import {Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core'; import {Utils} from '../../../../common/Utils'; import {GalleryService} from '../gallery.service'; import {ContentWrapper} from '../../../../common/entities/ConentWrapper'; import {Config} from '../../../../common/config/public/Config'; import {NotificationService} from '../../model/notification.service'; import {DirectoryDTO} from '../../../../common/entities/DirectoryDTO'; import {I18n} from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill'; import {BsModalService} from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal'; import {BsModalRef} from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal/bs-modal-ref.service'; import {OrientationType, RandomQueryDTO} from '../../../../common/entities/RandomQueryDTO'; import {NetworkService} from '../../model/network/network.service'; import {Subscription} from 'rxjs'; @Component({ selector: 'app-gallery-random-query-builder', templateUrl: './', styleUrls: ['./'], }) export class RandomQueryBuilderGalleryComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { enabled = true; url = ''; data: RandomQueryDTO = { orientation: OrientationType.any, directory: '', recursive: true, minResolution: null, maxResolution: null, toDate: null, fromDate: null }; contentSubscription: Subscription = null; readonly OrientationType: typeof OrientationType; modalRef: BsModalRef; text = { Yes: 'Yes', No: 'No' }; constructor(public _galleryService: GalleryService, private _notification: NotificationService, public i18n: I18n, private modalService: BsModalService) { this.OrientationType = OrientationType; this.text.Yes = i18n('Yes'); this.text.No = i18n('No'); } ngOnInit() { this.contentSubscription = this._galleryService.content.subscribe((content: ContentWrapper) => { this.enabled = !!; if (!this.enabled) { return; } = Utils.concatUrls((<DirectoryDTO>, (<DirectoryDTO>; }); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.contentSubscription !== null) { this.contentSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } update() { setTimeout(() => { const data = Utils.clone(; for (const key of Object.keys(data)) { if (!(<any>data)[key]) { delete (<any>data)[key]; } } this.url = NetworkService.buildUrl(Config.Client.publicUrl + '/api/gallery/random/', data); }, 0); } openModal(template: TemplateRef<any>) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } if (this.modalRef) { this.modalRef.hide(); } this.modalRef =; = '0px'; this.update(); return false; } onCopy() { this._notification.success(this.i18n('Url has been copied to clipboard')); } public hideModal() { this.modalRef.hide(); this.modalRef = null; } }