import {Photo} from "../../../../common/entities/Photo"; export class GridRowBuilder{ private photoRow:Array = []; private photoIndex:number = 0; //index of the last pushed photo to the photoRow constructor(private photos:Array, private startIndex:number, private photoMargin:number, private containerWidth:number){ this.photoIndex = startIndex; } public addPhotos(number:number){ for(let i = 0; i < number; i++){ this.addPhoto(); } } public addPhoto():boolean{ if(this.photoIndex + 1 >{ return false; } this.photoRow.push([this.photoIndex]); this.photoIndex++; return true; } public removePhoto():boolean{ if(this.photoIndex - 1 < this.startIndex){ return false; } this.photoIndex--; this.photoRow.pop(); return true; } public getPhotoRow():Array{ return this.photoRow; } public adjustRowHeightBetween(minHeight:number,maxHeight:number){ while (this.calcRowHeight() > maxHeight && this.addPhoto() === true) { //row too high -> add more images } while (this.calcRowHeight() < minHeight && this.removePhoto() === true) { //roo too small -> remove images } //keep at least one photo int thr row if(this.photoRow.length <= 0){ this.addPhoto(); } } public calcRowHeight():number { let width = 0; for(let i = 0; i < this.photoRow.length; i++){ width += ((this.photoRow[i].width) / (this.photoRow[i].height)); //summing up aspect ratios } let height = (this.containerWidth - this.photoRow.length * (this.photoMargin * 2) - 1) / width; //cant be equal -> width-1 return height +(this.photoMargin * 2); }; }