import {BenchmarkResult} from './BenchmarkRunner'; import {ContentWrapper} from '../src/common/entities/ConentWrapper'; import {Express, NextFunction} from 'express'; import {Utils} from '../src/common/Utils'; import {Message} from '../src/common/entities/Message'; import {ActiveExperiments, Experiments} from './Experiments'; export interface BenchmarkStep { name: string; fn: ((input?: any) => Promise<ContentWrapper | any[] | void>); } /** * This class converts PiGallery2 Routers to benchamrkable steps to the Benchmark class */ class BMExpressApp { readonly benchmark: Benchmark; constructor(benchmark: Benchmark) { this.benchmark = benchmark; } get(match: string | string[], ...functions: ((req: any, res: any, next: NextFunction) => void)[]): void { functions.forEach((f): void => { this.benchmark.addAStep({ name: this.camelToSpaceSeparated(, fn: (request: any): Promise<void> => this.nextToPromise(f, request) }); }); } private camelToSpaceSeparated(text: string): string { const result = (text.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1')).toLocaleLowerCase(); return result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1); } private nextToPromise(fn: (req: any, res: any, next: NextFunction) => void, request: any): Promise<void> { return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject): void => { const response = { header: (): void => { }, json: (data: any): void => { resolve(data); } }; fn(request, response, (err?: any): void => { if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve(request.resultPipe); }); }); } } export class Benchmark { steps: BenchmarkStep[] = []; name: string; request: any; beforeEach: () => Promise<any>; afterEach: () => Promise<any>; private readonly bmExpressApp: BMExpressApp; constructor(name: string, request: any = {}, beforeEach?: () => Promise<any>, afterEach?: () => Promise<any>) { = name; this.request = request; this.beforeEach = beforeEach; this.afterEach = afterEach; this.bmExpressApp = new BMExpressApp(this); } get BmExpressApp(): Express { return (this.bmExpressApp as unknown) as Express; } async run(RUNS: number): Promise<BenchmarkResult[]> { const ret = [await this.runAnExperiment(RUNS)]; for (const exp of Object.values(Experiments)) { for (const group of Object.values(exp.groups)) { ActiveExperiments[] = group; ret.push(await this.runAnExperiment(RUNS)); ret[ret.length - 1].experiment = + '=' + group; } delete ActiveExperiments[]; } return ret; } async runAnExperiment(RUNS: number): Promise<BenchmarkResult> { console.log('Running benchmark: ' +; const scanned = await this.scanSteps(); const start = process.hrtime(); let skip = 0; const stepTimer = new Array(this.steps.length).fill(0); for (let i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) { if (this.beforeEach) { const startSkip = process.hrtime(); await this.beforeEach(); const endSkip = process.hrtime(startSkip); skip += (endSkip[0] * 1000 + endSkip[1] / 1000000); } await this.runOneRound(stepTimer); if (this.afterEach) { const startSkip = process.hrtime(); await this.afterEach(); const endSkip = process.hrtime(startSkip); skip += (endSkip[0] * 1000 + endSkip[1] / 1000000); } } const end = process.hrtime(start); const duration = (end[0] * 1000 + end[1] / 1000000 - skip) / RUNS; const ret = this.outputToBMResult(, scanned[scanned.length - 1]); ret.duration = duration; ret.subBenchmarks =, i): BenchmarkResult => { const stepBm = this.outputToBMResult(this.steps[i].name, o); stepBm.duration = stepTimer[i] / RUNS; return stepBm; } ); return ret; } outputToBMResult(name: string, output: any[] | ContentWrapper | Message<ContentWrapper>): BenchmarkResult { if (output) { if (Array.isArray(output)) { return { name, duration: null, items: output.length, }; } if (output instanceof ContentWrapper) { return { name, duration: null, contentWrapper: output }; } if (output instanceof Message) { const msg = output.result; if (Array.isArray(msg)) { return { name, duration: null, items: msg.length, }; } if (msg instanceof ContentWrapper) { return { name, duration: null, contentWrapper: msg }; } } } return { name, duration: null }; } async scanSteps(): Promise<any[]> { const request = Utils.clone(this.request); const stepOutput = new Array(this.steps.length); for (let j = 0; j < this.steps.length; ++j) { if (this.beforeEach) { await this.beforeEach(); } for (let i = 0; i <= j; ++i) { stepOutput[j] = await this.steps[i].fn(request); } if (this.afterEach) { await this.afterEach(); } } return stepOutput; } async runOneRound(stepTimer: number[]): Promise<number[]> { const request = Utils.clone(this.request); for (let i = 0; i < this.steps.length; ++i) { const start = process.hrtime(); await this.steps[i].fn(request); const end = process.hrtime(start); stepTimer[i] += (end[0] * 1000 + end[1] / 1000000); } return stepTimer; } addAStep(step: BenchmarkStep): void { this.steps.push(step); } }