import {RenderingMWs} from '../middlewares/RenderingMWs'; import {ErrorCodes, ErrorDTO} from '../../common/entities/Error'; import {Logger} from '../Logger'; import {Express, Request, Response} from 'express'; export class ErrorRouter { public static route(app: Express) { this.addApiErrorHandler(app); this.addGenericHandler(app); } private static addApiErrorHandler(app: Express) { app.use('/api/*', RenderingMWs.renderError ); } private static addGenericHandler(app: Express) { app.use((err: any, req: Request, res: Response, next: Function) => { if ( === 'UnauthorizedError') { // jwt authentication error res.status(401); return next(new ErrorDTO(ErrorCodes.NOT_AUTHENTICATED, 'Invalid token')); } if ( === 'ForbiddenError' && err.code === 'EBADCSRFTOKEN') { // jwt authentication error res.status(401); return next(new ErrorDTO(ErrorCodes.NOT_AUTHENTICATED, 'Invalid CSRF token', err, req)); } console.log(err); // Flush out the stack to the console Logger.error('Unexpected error:'); console.error(err); return next(new ErrorDTO(ErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR, 'Unknown server side error', err, req)); }, RenderingMWs.renderError ); } }