Host src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 100 src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 973 Host Port src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 110 src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 961 Puerto Database src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 120 src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1029 Base de datos Username src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 130 src/frontend/app/ui/login/login.component.html 25,26 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 62,63 Nombre de usuario Password src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 140 src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 186 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 76 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 88,89 src/frontend/app/ui/login/login.component.html 36,37 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 64,65 src/frontend/app/ui/sharelogin/share-login.component.html 25,26 Contraseña Sqlite db filename src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 153 Sqlite db filename Sqlite will save the db with this filename. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 157 Sqlite will save the db with this filename. Name src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 167 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 371 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 91 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 16,17 Nombre Role src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 177 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 17,18 Rol Unencrypted, temporary password. App will encrypt it and delete this. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 190 Unencrypted, temporary password. App will encrypt it and delete this. Encrypted password src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 196 Encrypted password Type src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 231 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 363 Tipo SQLite is recommended. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 236 SQLite is recommended. Database folder src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 243 Carpeta de la base de datos All file-based data will be stored here (sqlite database, job history data). src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 247 All file-based data will be stored here (sqlite database, job history data). SQLite src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 254 SQLite MySQL src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 264 MySQL Enforced users src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 281 src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 298 Enforced users Creates these users in the DB during startup if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it won't be overwritten, even if the role is different. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 287 Creates these users in the DB during startup if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it won't be overwritten, even if the role is different. if true, 'lanczos3' will used to scale photos, otherwise faster but lower quality 'nearest'. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 301 if true, 'lanczos3' will used to scale photos, otherwise faster but lower quality 'nearest'. Converted photo and thumbnail quality src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 308 Converted photo and thumbnail quality Between 0-100. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 311 Between 0-100. Person face margin src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 318 Person face margin Person face size ratio on the face thumbnail. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 321 Person face size ratio on the face thumbnail. OnTheFly *.gpx compression src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 331 OnTheFly *.gpx compression Enables on the fly *.gpx compression. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 335 Enables on the fly *.gpx compression. Min distance src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 342 Min distance Filters out entry that are closer than this in meters. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 347 Filters out entry that are closer than this in meters. Min time delta src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 354 Min time delta Filters out entry that are closer than this in time in milliseconds. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 359 Filters out entry that are closer than this in time in milliseconds. GPX compression src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 369 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 670 src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 51 GPX compression Update timeout src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 387 Update timeout After creating a sharing link, it can be updated for this long. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 391 After creating a sharing link, it can be updated for this long. Index cache timeout src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 402 Index cache timeout If there was no indexing in this time, it reindexes. (skipped if indexes are in DB and sensitivity is low). src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 406 If there was no indexing in this time, it reindexes. (skipped if indexes are in DB and sensitivity is low). Folder reindexing sensitivity src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 413 Sensibilidad de reindexación de carpetas Set the reindexing sensitivity. High value check the folders for change more often. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 416 Establece la sensibilidad de reindexación. Un valor alto comprueba los cambios en las carpetas con más frecuencia. Exclude Folder List src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 423 Lista de carpetas excluidas Folders to exclude from indexing. If an entry starts with '/' it is treated as an absolute path. If it doesn't start with '/' but contains a '/', the path is relative to the image directory. If it doesn't contain a '/', any folder with this name will be excluded. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 429 Folders to exclude from indexing. If an entry starts with '/' it is treated as an absolute path. If it doesn't start with '/' but contains a '/', the path is relative to the image directory. If it doesn't contain a '/', any folder with this name will be excluded. Exclude File List src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 436 Lista de archivos para excluir .ignore;.pg2ignore src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 440 .ignore;.pg2ignore Files that mark a folder to be excluded from indexing. Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 442 Files that mark a folder to be excluded from indexing. Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing. Threading src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 452 src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 984 Ejecución en paralelo Runs directory scanning and thumbnail generation in a different thread. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 456 Runs directory scanning and thumbnail generation in a different thread. Thumbnail threads src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 462 Hilos para las miniaturas Number of threads that are used to generate thumbnails. If 0, number of 'CPU cores -1' threads will be used. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 466 Number of threads that are used to generate thumbnails. If 0, number of 'CPU cores -1' threads will be used. Max duplicates src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 477 Max duplicates Maximum number of duplicates to list. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 480 Maximum number of duplicates to list. Level src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 490 Level Logging level. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 493 Logging level. Sql Level src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 499 Sql Level Logging level for SQL queries. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 502 Logging level for SQL queries. Server timing src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 507 Server timing If enabled, the app ads "Server-Timing" http header to the response. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 510 If enabled, the app ads "Server-Timing" http header to the response. Max saved progress src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 610 Max saved progress Job history size. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 613 Job history size. Processing batch size src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 620 Processing batch size Jobs load this many photos or videos form the DB for processing at once. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 623 Jobs load this many photos or videos form the DB for processing at once. Scheduled jobs src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 629 Scheduled jobs Bit rate src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 685 Tasa de bits Target bit rate of the output video will be scaled down this this. This should be less than the upload rate of your home server. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 689 La tasa de bits del video de salida se reducirá a esta. Dicha tasa debería ser menor que la tasa de subida del servidor. Resolution src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 696 src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 808 Resolución The height of the output video will be scaled down to this, while keeping the aspect ratio. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 701 La altura del video de salida se escalará a esta (manteniendo la relación de aspecto). FPS src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 708 FPS Target frame per second (fps) of the output video will be scaled down this this. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 712 Los fotogramas por segundo (fps) del video de salida se reducirán a estos. Format src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 718 Formato MP4 codec src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 727 MP4 codec Webm Codec src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 737 Webm Codec CRF src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 748 CRF The range of the Constant Rate Factor (CRF) scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 751 El rango de la escala del Factor de Frecuencia Constante (CRF) va desde 0 hasta 51, donde 0 es sin pérdidas, 23 es el valor predeterminado y 51 es la peor calidad posible. Preset src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 759 Preconfiguración A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio. A slower preset will provide better compression (compression is quality per filesize). src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 762 Un ajuste preconfigurado es una colección de opciones que proporcionarán una cierta velocidad de codificación a una relación de compresión. Un ajuste preconfigurado más lento proporcionará una mejor compresión (la compresión es la calidad por el tamaño del fichero). Custom Options src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 769 Opciones personalizadas It will be sent to ffmpeg as it is, as custom options. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 774 It will be sent to ffmpeg as it is, as custom options. Video transcoding src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 783 Video transcoding To ensure smooth video playback, video transcoding is recommended to a lower bit rate than the server's upload rate. The transcoded videos will be save to the thumbnail folder. You can trigger the transcoding manually, but you can also create an automatic encoding job in advanced settings mode. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 787 To ensure smooth video playback, video transcoding is recommended to a lower bit rate than the server's upload rate. The transcoded videos will be save to the thumbnail folder. You can trigger the transcoding manually, but you can also create an automatic encoding job in advanced settings mode. On the fly converting src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 796 Conversión sobre la marcha Converts photos on the fly, when they are requested. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 802 Convierte las fotos en el momento en que han sido solicitadas. The shorter edge of the converted photo will be scaled down to this, while keeping the aspect ratio. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 815 El lado más corto de la foto convertida se reducirá a esta resolución (manteniendo la relación de aspecto). Photo resizing src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 824 Photo resizing Preview Filter query src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 836 Preview Filter query Filters the sub-folders with this search query. If filter results no photo, the app will search again without the filter. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 841 Filters the sub-folders with this search query. If filter results no photo, the app will search again without the filter. Preview Sorting src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 850 Preview Sorting If multiple preview is available sorts them by these methods and selects the first one. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 854 If multiple preview is available sorts them by these methods and selects the first one. Images folder src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 866 Carpeta de las imágenes Images are loaded from this folder (read permission required) src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 871 La imágenes se cargan desde esta carpeta (se requieren permisos de lectura) Temp folder src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 877 Carpeta temporal Thumbnails, converted photos, videos will be stored here (write permission required) src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 882 Miniaturas, fotos convertidas, videos serán almacenados aquí (se requieren permisos de escritura) Metadata read buffer src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 889 Metadata read buffer Only this many bites will be loaded when scanning photo/video for metadata. Increase this number if your photos shows up as square. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 895 Only this many bites will be loaded when scanning photo/video for metadata. Increase this number if your photos shows up as square. Video src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 901 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 641 Vídeo Video support uses ffmpeg. ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries need to be available in the PATH or the @ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg and @ffprobe-installer/ffprobe optional node packages need to be installed. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 910 Video support uses ffmpeg. ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries need to be available in the PATH or the @ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg and @ffprobe-installer/ffprobe optional node packages need to be installed. Photo src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 915 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 648 Foto Thumbnail src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 928 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 634 Miniatura Session Timeout src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 951 Session Timeout Users kept logged in for this long time. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 955 Users kept logged in for this long time. Port number. Port 80 is usually what you need. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 966 Número de puerto. Normalmente, el puerto 80 es el que necesitas. Server will accept connections from this IPv6 or IPv4 address. src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 978 El servidor aceptará conexiones desde esta dirección IPv6 o IPv4. Logs src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 992 Registros Server src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1021 Server Users src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1037 Users Indexing src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1045 src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 33 Indexación If you add a new folder to your gallery, the site indexes it automatically. If you would like to trigger indexing manually, click index button. (Note: search only works among the indexed directories.) src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1050 If you add a new folder to your gallery, the site indexes it automatically. If you would like to trigger indexing manually, click index button. (Note: search only works among the indexed directories.) Media src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1061 Media Meta file src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1069 Archivo Meta Preview src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1077 Preview Sharing src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1092 Sharing Duplicates src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1100 src/frontend/app/ui/frame/frame.component.html 75 Duplicates Jobs src/common/config/private/PrivateConfig.ts 1108 Trabajos Enable Autocomplete src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 61 Enable Autocomplete Show hints while typing search query. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 64 Muestre sugerencias mientras escribe la consulta de búsqueda. Max items per category src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 71 Max items per category Maximum number autocomplete items shown per category. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 74 Maximum number autocomplete items shown per category. Maximum items src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 81 Maximum items Maximum number autocomplete items shown at once. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 84 Maximum number autocomplete items shown at once. Cache timeout src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 91 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 115 Cache timeout Autocomplete cache timeout. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 95 Autocomplete cache timeout. Enable src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 105 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 174 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 186 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 208 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 247 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 539 src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 576 Enable Enables searching. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 108 Enables searching. Search cache timeout. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 119 Search cache timeout. Autocomplete src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 125 Autocompletar Maximum media result src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 134 Maximum media result Maximum number of photos and videos that are listed in one search result. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 137 Maximum number of photos and videos that are listed in one search result. Maximum directory result src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 143 Maximum directory result Maximum number of directories that are listed in one search result. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 146 Maximum number of directories that are listed in one search result. List directories src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 152 List directories Search returns also with directories, not just media. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 155 Search returns also with directories, not just media. List metafiles src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 161 List metafiles Search also returns with metafiles from directories that contain a media file of the matched search result. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 164 Search also returns with metafiles from directories that contain a media file of the matched search result. Enables sharing. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 189 Enables sharing. Password protected src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 195 Protegido por contraseña Enables password protected sharing links. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 198 Habilita enlaces de uso compartido protegidos por contraseña. Enables random link generation. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 211 Enables random link generation. Name of a map layer. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 223 Name of a map layer. Url of a map layer. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 232 Url of a map layer. Image Markers src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 253 Image Markers Map will use thumbnail images as markers instead of the default pin. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 256 El mapa utilizará imágenes en miniatura como marcadores en lugar del pin predeterminado. Map Provider src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 262 Map Provider Mapbox access token src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 270 Token de acceso de Mapbox MapBox needs an access token to work, create one at src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 274 MapBox needs an access token to work, create one at The map module will use these urls to fetch the map tiles. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 279 The map module will use these urls to fetch the map tiles. Custom Layers src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 282 Custom Layers Max Preview Markers src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 292 Max Preview Markers Maximum number of markers to be shown on the map preview on the gallery page. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 295 Maximum number of markers to be shown on the map preview on the gallery page. Map Icon size src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 305 Map Icon size Icon size (used on maps). src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 309 Tamaño del icono (usado en mapas). Person thumbnail size src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 314 Person thumbnail size Person (face) thumbnail size. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 318 Person (face) thumbnail size. Thumbnail sizes src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 323 Tamaños de las miniaturas Size of the thumbnails. The best matching size will be generated. More sizes give better quality, but use more storage and CPU to render. If size is 240, that shorter side of the thumbnail will have 160 pixels. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 326 Size of the thumbnails. The best matching size will be generated. More sizes give better quality, but use more storage and CPU to render. If size is 240, that shorter side of the thumbnail will have 160 pixels. SearchQuery src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 379 SearchQuery Url src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 389 src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 47 Url Show item count src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 411 Mostrar el número de elementos Shows the number photos and videos on the navigation bar. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 414 Shows the number photos and videos on the navigation bar. Links src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 420 Links Visible links in the top menu. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 425 Visible links in the top menu. Cache src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 438 Caché Caches directory contents and search results for better performance. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 441 Almacena el contenido de los directorios y los resultados de las búsquedas para un rendimiento mejor. Scroll based thumbnail generation src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 446 Generación de miniaturas basada en el desplazamiento Those thumbnails get higher priority that are visible on the screen. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 449 Estas miniaturas tienen una mayor prioridad al ser visibles en la pantalla. Default sorting src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 455 Default sorting Default sorting method for photo and video in a directory results. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 458 Default sorting method for photo and video in a directory results. Default search sorting src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 464 Default search sorting Default sorting method for photo and video in a search results. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 467 Default sorting method for photo and video in a search results. Sort directories by date src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 473 Sort directories by date If enabled, directories will be sorted by date, like photos, otherwise by name. Directory date is the last modification time of that directory not the creation date of the oldest photo. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 476 If enabled, directories will be sorted by date, like photos, otherwise by name. Directory date is the last modification time of that directory not the creation date of the oldest photo. On scroll thumbnail prioritising src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 482 On scroll thumbnail prioritising Those thumbnails will be rendered first that are in view. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 485 Those thumbnails will be rendered first that are in view. Navigation bar src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 490 Navigation bar Caption first naming src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 497 Usar metadatos en el nombre Show the caption (IPTC 120) tags from the EXIF data instead of the filenames. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 500 Muestras las etiquetas de texto de los datos EXIF (IPTC 120) en lugar del nombre de los ficheros. Download Zip src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 505 Download Zip Enable download zip of a directory contents Directory flattening. (Does not work for searches.) src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 510 Enable download zip of a directory contents Directory flattening. (Does not work for searches.) Directory flattening src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 515 Directory flattening Adds a button to flattens the file structure, by listing the content of all subdirectories. (Won't work if the gallery has multiple folders with the same path.) src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 520 Adds a button to flattens the file structure, by listing the content of all subdirectories. (Won't work if the gallery has multiple folders with the same path.) Default slideshow speed src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 525 Default slideshow speed Default time interval for displaying a photo in the slide show. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 530 Default time interval for displaying a photo in the slide show. Supported formats with transcoding src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 548 Supported formats with transcoding Video formats that are supported after transcoding (with the build-in ffmpeg support). src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 553 Video formats that are supported after transcoding (with the build-in ffmpeg support). Supported formats without transcoding src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 561 Supported formats without transcoding Video formats that are supported also without transcoding. Browser supported formats: src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 566 Video formats that are supported also without transcoding. Browser supported formats: Enable photo converting. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 578 Enable photo converting. Load full resolution image on zoom. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 584 Load full resolution image on zoom. Enables loading the full resolution image on zoom in the ligthbox (preview). src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 589 Enables loading the full resolution image on zoom in the ligthbox (preview). Photo converting src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 598 src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 41 Photo converting Supported photo formats src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 607 Supported photo formats Photo formats that are supported. Browser needs to support these formats natively. Also sharp (libvips) package should be able to convert these formats. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 611 Photo formats that are supported. Browser needs to support these formats natively. Also sharp (libvips) package should be able to convert these formats. Enable GPX compressing src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 620 Enable GPX compressing Enables lossy (based on delta time and distance. Too frequent points are removed) GPX compression. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 625 Enables lossy (based on delta time and distance. Too frequent points are removed) GPX compression. *.gpx files src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 659 *.gpx files Reads *.gpx files and renders them on the map. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 664 Reads *.gpx files and renders them on the map. Markdown files src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 679 Markdown files Reads *.md files in a directory and shows the next to the map. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 683 Reads *.md files in a directory and shows the next to the map. *.pg2conf files src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 689 *.pg2conf files Reads *.pg2conf files (You can use it for custom sorting and saved search (albums)). src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 693 Reads *.pg2conf files (You can use it for custom sorting and saved search (albums)). Supported formats src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 699 Supported formats The app will read and process these files. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 703 The app will read and process these files. Enabled src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 712 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 66 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/template.component.html 14 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 133 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 167 Habilitar Override keywords src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 720 Sobreescribir las palabras clave If a photo has the same face (person) name and keyword, the app removes the duplicate, keeping the face only. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 724 Si una imagen tiene la misma cara (persona), nombre y palabras clave, la aplicación elimina los duplicados manteniendo la cara únicamente. Face starring right src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 729 Permiso para destacar cara Required minimum right to star (favourite) a face. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 732 Mínimo permiso requerido para destacar (poner como favorita) una cara. Face listing right src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 737 Face listing right Required minimum right to show the faces tab. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 740 Required minimum right to show the faces tab. Page title src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 750 Título de la página If you access the page form local network its good to know the public url for creating sharing link. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 756 If you access the page form local network its good to know the public url for creating sharing link. Page public url src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 758 URL pública If you access the gallery under a sub url (like:, set it here. If it is not working you might miss the '/' from the beginning of the url. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 766 Si se accede a la galería desde una subdirección (like:, establecela aquí. Si no funciona, se puede omitir el '/' del inicio de la URL. Url Base src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 768 URL Base Api path src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 780 Api path Injects the content of this between the <head></head> HTML tags of the app. (You can use it add analytics or custom code to the app). src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 791 Injects the content of this between the <head></head> HTML tags of the app. (You can use it add analytics or custom code to the app). Custom HTML Head src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 793 Custom HTML Head Password protection src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 814 Protección con contraseña Enables user management with login to password protect the gallery. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 816 Enables user management with login to password protect the gallery. Default user right src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 822 Default user right Default user right when password protection is disabled. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 827 Default user right when password protection is disabled. Gallery src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 844 src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 49 src/frontend/app/ui/frame/frame.component.html 26 Galería Album src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 858 Album Search src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 870 src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 48 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/ 26,27 Buscar Map src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 881 Mapa Faces src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 889 src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 51 src/frontend/app/ui/frame/frame.component.html 21 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 40 Caras Random photo src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 897 Random photo This feature enables you to generate 'random photo' urls. That URL returns a photo random selected from your gallery. You can use the url with 3rd party application like random changing desktop background. Note: With the current implementation, random link also requires login. src/common/config/public/ClientConfig.ts 901 This feature enables you to generate 'random photo' urls. That URL returns a photo random selected from your gallery. You can use the url with 3rd party application like random changing desktop background. Note: With the current implementation, random link also requires login. Size to generate src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 11 Tamaño a generar These thumbnails will be generated. The list should be a subset of the enabled thumbnail sizes src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 13 Estas miniaturas serán generadas. La lista debe ser un subconjunto de los tamaños de miniaturas habilitados Indexed only src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 15 Sólo indexados Only checks indexed files. src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 17 Sólo comprueba los archivos indexados. Index changes only src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 19 Index changes only Only indexes a folder if it got changed. src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 21 Only indexes a folder if it got changed. Gallery reset src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 35 Gallery reset Album reset src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 37 Album reset Thumbnail generation src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 39 Thumbnail generation Video converting src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 43 Video converting Temp folder cleaning src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 45 Temp folder cleaning Preview filling src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 47 Preview filling Preview reset src/frontend/app/model/backendtext.service.ts 49 Preview reset Server error src/frontend/app/model/notification.service.ts 84 src/frontend/app/model/notification.service.ts 87 Error del servidor Server info src/frontend/app/model/notification.service.ts 90 Información del servidor h src/frontend/app/pipes/DurationPipe.ts 20 hour h m src/frontend/app/pipes/DurationPipe.ts 23 minute m s src/frontend/app/pipes/DurationPipe.ts 26 second s Developer src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 17 Developer Admin src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 18 Admin User src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 19 User Guest src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 20 Guest LimitedGuest src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 21 LimitedGuest Basic src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 24 Básico Advanced src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 25 Avanzado Under the hood src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 26 Under the hood Custom src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 28 Custom OpenStreetMap src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 29 OpenStreetMap Mapbox src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 30 Mapbox low src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 33 bajo high src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 34 alto medium src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 35 medio descending date src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 38 fecha descendente ascending date src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 39 fecha ascendente descending name src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 40 nombre descendente ascending name src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 41 nombre ascendente descending rating src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 42 descending rating ascending rating src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 43 ascending rating random src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 44 aleatorio Albums src/frontend/app/ui/EnumTranslations.ts 50 src/frontend/app/ui/frame/frame.component.html 18 Albums Application version src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 2 Versión de la aplicación Built at src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 5 Construido el Git commit src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 9 Git commit Server notifications src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 16,17 Notificaciones del servidor To dismiss these notifications, restart the server. src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 34,35 Para descartar estas notificaciones, reinicie el servidor. App version: src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 46 Versión de aplicación: Mode src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 50,51 Modo Menu src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 73,75 title of left card in settings page that contains settings contents Menu Up time src/frontend/app/ui/admin/admin.component.html 117 Tiempo de actividad Album is locked, cannot be deleted from the webpage. src/frontend/app/ui/albums/album/album.component.html 27,28 Album is locked, cannot be deleted from the webpage. Add saved search src/frontend/app/ui/albums/albums.component.html 15,16 src/frontend/app/ui/albums/albums.component.html 34,35 Add saved search No albums to show. src/frontend/app/ui/albums/albums.component.html 23 No albums to show. To .pg2conf src/frontend/app/ui/albums/saved-search-popup/saved-search-popup.component.html 5,6 To .pg2conf Saved Search to .saved_searches.pg2conf src/frontend/app/ui/albums/saved-search-popup/saved-search-popup.component.html 12,13 Saved Search to .saved_searches.pg2conf Add this json to a '.saved_searches.pg2conf' file in your gallery: src/frontend/app/ui/albums/saved-search-popup/saved-search-popup.component.html 17,18 Add this json to a '.saved_searches.pg2conf' file in your gallery: This saved search will be loaded from file during gallery indexing and it will survive a database reset. src/frontend/app/ui/albums/saved-search-popup/saved-search-popup.component.html 19,20 This saved search will be loaded from file during gallery indexing and it will survive a database reset. No duplicates found src/frontend/app/ui/duplicates/duplicates.component.html 8,10 No se encontraron duplicados No faces to show. src/frontend/app/ui/faces/faces.component.html 16 No hay ninguna cara que mostrar. Settings src/frontend/app/ui/frame/frame.component.html 83 Configuraciones Logout src/frontend/app/ui/frame/frame.component.html 89 Cerrar sesión Select only this src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/ 67 Select only this Nothing to filter src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/ 80 Nothing to filter unknown src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/ 23 unknown Keywords src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 34 Keywords no face src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 44 no face Faces groups src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 49 Faces groups Caption src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 59 Caption Rating src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 64 Rating Camera src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 69 Camera Lens src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 74 Lens City src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 79 City State src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 84 State Country src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/filter/filter.service.ts 89 Country Link availability src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/gallery.component.html 7 Disponibilidad de los enlaces days src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/gallery.component.html 9 días Too many results to show. Refine your search. src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/gallery.component.html 40,41 Hay demasiados resultados que mostrar. Realiza una búsqueda más precisa. info key: i src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 10 información (tecla: i) toggle fullscreen, key: f src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 17 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 25 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/map/lightbox/ 26 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/map/lightbox/ 31 alternar pantalla completa (tecla: f) Download src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 45 Download Slideshow playback speed src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 53 Slideshow playback speed Slideshow speed: src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 53 Slideshow speed: key: c src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 64 key: c Show caption src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 64 Show caption on hover src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 70 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 88 on hover always src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 71 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 89 always key: a src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 82 key: a Show faces src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 82 Show faces key: l src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 102 key: l Play videos src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 102 Play videos once src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 108 once loop src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 109 loop close, key: Escape src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 123 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/map/lightbox/ 34 cerrar (tecla: Escape) key: left arrow src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 179 (tecla: flecha izquierda) key: right arrow src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 183 (tecla: flecha derecha) Zoom out, key: '-' src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 194 Alejar (tecla: '-') Zoom in, key: '+' src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/controls/ 201 Acercar (tecla: '+') Info src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/infopanel/ 3 Información duration src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/infopanel/ 50 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 46 duración bit rate src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/infopanel/ 56 tasa de bits Error during loading the video. src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/ 21 Error al cargar el video. Most likely the video is not transcoded. It can be done in the settings. You need to transcode these videos to watch them online: src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/lightbox/ 23,27 Lo más probable es que el video no esté transcodificado. Se puede hacer en la configuración. Necesita transcodificar estos videos para verlos en línea: Searching for: src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/navigator/ 14 Buscando: items src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/navigator/ 23,24 elementos download src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/navigator/ 32 descargar Flatten directory src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/navigator/ 42 Flatten directory Filters src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/navigator/ 51 Filters Home src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/navigator/ 48 Home Random link src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/random-query-builder/ 3 Enlace aleatorio Random Link creator src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/random-query-builder/ 10 Random Link creator Copy src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/random-query-builder/ 28,29 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 35 Copiar Url has been copied to clipboard src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/random-query-builder/ 104 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 127 La URL ha sido copiada en el portapapeles At least this many src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 16 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 20 At least this many From src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 104 From From date src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 118 From date To date src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 130 To date Minimum Rating src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 142 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 171 Minimum Rating Maximum Rating src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 156 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 188 Maximum Rating Portrait src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 210 Vertical Landscape src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/query-enrty/ 211 Horizontal Insert src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/search-field-base/ 50 Insert src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/search-field/ 23,24 Save search to album src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/search/ 63,64 Save search to album Share src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 5 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 11,12 Compartir Sharing: src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 41,42 Compartiendo: Include subfolders: src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 54,55 Incluir subcarpetas: Valid: src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 95,96 Válido: Minutes src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 108,109 Minutos Hours src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 109,110 Horas Days src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 110,111 Días Months src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 111,112 Meses Forever src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 112,113 Forever Invalid settings src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 37 Invalid settings Yes src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 50 No src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 51 No loading.. src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 95 src/frontend/app/ui/gallery/share/ 107 cargando... Please log in src/frontend/app/ui/login/login.component.html 10,11 Por favor, inicia sesión Wrong username or password src/frontend/app/ui/login/login.component.html 13 Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectos Remember me src/frontend/app/ui/login/login.component.html 47,48 Recuérdame Login src/frontend/app/ui/login/login.component.html 56 Iniciar sesión Statistic: src/frontend/app/ui/settings/gallery-statistic/gallery-statistic.component.html 2,4 Estadísticas: Folders src/frontend/app/ui/settings/gallery-statistic/gallery-statistic.component.html 6 Carpetas Photos src/frontend/app/ui/settings/gallery-statistic/gallery-statistic.component.html 10 Fotos Videos src/frontend/app/ui/settings/gallery-statistic/gallery-statistic.component.html 14 Vídeos Persons src/frontend/app/ui/settings/gallery-statistic/gallery-statistic.component.html 19 Personas Size src/frontend/app/ui/settings/gallery-statistic/gallery-statistic.component.html 23 Tamaño Job finished src/frontend/app/ui/settings/scheduled-jobs.service.ts 128 Trabajo finalizado Active shares src/frontend/app/ui/settings/sharings-list/sharings-list.component.html 4,5 Active shares Key src/frontend/app/ui/settings/sharings-list/sharings-list.component.html 15 Key Folder src/frontend/app/ui/settings/sharings-list/sharings-list.component.html 15,16 Folder Creator src/frontend/app/ui/settings/sharings-list/sharings-list.component.html 16,17 Creator Expires src/frontend/app/ui/settings/sharings-list/sharings-list.component.html 17,18 Expires No sharing was created. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/sharings-list/sharings-list.component.html 39,40 No sharing was created. It seems that you are running the application in a Docker container. This setting should not be changed in docker. Make sure, that you know what you are doing. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 1,5 Parece que está ejecutando la aplicación en un contenedor Docker. Esta configuración no se debe modificar en el Docker. Asegúrese de que sabe lo que está haciendo. Disabled src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 65 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/template.component.html 12,13 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 131,132 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 165,166 Deshabilitar Tile Url* src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 92 URL de mosaico * + Add Layer src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 120,121 + Añadir capa + Add Link src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 182,183 + Add Link + Add src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 242,243 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 282,283 + Add ';' separated list. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 301 ';' separated list. See src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 304 See Reset database after changing this settings! src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 308 Reset database after changing this settings! Restart server after changing this settings! src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.html 312 Restart server after changing this settings! readonly src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.ts 229 sólo lectura default value src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/settings-entry/settings-entry.component.ts 231 valor por defecto config is not supported with these settings. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/template.component.html 33,34 config is not supported with these settings. Save src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/template.component.html 45 Guardar Reset src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/template.component.html 49 Restablecer settings saved src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/template.component.ts 281,280 ajustes guardados Success src/frontend/app/ui/settings/template/template.component.ts 282,280 Éxito User list src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 4,5 User list + Add user src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 46,47 + Añadir usuario Add new User src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 56,57 Añadir nuevo usuario Close src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 72,73 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 248,249 Cerrar Add User src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.html 76 Añadir usuario User creation error! src/frontend/app/ui/settings/users/users.component.ts 82,80 User creation error! Trigger job run manually src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/button/job-button.settings.component.html 2,3 Lanzar la ejecución del trabajo manualmente Run now src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/button/job-button.settings.component.html 8 Ejecutar ahora Cancel src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/button/job-button.settings.component.html 17 Cancelar Job started src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/button/job-button.settings.component.ts 68 Trabajo iniciado Stopping job src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/button/job-button.settings.component.ts 88 Parando el trabajo Last run: src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 2,4 Última ejecución: Run between src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 5 Ejecutado entre Status src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 14 Estado Cancelling... src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 33 Cancelando... time elapsed src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 44 tiempo transcurrido Processed src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 83 Procesados Skipped src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 86 Omitidos Left src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 89 Restantes All src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 92 Todos Logs src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.html 118,120 Registros processed src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 38 procesados skipped src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 42 omitidos all src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 46 todos running src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 109 ejecutándose cancelling src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 111 cancelando canceled src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 113 cancelado interrupted src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 115 interrumpido finished src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/progress/job-progress.settings.component.ts 117 finalizado every src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 11,12 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 112 cada never src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 16,17 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 81 nunca after src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 18,19 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 80 después de Job: src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 42,43 Trabajo: Periodicity: src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 56,57 Periodicidad: Set the time to run the job. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 66,67 Establezca la hora de ejecución del trabajo. After: src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 72,73 Después de: The job will run after that job finishes. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 85,86 El trabajo se ejecutará después de que este trabajo termine. At: src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 92,93 src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 102,103 El: Allow parallel run src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 123,124 Permitir la ejecución en paralelo Enables the job to start even if another job is already running. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 140,141 Permite que el trabajo se inicie incluso si otro trabajo ya se está ejecutando. ';' separated integers. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 198,199 Separar los enteros con ';'. + Add Job src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 218,221 + Añadir trabajo Add new job src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 228,229 Añadir un nuevo trabajo Select a job to schedule. src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 243,244 Seleccione un trabajo para ser programado. Add Job src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.html 252 Añadir trabajo periodic src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 82 periódico scheduled src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 83 programado Monday src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 86,85 Lunes Tuesday src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 87,85 Martes Wednesday src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 88,85 Miércoles Thursday src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 89,85 Jueves Friday src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 90,85 Viernes Saturday src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 91,85 Sábado Sunday src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 92,85 Domingo day src/frontend/app/ui/settings/workflow/workflow.component.ts 93,85 día Wrong password src/frontend/app/ui/sharelogin/share-login.component.html 11,13 Contraseña incorrecta Enter src/frontend/app/ui/sharelogin/share-login.component.html 40 Entrar