import {Config} from '../common/config/private/Config'; import {LogLevel} from '../common/config/private/PrivateConfig'; export type logFN = (...args: (string | number)[]) => void; const forcedDebug = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'debug'; if (forcedDebug === true) { console.log('NODE_ENV environmental variable is set to debug, forcing all logs to print'); } export class Logger { public static silly(...args: (string | number)[]): void { if (!forcedDebug && Config.Server.Log.level < LogLevel.silly) { return; } Logger.log(`[\x1b[35mSILLY\x1b[0m]`, ...args); } public static debug(...args: (string | number)[]): void { if (!forcedDebug && Config.Server.Log.level < LogLevel.debug) { return; } Logger.log(`[\x1b[34mDEBUG\x1b[0m]`, ...args); } public static verbose(...args: (string | number)[]): void { if (!forcedDebug && Config.Server.Log.level < LogLevel.verbose) { return; } Logger.log(`[\x1b[36mVERBS\x1b[0m]`, ...args); } public static info(...args: (string | number)[]): void { if (!forcedDebug && Config.Server.Log.level < { return; } Logger.log(`[\x1b[32mINFO_\x1b[0m]`, ...args); } public static warn(...args: (string | number)[]): void { if (!forcedDebug && Config.Server.Log.level < LogLevel.warn) { return; } Logger.log(`[\x1b[33mWARN_\x1b[0m]`, ...args); } public static error(...args: (string | number)[]): void { Logger.log(`[\x1b[31mERROR\x1b[0m]`, ...args); } private static log(tag: string, ...args: (string | number)[]): void { const date = (new Date()).toLocaleString(); let LOG_TAG = ''; if (args.length > 0 && typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].startsWith('[') && args[0].endsWith(']')) { LOG_TAG = args[0]; args.shift(); } console.log(date + tag + LOG_TAG, ...args); } }