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# PiGallery2
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Homepage: http://bpatrik.github.io/pigallery2/
This is a **fast** (like faster than your PC fast) **directory-first photo gallery website**, optimised for running on low resource servers (especially on raspberry pi).
✔️ Strenghts:
* ⚡ Fast, like for real
* ✔️ Simple. Point to your photos folder and a temp folder and you are good to go
⛔ Weakness:
* 😥 Its simple. Shows what you have that's it. No gallery changes (photo delete, rotate, enhance, tag, organize, etc), your gallery folder is read-only.
## Live Demo
Live Demo @ heroku: https://pigallery2.herokuapp.com/
- the demo page **first load** might take up **30s**: the time while the free webservice boots up
![PiGallery2 - Animated gif demo](docs/demo.gif)
## Table of contents
1. [Getting started](#1-getting-started-also-works-on-raspberry-pi)
2. [Translate the page to your own language](#2-translate-the-page-to-your-own-language)
3. [Feature list](#3-feature-list)
4. [Suggest/endorse new features](#4-suggestendorse-new-features)
5. [Known errors](#5-known-errors)
6. [Credits](#6-credits)
## 1. Getting started (also works on Raspberry Pi)
### 1.1 [Install and Run with Docker (recommended)](docker/README.md)
[Docker](https://www.docker.com/) with [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) is the official and recommend way of installing and running *Pigallery2*.
It contains all necessary dependencies, auto restarts on reboot, supports https, easy to upgrade to newer versions.
For configuration and docker-compose files read more [here](docker/README.md) or check all builds: https://hub.docker.com/r/bpatrik/pigallery2/tags/
### 1.2 Direct Install (if you are familiar with Node.js and building npm packages from source)
As an alternative, you can also directly install Node.js and the app and run it natively.
### 1.2.0 [Install Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
Download and extract
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Full node install on raspberry pi description: https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_raspberrypi.asp
### 1.2.1 Install PiGallery2
#### 1.2.1-a Install from release
cd ~
wget https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/releases/download/1.9.0/pigallery2-release.zip
unzip pigallery2-release.zip -d pigallery2
cd pigallery2
npm install
#### 1.2.1-b Install from source
**Note:** A build requires a machine with around 2GB or memory.
cd ~
wget https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd pigallery2-master # enter the unzipped directory
npm install
npm run build
**Note**: It is recommended to create a release version with `npm run create-release` on a more powerful machine and deploy that to you server.
**Note**: you can use `npm run create-release -- --languages=fr,ro` to restrict building to the listed languages (English is added by default)
#### 1.2.2 Run PiGallery2
npm start
To configure it, run `PiGallery2` first to create `config.json` file, then edit it and restart.
The app has a nice UI for settings, you may use that too.
Default user: `admin` pass: `admin`. (It is not possible to change the admin password, you need to create another user and delete the default `admin` user, see #220)
**Note**: First run, you might have file access issues and port 80 issue, see [#115](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/115).
Running `npm start -- --Server-port=8080` will start the app on port 8080 that does not require `root`
Adding read/write permissions to all files can solve the file access issue `chmod -R o-w .`, see [#98](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/98).
##### Run on startup
You can run the app up as a service to run it on startup. Read more at [#42](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/42#issuecomment-458340945)
### 1.3 Advanced configuration
You can set up the app the following ways:
* Using the UI
* Manually editing the `config.json`
* Through switches
* Like: `node start -- --Server-port=3000 --Client-authenticationRequired=false`
* You can check the generated `config.json` for the config hierarchy
* Through environmental variable
* like set env. variable `Server-port` to `3000`
Full list of configuration options are available at the [MANPAGE.md](MANPAGE.md).
### 1.4 Useful links/tips:
#### using nginx
It is recommended to use a reverse proxy like nginx before node
#### making https
With cerbot & nginx it is simple to set up secure connection. You have no excuse not doing so.
#### node install error:
If you get error during module installation, make sure you have everything to build node modules from source
apt-get install build-essential libkrb5-dev gcc g++
## 2. Translate the page to your own language
1. [Install Pigallery2](#121-b-install-from-source) from source (with the release it won't work)
2. add your language e.g: fr
* copy `src/frontend/translate/messages.en.xls` to `src/frontend/translate/messages.fr.xls`
* add the new translation to the `angular.json` `projects->pigallery2->i18n->locales` section
3. translate the file by updating the `<target>` tags
4. test if it works:
build and start the app
npm install
npm run build
npm start
5. (optional) create a pull request at github to add your translation to the project.
**Note**: you can also build your own release with as described in [1.1.1-b Install from source](#121-b-install-from-source);
## 3. Feature list
* supported formats [full list here](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/blob/master/src/common/SupportedFormats.ts):
* images: **jpg, jpeg, jpe, webp, png, gif, svg**
* videos: **mp4, ogg, ogv, webm**
* with (built-in) transcoding: avi, mkv, mov, wmv, flv, mts, m2ts, mpg, 3gp, m4v, mpeg, vob, divx, xvid, ts
* **Rendering directories as it is**
* Listing subdirectories recursively
* Listing photos in a nice grid layout
* showing **tag/keywords, locations, GPS coordinates** for photos
* rendering photos on demand (on scroll)
* **On the fly thumbnail generation** in several sizes
* prioritizes thumbnail generation (generating thumbnail first for the visible photos)
* saving generated thumbnails to TEMP folder for reuse
* supporting multi-core CPUs
* supporting hardware acceleration ([sharp](https://github.com/lovell/sharp))
* Custom lightbox for full screen photo and video viewing
* keyboard support for navigation
* showing low-res thumbnail while full image loads
* Information panel for showing **Exif info**
* Automatic playing
* gesture support (swipe left, right, up)
* shortcut support
* On the fly photo downscaling for faster load [#50](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/50)
* on zoom, the original photo loads
* Client side caching (directories and search results)
* Rendering **photos** with GPS coordinates **on open street maps**
* .gpx file support: rendering paths to map
* supports [OSM](https://www.openstreetmap.org) and [Mapbox](https://www.mapbox.com) by default, but you can add any provider that has a tile url
* **Two modes: SQL database and no-database mode**
* both modes supports
* user management
* password protection can be disabled/enabled
* database mode supports:
* faster directory listing
* searching
* instant search, auto complete
* sharing
* setting link expiration time
* Faces (persons) support
* reads Adobe's XMP Face region metadata. (It is defined by the Metadata Working Group (MWG).)
* shows face bounding box over images
* internalization / translation support
* currently supported languages: eng, hun, ro, ru, fr
* Nice design
* responsive design (phone, tablet desktop support)
* Setup page
* Random photo url
* You can generate an url that returns a random photo from your gallery. You can use this feature to develop 3rd party applications, like: changing desktop background
* duplicate photo detection
* video support
* fully supports `*.mp4` files and partially (might have errors with safari and IE) supports `*.ogg`, `*.ogv`, `*.webm` files
* uses ffmpeg and ffprobe to generate video thumbnails
* can transcode videos to mp4 for better support
* job scheduling support, with the following supported task: [#92](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/92)
* converting/transcoding videos [#66](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/66) [#71](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/71)
* generating thumbnails
* generating converted photos
* cleaning up temp folder
* indexing db
* folder ignoring [#87](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/87)
* `.pg2conf` UI modifying files. [#177](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues/177).
* List of these files are passed down to the UI modify its behaviour.
* Currently, supported custom, per folder sorting.
* Dockerized
* **Markdown based blogging support**
* you can write some note in the *.md files for every directory
* bug free :) - `In progress`
## 4. Suggest/endorse new features
You are welcome to suggest new features to the application via [github issues](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/issues).
Unfortunatly, lately I only have a limited time for this hobby project of mine.
So, I mostly focuse on those features that are align with my needs. Sorry :(.
Although, I try to fixs bugs ASAP (that can still take from a few days to months).
I also try to implement some of the feature requests that have a lots of 'likes' (i.e.: `+1`-s or thumbs ups) on it.
If you have a feature that you really would like to happen, I welcome contributions to the app. See [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/bpatrik/pigallery2/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details.
## 5. Known errors
* IOS map issue
* Map on IOS prevents using the buttons in the image preview navigation, see #155
* Video support on weak servers (like raspberry pi) with low upload rate
* video playback may use up too much resources and the server might not response for a while. Enable video transcoding in the app, to transcode the videos to lover bitrate.
## 6. Credits
Crossbrowser testing sponsored by [Browser Stack](https://www.browserstack.com)
[<img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a7b268f2785656ab3ca7b1cbb1633ee5affceb8f/68747470733a2f2f64677a6f7139623561736a67312e636c6f756466726f6e742e6e65742f70726f64756374696f6e2f696d616765732f6c61796f75742f6c6f676f2d6865616465722e706e67" alt="Browser Stack" height="31px" style="background: cornflowerblue;">](https://www.browserstack.com)