/// import { Component, Input, ElementRef, OnChanges, ViewChild, ViewChildren, QueryList, AfterViewInit, HostListener } from "@angular/core"; import {Photo} from "../../../../common/entities/Photo"; import {GridRowBuilder} from "./GridRowBuilder"; import {GalleryLightboxComponent} from "../lightbox/lightbox.gallery.component"; import {GridPhoto} from "./GridPhoto"; import {GalleryPhotoComponent} from "./photo/photo.grid.gallery.component"; @Component({ selector: 'gallery-grid', templateUrl: 'app/gallery/grid/grid.gallery.component.html', styleUrls: ['app/gallery/grid/grid.gallery.component.css'], directives: [GalleryPhotoComponent] }) export class GalleryGridComponent implements OnChanges,AfterViewInit { @ViewChild('gridContainer') gridContainer:ElementRef; @ViewChildren(GalleryPhotoComponent) gridPhotoQL:QueryList; @Input() photos:Array; @Input() lightbox:GalleryLightboxComponent; photosToRender:Array = []; private IMAGE_MARGIN = 2; private TARGET_COL_COUNT = 5; private MIN_ROW_COUNT = 2; private MAX_ROW_COUNT = 5; constructor() { } ngOnChanges() { if (this.isAfterViewInit == false) { return; } this.onPhotosChanged(); } @HostListener('window:resize') onResize() { if (this.isAfterViewInit == false) { return; } this.onPhotosChanged(); } isAfterViewInit:boolean = false; ngAfterViewInit() { this.lightbox.gridPhotoQL = this.gridPhotoQL; //TODO: implement scroll detection this.onPhotosChanged(); this.isAfterViewInit = true; } private onPhotosChanged() { //sort pohots by date this.photos.sort((a:Photo, b:Photo) => { if (a.metadata.creationDate > b.metadata.creationDate) { return 1; } if (a.metadata.creationDate < b.metadata.creationDate) { return -1; } // a must be equal to b return 0; }); //merge new data with old one let lastSameIndex = 0; let lastRowId = null; for (let i = 0; i < this.photos.length && i < this.photosToRender.length; i++) { //thIf a photo changed the whole row has to be removed if (this.photosToRender[i].rowId != lastRowId) { lastSameIndex = i; lastRowId = this.photosToRender[i].rowId; } if (this.photosToRender[i].equals(this.photos[i]) == false) { break; } } if (lastSameIndex > 0) { this.photosToRender.splice(lastSameIndex, this.photosToRender.length - lastSameIndex); this.renderedPhotoIndex = lastSameIndex; } else { this.photosToRender = []; this.renderedPhotoIndex = 0; } setImmediate(() => { this.renderPhotos(); }); } private renderedPhotoIndex:number = 0; private renderPhotos() { if (this.getContainerWidth() == 0 || this.renderedPhotoIndex >= this.photos.length || !this.shouldRenderMore()) { return; } let maxRowHeight = window.innerHeight / this.MIN_ROW_COUNT; let minRowHeight = window.innerHeight / this.MAX_ROW_COUNT; let renderedContentHeight = 0; while (this.renderedPhotoIndex < this.photos.length && this.shouldRenderMore(renderedContentHeight) === true) { let photoRowBuilder = new GridRowBuilder(this.photos, this.renderedPhotoIndex, this.IMAGE_MARGIN, this.getContainerWidth()); photoRowBuilder.addPhotos(this.TARGET_COL_COUNT); photoRowBuilder.adjustRowHeightBetween(minRowHeight, maxRowHeight); let rowHeight = photoRowBuilder.calcRowHeight(); let imageHeight = rowHeight - (this.IMAGE_MARGIN * 2); photoRowBuilder.getPhotoRow().forEach((photo) => { let imageWidth = imageHeight * (photo.metadata.size.width / photo.metadata.size.height); this.photosToRender.push(new GridPhoto(photo, imageWidth, imageHeight, this.renderedPhotoIndex)); }); renderedContentHeight += rowHeight; this.renderedPhotoIndex += photoRowBuilder.getPhotoRow().length; } } private shouldRenderMore(offset:number = 0):boolean { return document.body.scrollTop >= (document.body.clientHeight + offset - window.innerHeight) * 0.7 || (document.body.clientHeight + offset) * 0.85 < window.innerHeight; } @HostListener('window:scroll') onScroll() { this.renderPhotos(); this.gridPhotoQL.toArray().forEach((pc:GalleryPhotoComponent) => { pc.onScroll(); }); } private getContainerWidth():number { if (!this.gridContainer) { return 0; } return this.gridContainer.nativeElement.clientWidth; } }