# PiGallery2 Docker Contribution guide (draft) Remember to update all the Dockerfiles. ## Linting To quality check your dockerfile changes you can use hadolint: 1. Start the docker daemon if it's not already started: `sudo dockerd` 2. Change dir to the docker folder. 3. Run hadolint on the alpine dockerfile: `docker run --rm -i -v ./.config/hadolint.yml:/.config/hadolint.yaml hadolint/hadolint < ./alpine/Dockerfile.build` 4. Run hadolint on the debian-bookworm dockerfile: `docker run --rm -i -v ./.config/hadolint.yml:/.config/hadolint.yaml hadolint/hadolint < ./debian-bookworm/Dockerfile.build` 5. Run hadolint on the debian-bullseye dockerfile: `docker run --rm -i -v ./.config/hadolint.yml:/.config/hadolint.yaml hadolint/hadolint < ./debian-bullseye/Dockerfile.build` 6. Run hadolint on the debian-buster dockerfile: `docker run --rm -i -v ./.config/hadolint.yml:/.config/hadolint.yaml hadolint/hadolint < ./debian-buster/Dockerfile.build` 7. Run hadolint on the debian-buster selfcontained dockerfile: `docker run --rm -i -v ./.config/hadolint.yml:/.config/hadolint.yaml hadolint/hadolint < ./debian-buster/selfcontained/Dockerfile` 8. Fix errors and warnings or add them to ignore list of the [hadolint configuration file](./.config/hadolint.yml) if there is a good reason for that. Read more [here](https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint). ### Building the docker image locally TBD