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synced 2025-01-14 14:43:17 +08:00
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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types */
import 'reflect-metadata';
import {
} from '../../entities/job/JobScheduleDTO';
import {ClientConfig, ClientMetaFileConfig} from '../public/ClientConfig';
import {SubConfigClass} from 'typeconfig/src/decorators/class/SubConfigClass';
import {ConfigProperty} from 'typeconfig/src/decorators/property/ConfigPropoerty';
import {DefaultsJobs} from '../../entities/job/JobDTO';
import {
} from '../../entities/SearchQueryDTO';
import {SortingMethods} from '../../entities/SortingMethods';
import {UserRoles} from '../../entities/UserDTO';
export enum DatabaseType {
memory = 1,
mysql = 2,
sqlite = 3,
export enum LogLevel {
error = 1,
warn = 2,
info = 3,
verbose = 4,
debug = 5,
silly = 6,
export enum SQLLogLevel {
none = 1,
error = 2,
all = 3,
export enum ReIndexingSensitivity {
low = 1,
medium = 2,
high = 3,
export enum FFmpegPresets {
ultrafast = 1,
superfast = 2,
veryfast = 3,
faster = 4,
fast = 5,
medium = 6,
slow = 7,
slower = 8,
veryslow = 9,
placebo = 10,
export type videoCodecType = 'libvpx-vp9' | 'libx264' | 'libvpx' | 'libx265';
export type videoResolutionType =
| 240
| 360
| 480
| 720
| 1080
| 1440
| 2160
| 4320;
export type videoFormatType = 'mp4' | 'webm';
export class MySQLConfig {
@ConfigProperty({envAlias: 'MYSQL_HOST'})
host: string = 'localhost';
@ConfigProperty({envAlias: 'MYSQL_PORT', min: 0, max: 65535})
port: number = 3306;
@ConfigProperty({envAlias: 'MYSQL_DATABASE'})
database: string = 'pigallery2';
@ConfigProperty({envAlias: 'MYSQL_USERNAME'})
username: string = '';
@ConfigProperty({envAlias: 'MYSQL_PASSWORD', type: 'password'})
password: string = '';
export class SQLiteConfig {
DBFileName: string = 'sqlite.db';
export class UserConfig {
name: string;
@ConfigProperty({type: UserRoles})
role: UserRoles;
@ConfigProperty({description: 'Unencrypted, temporary password'})
password: string;
@ConfigProperty({description: 'Encrypted password'})
encryptedPassword: string | undefined;
constructor(name: string, password: string, role: UserRoles) {
this.name = name;
this.role = role;
this.password = password;
export class ServerDataBaseConfig {
@ConfigProperty<DatabaseType, IPrivateConfig>({
type: DatabaseType,
onNewValue: (value, config) => {
if (config && value === DatabaseType.memory) {
config.Client.Search.enabled = false;
config.Client.Sharing.enabled = false;
type: DatabaseType = DatabaseType.sqlite;
dbFolder: string = 'db';
sqlite?: SQLiteConfig = new SQLiteConfig();
mysql?: MySQLConfig = new MySQLConfig();
arrayType: UserConfig,
'Creates these users in the DB if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it wont be overwritten, even if the role is different.',
enforcedUsers: UserConfig[] = [];
export class ServerThumbnailConfig {
@ConfigProperty({description: 'if true, \'lanczos3\' will used to scale photos, otherwise faster but lowe quality \'nearest\'.'})
useLanczos3: boolean = true;
@ConfigProperty({description: 'Thumbnail image quality', max: 100, min: 1, type: 'unsignedInt'})
quality = 80;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'ratio'})
personFaceMargin: number = 0.6; // in ration [0-1]
export class ServerGPXCompressingConfig {
description: 'Compresses gpx files on-the-fly, when they are requested.',
onTheFly: boolean = true;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt', description: 'Filters out entry that are closer than this in meters.'})
minDistance: number = 5;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt', description: 'Filters out entry that are closer than this in time in milliseconds.'})
minTimeDistance: number = 5000;
export class ServerMetaFileConfig {
GPXCompressing: ServerGPXCompressingConfig = new ServerGPXCompressingConfig();
export class ServerSharingConfig {
updateTimeout: number = 1000 * 60 * 5;
export class ServerIndexingConfig {
cachedFolderTimeout: number = 1000 * 60 * 60; // Do not rescans the folder if seems ok
@ConfigProperty({type: ReIndexingSensitivity})
reIndexingSensitivity: ReIndexingSensitivity = ReIndexingSensitivity.low;
arrayType: 'string',
'If an entry starts with \'/\' it is treated as an absolute path.' +
' If it doesn\'t start with \'/\' but contains a \'/\', the path is relative to the image directory.' +
' If it doesn\'t contain a \'/\', any folder with this name will be excluded.',
excludeFolderList: string[] = ['.Trash-1000', '.dtrash', '$RECYCLE.BIN'];
arrayType: 'string',
'Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing.',
excludeFileList: string[] = [];
export class ServerThreadingConfig {
@ConfigProperty({description: 'App can run on multiple thread'})
enabled: boolean = true;
'Number of threads that are used to generate thumbnails. If 0, number of \'CPU cores -1\' threads will be used.',
thumbnailThreads: number = 0; // if zero-> CPU count -1
export class ServerDuplicatesConfig {
listingLimit: number = 1000; // maximum number of duplicates to list
export class ServerLogConfig {
@ConfigProperty({type: LogLevel})
level: LogLevel = LogLevel.info;
@ConfigProperty({type: SQLLogLevel})
sqlLevel: SQLLogLevel = SQLLogLevel.error;
logServerTiming: boolean = false;
export class NeverJobTrigger implements JobTrigger {
@ConfigProperty({type: JobTriggerType})
readonly type = JobTriggerType.never;
export class ScheduledJobTrigger implements JobTrigger {
@ConfigProperty({type: JobTriggerType})
readonly type = JobTriggerType.scheduled;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt'})
time: number; // data time
export class PeriodicJobTrigger implements JobTrigger {
@ConfigProperty({type: JobTriggerType})
readonly type = JobTriggerType.periodic;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt', max: 7})
periodicity: number | undefined; // 0-6: week days 7 every day
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt', max: 23 * 60 + 59})
atTime: number | undefined; // day time
export class AfterJobTrigger implements JobTrigger {
@ConfigProperty({type: JobTriggerType})
readonly type = JobTriggerType.after;
afterScheduleName: string | undefined; // runs after schedule
constructor(afterScheduleName?: string) {
this.afterScheduleName = afterScheduleName;
export class JobScheduleConfig implements JobScheduleDTO {
name: string;
jobName: string;
config: any = {};
allowParallelRun: boolean;
type: NeverJobTrigger,
typeBuilder: (v: JobTrigger) => {
const type = typeof v.type === 'number' ? v.type : JobTriggerType[v.type];
switch (type) {
case JobTriggerType.after:
return AfterJobTrigger;
case JobTriggerType.never:
return NeverJobTrigger;
case JobTriggerType.scheduled:
return ScheduledJobTrigger;
case JobTriggerType.periodic:
return PeriodicJobTrigger;
return null;
| AfterJobTrigger
| NeverJobTrigger
| PeriodicJobTrigger
| ScheduledJobTrigger;
name: string,
jobName: string,
allowParallelRun: boolean,
| AfterJobTrigger
| NeverJobTrigger
| PeriodicJobTrigger
| ScheduledJobTrigger,
config: any
) {
this.name = name;
this.jobName = jobName;
this.config = config;
this.allowParallelRun = allowParallelRun;
this.trigger = trigger;
export class ServerJobConfig {
@ConfigProperty({type: 'integer', description: 'Job history size'})
maxSavedProgress: number = 20;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'integer', description: 'Job loads this many photos or videos form the DB for processing'})
mediaProcessingBatchSize: number = 1000;
@ConfigProperty({arrayType: JobScheduleConfig})
scheduled: JobScheduleConfig[] = [
new JobScheduleConfig(
new NeverJobTrigger(),
{indexChangesOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Preview Filling']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Preview Filling']],
new NeverJobTrigger(),
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']],
new AfterJobTrigger(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Preview Filling']]),
{sizes: [240], indexedOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']],
new AfterJobTrigger(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Thumbnail Generation']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']],
new AfterJobTrigger(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Photo Converting']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
new JobScheduleConfig(
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Temp Folder Cleaning']],
DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Temp Folder Cleaning']],
new AfterJobTrigger(DefaultsJobs[DefaultsJobs['Video Converting']]),
{indexedOnly: true}
export class VideoTranscodingConfig {
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt'})
bitRate: number = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt'})
resolution: videoResolutionType = 720;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'positiveFloat'})
fps: number = 25;
codec: videoCodecType = 'libx264';
format: videoFormatType = 'mp4';
type: 'unsignedInt',
'Constant Rate Factor. The range of the CRF scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible.',
max: 51,
crf: number = 23;
type: FFmpegPresets,
'A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio',
preset: FFmpegPresets = FFmpegPresets.medium;
arrayType: 'string',
description: 'It will be sent to ffmpeg as it is, as custom options.',
customOptions: string[] = [];
export class ServerVideoConfig {
transcoding: VideoTranscodingConfig = new VideoTranscodingConfig();
export class PhotoConvertingConfig {
description: 'Converts photos on the fly, when they are requested.',
onTheFly: boolean = true;
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt'})
resolution: videoResolutionType = 1080;
export class ServerPhotoConfig {
Converting: PhotoConvertingConfig = new PhotoConvertingConfig();
export class ServerPreviewConfig {
@ConfigProperty({type: 'object'})
SearchQuery: SearchQueryDTO = {
type: SearchQueryTypes.any_text,
text: '',
} as TextSearch;
@ConfigProperty({arrayType: SortingMethods})
Sorting: SortingMethods[] = [
export class ServerMediaConfig {
'Images are loaded from this folder (read permission required)',
folder: string = 'demo/images';
'Thumbnails, converted photos, videos will be stored here (write permission required)',
tempFolder: string = 'demo/tmp';
Video: ServerVideoConfig = new ServerVideoConfig();
Photo: ServerPhotoConfig = new ServerPhotoConfig();
Thumbnail: ServerThumbnailConfig = new ServerThumbnailConfig();
export class ServerEnvironmentConfig {
@ConfigProperty({volatile: true})
upTime: string | undefined;
@ConfigProperty({volatile: true})
appVersion: string | undefined;
@ConfigProperty({volatile: true})
buildTime: string | undefined;
@ConfigProperty({volatile: true})
buildCommitHash: string | undefined;
@ConfigProperty({volatile: true})
isDocker: boolean | undefined;
export class ServerConfig {
@ConfigProperty({volatile: true})
Environment: ServerEnvironmentConfig = new ServerEnvironmentConfig();
@ConfigProperty({arrayType: 'string'})
sessionSecret: string[] = [];
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt', envAlias: 'PORT', min: 0, max: 65535})
port: number = 80;
host: string = '';
Media: ServerMediaConfig = new ServerMediaConfig();
Preview: ServerPreviewConfig = new ServerPreviewConfig();
Threading: ServerThreadingConfig = new ServerThreadingConfig();
Database: ServerDataBaseConfig = new ServerDataBaseConfig();
Sharing: ServerSharingConfig = new ServerSharingConfig();
@ConfigProperty({type: 'unsignedInt', description: 'unit: ms'})
sessionTimeout: number = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // in ms
Indexing: ServerIndexingConfig = new ServerIndexingConfig();
type: 'unsignedInt',
'only this many bites will be loaded when scanning photo for metadata',
photoMetadataSize: number = 512 * 1024; // only this many bites will be loaded when scanning photo for metadata
Duplicates: ServerDuplicatesConfig = new ServerDuplicatesConfig();
Log: ServerLogConfig = new ServerLogConfig();
Jobs: ServerJobConfig = new ServerJobConfig();
MetaFile: ServerMetaFileConfig = new ServerMetaFileConfig();
export interface IPrivateConfig {
Server: ServerConfig;
Client: ClientConfig;