if (permissions == null) { return true; } permissions = => Utils.canonizePath(p)); path = Utils.canonizePath(path); if (permissions.length === 0 || permissions[0] === '/*') { return true; } for (let permission of permissions) { if (permission === '/*') { return true; } if (permission[permission.length - 1] === '*') { permission = permission.slice(0, -1); if (path.startsWith(permission) && (!path[permission.length] || path[permission.length] === '/')) { return true; } } else if (path === permission) { return true; } else if (path === '.' && permission === '/') { return true; } } return false; }, isDirectoryAvailable: (directory: DirectoryDTO, permissions: string[]): boolean => { return UserDTOUtils.isDirectoryPathAvailable( Utils.concatUrls(directory.path,, permissions); } };