import { AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, HostListener, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, QueryList, ViewChild, ViewChildren, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {PhotoDTO} from '../../../../common/entities/PhotoDTO'; import {GridRowBuilder} from './GridRowBuilder'; import {GalleryLightboxComponent} from '../lightbox/'; import {GridMedia} from './GridMedia'; import {GalleryPhotoComponent} from './photo/'; import {OverlayService} from '../overlay.service'; import {Config} from '../../../../common/config/public/Config'; import {PageHelper} from '../../model/page.helper'; import {Subscription} from 'rxjs'; import {ActivatedRoute, Params, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {QueryService} from '../../model/query.service'; import {GalleryService} from '../gallery.service'; import {SortingMethods} from '../../../../common/entities/SortingMethods'; import {MediaDTO} from '../../../../common/entities/MediaDTO'; @Component({ selector: 'app-gallery-grid', templateUrl: './', styleUrls: ['./'], }) export class GalleryGridComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('gridContainer') gridContainer: ElementRef; @ViewChildren(GalleryPhotoComponent) gridPhotoQL: QueryList; private scrollListenerPhotos: GalleryPhotoComponent[] = []; @Input() photos: Array; @Input() lightbox: GalleryLightboxComponent; photosToRender: Array = []; containerWidth = 0; screenHeight = 0; public IMAGE_MARGIN = 2; private TARGET_COL_COUNT = 5; private MIN_ROW_COUNT = 2; private MAX_ROW_COUNT = 5; private onScrollFired = false; private helperTime = null; isAfterViewInit = false; private renderedPhotoIndex = 0; subscriptions: { route: Subscription, sorting: Subscription } = { route: null, sorting: null }; delayedRenderUpToPhoto: string = null; constructor(private overlayService: OverlayService, private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, public queryService: QueryService, private router: Router, public galleryService: GalleryService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { } ngOnInit() { this.subscriptions.route = this.route.queryParams.subscribe((params: Params) => { if (params[QueryService.PHOTO_PARAM] && params[QueryService.PHOTO_PARAM] !== '') { this.delayedRenderUpToPhoto = params[QueryService.PHOTO_PARAM]; if (! || === 0) { return; } this.renderUpToPhoto(params[QueryService.PHOTO_PARAM]); } }); this.subscriptions.sorting = this.galleryService.sorting.subscribe(() => { this.clearRenderedPhotos(); this.sortPhotos(); this.renderPhotos(); }); } ngOnChanges() { if (this.isAfterViewInit === false) { return; } this.updateContainerDimensions(); this.sortPhotos(); this.mergeNewPhotos(); this.helperTime = setTimeout(() => { this.renderPhotos(); if (this.delayedRenderUpToPhoto) { this.renderUpToPhoto(this.delayedRenderUpToPhoto); } }, 0); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.helperTime != null) { clearTimeout(this.helperTime); } if (this.subscriptions.route !== null) { this.subscriptions.route.unsubscribe(); this.subscriptions.route = null; } if (this.subscriptions.sorting !== null) { this.subscriptions.sorting.unsubscribe(); this.subscriptions.sorting = null; } } @HostListener('window:resize') onResize() { if (this.isAfterViewInit === false) { return; } // render the same amount of images on resize const renderedIndex = this.renderedPhotoIndex; // do not rerender if container is not changes if (this.updateContainerDimensions() === false) { return; } this.sortPhotos(); this.renderPhotos(renderedIndex); } ngAfterViewInit() { this.lightbox.setGridPhotoQL(this.gridPhotoQL); if (Config.Client.Other.enableOnScrollThumbnailPrioritising === true) { this.gridPhotoQL.changes.subscribe(() => { this.scrollListenerPhotos = this.gridPhotoQL.filter(pc => pc.ScrollListener); }); } this.updateContainerDimensions(); this.sortPhotos(); this.clearRenderedPhotos(); this.helperTime = setTimeout(() => { this.renderPhotos(); }, 0); this.isAfterViewInit = true; } private renderUpToPhoto(photoName: string) { const index = => === photoName); if (index === -1) { this.router.navigate([], {queryParams: this.queryService.getParams()}); return; } while (this.renderedPhotoIndex < index && this.renderARow()) { } } public renderARow(): number { if (this.renderedPhotoIndex >= || this.containerWidth === 0) { return null; } let maxRowHeight = this.screenHeight / this.MIN_ROW_COUNT; const minRowHeight = this.screenHeight / this.MAX_ROW_COUNT; const photoRowBuilder = new GridRowBuilder(, this.renderedPhotoIndex, this.IMAGE_MARGIN, this.containerWidth - this.overlayService.getPhantomScrollbarWidth() ); photoRowBuilder.addPhotos(this.TARGET_COL_COUNT); photoRowBuilder.adjustRowHeightBetween(minRowHeight, maxRowHeight); // little trick: We don't want too big single images. But if a little extra height helps fit the row, its ok if (photoRowBuilder.getPhotoRow().length > 1) { maxRowHeight *= 1.2; } const rowHeight = Math.min(photoRowBuilder.calcRowHeight(), maxRowHeight); const imageHeight = rowHeight - (this.IMAGE_MARGIN * 2); photoRowBuilder.getPhotoRow().forEach((photo) => { const imageWidth = imageHeight * MediaDTO.calcRotatedAspectRatio(photo); this.photosToRender.push(new GridMedia(photo, imageWidth, imageHeight, this.renderedPhotoIndex)); }); this.renderedPhotoIndex += photoRowBuilder.getPhotoRow().length; return rowHeight; } private clearRenderedPhotos() { this.photosToRender = []; this.renderedPhotoIndex = 0; this.changeDetector.detectChanges(); } private sortPhotos() { switch (this.galleryService.sorting.value) { case SortingMethods.ascName: PhotoDTO, b: PhotoDTO) => { if ( < { return -1; } if ( > { return 1; } return 0; }); break; case SortingMethods.descName: PhotoDTO, b: PhotoDTO) => { if ( < { return 1; } if ( > { return -1; } return 0; }); break; case SortingMethods.ascDate: PhotoDTO, b: PhotoDTO) => { return a.metadata.creationDate - b.metadata.creationDate; }); break; case SortingMethods.descDate: PhotoDTO, b: PhotoDTO) => { return b.metadata.creationDate - a.metadata.creationDate; }); break; } } private mergeNewPhotos() { // merge new data with old one let lastSameIndex = 0; let lastRowId = null; for (let i = 0; i < && i < this.photosToRender.length; ++i) { // If a media changed the whole row has to be removed if (this.photosToRender[i].rowId !== lastRowId) { lastSameIndex = i; lastRowId = this.photosToRender[i].rowId; } if (this.photosToRender[i].equals([i]) === false) { break; } } if (lastSameIndex > 0) { this.photosToRender.splice(lastSameIndex, this.photosToRender.length - lastSameIndex); this.renderedPhotoIndex = lastSameIndex; } else { this.clearRenderedPhotos(); } } /** * Returns true, if scroll is >= 70% to render more images. * Or of onscroll rendering is off: return always to render all the images at once * @param offset Add height to the client height (conent is not yet added to the dom, but calculate with it) * @returns {boolean} */ private shouldRenderMore(offset: number = 0): boolean { return Config.Client.Other.enableOnScrollRendering === false || PageHelper.ScrollY >= (document.body.clientHeight + offset - window.innerHeight) * 0.7 || (document.body.clientHeight + offset) * 0.85 < window.innerHeight; } @HostListener('window:scroll') onScroll() { if (!this.onScrollFired && // should we trigger this at all? (this.renderedPhotoIndex < || this.scrollListenerPhotos.length > 0)) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.renderPhotos(); if (Config.Client.Other.enableOnScrollThumbnailPrioritising === true) { this.scrollListenerPhotos.forEach((pc: GalleryPhotoComponent) => { pc.onScroll(); }); this.scrollListenerPhotos = this.scrollListenerPhotos.filter(pc => pc.ScrollListener); } this.onScrollFired = false; }); this.onScrollFired = true; } } private renderPhotos(numberOfPhotos: number = 0) { if (this.containerWidth === 0 || this.renderedPhotoIndex >= || !this.shouldRenderMore()) { return; } let renderedContentHeight = 0; while (this.renderedPhotoIndex < && (this.shouldRenderMore(renderedContentHeight) === true || this.renderedPhotoIndex < numberOfPhotos)) { const ret = this.renderARow(); if (ret === null) { throw new Error('Grid media rendering failed'); } renderedContentHeight += ret; } } private updateContainerDimensions(): boolean { if (!this.gridContainer) { return false; } const pre = PageHelper.isScrollYVisible(); PageHelper.showScrollY(); // if the width changed a bit or the height changed a lot if (this.containerWidth !== this.gridContainer.nativeElement.clientWidth || this.screenHeight < window.innerHeight * 0.75 || this.screenHeight > window.innerHeight * 1.25) { this.screenHeight = window.innerHeight; this.containerWidth = this.gridContainer.nativeElement.clientWidth; this.clearRenderedPhotos(); if (!pre) { PageHelper.hideScrollY(); } return true; } if (!pre) { PageHelper.hideScrollY(); } return false; } }