import {Component, Input, ElementRef, ViewChild, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy} from "@angular/core"; import {IRenderable, Dimension} from "../../../model/IRenderable"; import {GridPhoto} from "../GridPhoto"; import {SearchTypes} from "../../../../../common/entities/AutoCompleteItem"; import {RouterLink} from "@angular/router"; import {Config} from "../../../config/Config"; import { ThumbnailLoaderService, ThumbnailTaskEntity, ThumbnailLoadingListener, ThumbnailLoadingPriority } from "../thumnailLoader.service"; @Component({ selector: 'gallery-grid-photo', templateUrl: 'app/gallery/grid/photo/', styleUrls: ['app/gallery/grid/photo/'], providers: [RouterLink], }) export class GalleryPhotoComponent implements IRenderable, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { @Input() gridPhoto: GridPhoto; @ViewChild("img") imageRef: ElementRef; @ViewChild("info") infoDiv: ElementRef; @ViewChild("photoContainer") container: ElementRef; image = { src: '', show: false }; loading = { animate: false, show: true }; thumbnailTask: ThumbnailTaskEntity = null; infoStyle = { height: 0, background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)" }; SearchTypes: any = []; searchEnabled: boolean = true; wasInView: boolean = null; constructor(private thumbnailService: ThumbnailLoaderService) { this.SearchTypes = SearchTypes; this.searchEnabled = Config.Client.Search.searchEnabled; } ngOnInit() { = true; //set up befoar adding task to thumbnail generator if (this.gridPhoto.isThumbnailAvailable()) { this.image.src = this.gridPhoto.getThumbnailPath(); = true; } else if (this.gridPhoto.isReplacementThumbnailAvailable()) { this.image.src = this.gridPhoto.getReplacementThumbnailPath(); = true; } } ngAfterViewInit() { //schedule change after Angular checks the model if (!this.gridPhoto.isThumbnailAvailable()) { setImmediate(() => { let listener: ThumbnailLoadingListener = { onStartedLoading: () => { //onLoadStarted this.loading.animate = true; }, onLoad: () => {//onLoaded this.image.src = this.gridPhoto.getThumbnailPath(); = true; = false; this.thumbnailTask = null; }, onError: (error) => {//onError this.thumbnailTask = null; //TODO: handle error //TODO: not an error if its from cache console.error("something bad happened"); console.error(error); } }; if (this.gridPhoto.isReplacementThumbnailAvailable()) { this.thumbnailTask = this.thumbnailService.loadImage(this.gridPhoto, ThumbnailLoadingPriority.medium, listener); } else { this.thumbnailTask = this.thumbnailService.loadImage(this.gridPhoto, ThumbnailLoadingPriority.high, listener); } }); } } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.thumbnailTask != null) { this.thumbnailService.removeTask(this.thumbnailTask); this.thumbnailTask = null; } } isInView(): boolean { return document.body.scrollTop < this.container.nativeElement.offsetTop + this.container.nativeElement.clientHeight && document.body.scrollTop + window.innerHeight > this.container.nativeElement.offsetTop; } onScroll() { if (this.thumbnailTask != null) { let isInView = this.isInView(); if (this.wasInView != isInView) { this.wasInView = isInView; if (isInView === true) { if (this.gridPhoto.isReplacementThumbnailAvailable()) { this.thumbnailTask.priority = ThumbnailLoadingPriority.medium; } else { this.thumbnailTask.priority = ThumbnailLoadingPriority.high; } } else { if (this.gridPhoto.isReplacementThumbnailAvailable()) { this.thumbnailTask.priority = ThumbnailLoadingPriority.low; } else { this.thumbnailTask.priority = ThumbnailLoadingPriority.medium; } } } } } getPositionText(): string { if (!this.gridPhoto) { return "" } return || ||; } hover() { this.infoStyle.height = this.infoDiv.nativeElement.clientHeight; this.infoStyle.background = "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)"; } mouseOut() { this.infoStyle.height = 0; this.infoStyle.background = "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)"; } onImageLoad() { = false; } public getDimension(): Dimension { return { top: this.imageRef.nativeElement.offsetTop, left: this.imageRef.nativeElement.offsetLeft, width: this.imageRef.nativeElement.width, height: this.imageRef.nativeElement.height }; } }