/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */ import {expect} from 'chai'; import {AuthenticationMWs} from '../../../../../src/backend/middlewares/user/AuthenticationMWs'; import {ErrorCodes, ErrorDTO} from '../../../../../src/common/entities/Error'; import {UserDTO, UserRoles} from '../../../../../src/common/entities/UserDTO'; import {ObjectManagers} from '../../../../../src/backend/model/ObjectManagers'; import {UserManager} from '../../../../../src/backend/model/database/memory/UserManager'; import {Config} from '../../../../../src/common/config/private/Config'; import {IUserManager} from '../../../../../src/backend/model/database/interfaces/IUserManager'; import * as path from 'path'; declare const describe: any; declare const it: any; declare const beforeEach: any; describe('Authentication middleware', () => { beforeEach(() => { ObjectManagers.reset(); }); describe('authenticate', () => { it('should call next on authenticated', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: { user: 'A user' }, sessionOptions: {}, query: {}, params: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).to.be.undefined; done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.authenticate(req, null, next); }); it('should call next with error on not authenticated', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: {}, sessionOptions: {}, query: {}, params: {} }; Config.Client.authenticationRequired = true; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).not.to.be.undefined; expect(err.code).to.be.eql(ErrorCodes.NOT_AUTHENTICATED); done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.authenticate(req, { status: () => { } } as any, next); }); }); describe('authorisePath', () => { const req = { session: { user: {permissions: null as string[]} }, sessionOptions: {}, query: {}, params: { path: '/test' } }; const authoriseDirPath = AuthenticationMWs.authorisePath('path', true); const test = (relativePath: string): Promise<string | number> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { req.params.path = path.normalize(relativePath); authoriseDirPath(req as any, {sendStatus: resolve} as any, () => { resolve('ok'); }); }); }; it('should catch unauthorized path usage', async () => { req.session.user.permissions = [path.normalize('/sub/subsub')]; expect(await test('/sub/subsub')).to.be.eql('ok'); expect(await test('/test')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/test')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/subsub/test')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/subsub/test/test2')).to.be.eql(403); req.session.user.permissions = [path.normalize('/sub/subsub'), path.normalize('/sub/subsub2')]; expect(await test('/sub/subsub2')).to.be.eql('ok'); expect(await test('/sub/subsub')).to.be.eql('ok'); expect(await test('/test')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/test')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/subsub/test')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/subsub2/test')).to.be.eql(403); req.session.user.permissions = [path.normalize('/sub/subsub*')]; expect(await test('/b')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/subsub2')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/subsub2/test')).to.be.eql(403); expect(await test('/sub/subsub')).to.be.eql('ok'); expect(await test('/sub/subsub/test')).to.be.eql('ok'); expect(await test('/sub/subsub/test/two')).to.be.eql('ok'); }); }); describe('inverseAuthenticate', () => { it('should call next with error on authenticated', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: {}, sessionOptions: {}, }; const res: any = {}; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).to.be.undefined; done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.inverseAuthenticate(req, null, next); }); it('should call next error on authenticated', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: { user: 'A user' }, sessionOptions: {}, }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).not.to.be.undefined; expect(err.code).to.be.eql(ErrorCodes.ALREADY_AUTHENTICATED); done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.inverseAuthenticate(req, null, next); }); }); describe('authorise', () => { it('should call next on authorised', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: { user: { role: UserRoles.LimitedGuest } }, sessionOptions: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).to.be.undefined; done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.authorise(UserRoles.LimitedGuest)(req, null, next); }); it('should call next with error on not authorised', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: { user: { role: UserRoles.LimitedGuest } }, sessionOptions: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).not.to.be.undefined; expect(err.code).to.be.eql(ErrorCodes.NOT_AUTHORISED); done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.authorise(UserRoles.Developer)(req, null, next); }); }); describe('login', () => { beforeEach(() => { ObjectManagers.reset(); }); describe('should call input ErrorDTO next on missing...', () => { it('body', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { query: {}, params: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).not.to.be.undefined; expect(err.code).to.be.eql(ErrorCodes.INPUT_ERROR); done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.login(req, null, next); }); it('loginCredential', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { body: {}, query: {}, params: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).not.to.be.undefined; expect(err.code).to.be.eql(ErrorCodes.INPUT_ERROR); done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.login(req, null, next); }); it('loginCredential content', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { body: {loginCredential: {}}, query: {}, params: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).not.to.be.undefined; expect(err.code).to.be.eql(ErrorCodes.INPUT_ERROR); done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.login(req, null, next); }); }); it('should call next with error on not finding user', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { body: { loginCredential: { username: 'aa', password: 'bb' } }, query: {}, params: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).not.to.be.undefined; expect(err.code).to.be.eql(ErrorCodes.CREDENTIAL_NOT_FOUND); done(); }; ObjectManagers.getInstance().UserManager = { findOne: (filter): Promise<UserDTO> => { return Promise.reject(null); } } as UserManager; AuthenticationMWs.login(req, null, next); }); it('should call next with user on the session on finding user', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: {}, body: { loginCredential: { username: 'aa', password: 'bb' } }, query: {}, params: {} }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).to.be.undefined; expect(req.session.user).to.be.eql('test user'); done(); }; ObjectManagers.getInstance().UserManager = { findOne: (filter) => { return Promise.resolve('test user' as any); } } as IUserManager; AuthenticationMWs.login(req, null, next); }); }); describe('logout', () => { it('should call next on logout', (done: () => void) => { const req: any = { session: { user: { role: UserRoles.LimitedGuest } } }; const next: any = (err: ErrorDTO) => { expect(err).to.be.undefined; expect(req.user).to.be.undefined; done(); }; AuthenticationMWs.logout(req, null, next); }); }); });