mirror of https://github.com/xuthus83/pigallery2.git synced 2025-01-14 14:43:17 +08:00
2022-01-13 22:41:30 +01:00

374 lines
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import {Config} from '../../../common/config/private/Config';
import {Logger} from '../../Logger';
import {NotificationManager} from '../NotifocationManager';
import {SQLConnection} from '../database/sql/SQLConnection';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {FFmpegFactory} from '../FFmpegFactory';
import {
} from '../../../common/config/public/ClientConfig';
import {
} from '../../../common/config/private/PrivateConfig';
const LOG_TAG = '[ConfigDiagnostics]';
export class ConfigDiagnostics {
static testAlbumsConfig(albumConfig: ClientAlbumConfig, original: IPrivateConfig): void {
if (albumConfig.enabled === true &&
original.Server.Database.type === DatabaseType.memory) {
throw new Error('Memory Database does not support albums');
static checkReadWritePermission(path: string): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise
fs.access(path, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK, (err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve();
static async testDatabase(databaseConfig: ServerDataBaseConfig): Promise<void> {
if (databaseConfig.type !== DatabaseType.memory) {
await SQLConnection.tryConnection(databaseConfig);
if (databaseConfig.type === DatabaseType.sqlite) {
try {
await this.checkReadWritePermission(SQLConnection.getSQLiteDB(databaseConfig));
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Cannot read or write sqlite storage file: ' + SQLConnection.getSQLiteDB(databaseConfig));
static async testMetaFileConfig(metaFileConfig: ClientMetaFileConfig, config: IPrivateConfig): Promise<void> {
if (metaFileConfig.gpx === true &&
config.Client.Map.enabled === false) {
throw new Error('*.gpx meta files are not supported without MAP');
static testClientVideoConfig(videoConfig: ClientVideoConfig): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (videoConfig.enabled === true) {
const ffmpeg = FFmpegFactory.get();
ffmpeg().getAvailableCodecs((err: Error) => {
if (err) {
return reject(new Error('Error accessing ffmpeg, cant find executable: ' + err.toString()));
ffmpeg(__dirname + '/blank.jpg').ffprobe((err2: Error) => {
if (err2) {
return reject(new Error('Error accessing ffmpeg-probe, cant find executable: ' + err2.toString()));
return resolve();
} else {
return resolve();
} catch (e) {
return reject(new Error('unknown video error: ' + e.toString()));
static async testServerVideoConfig(videoConfig: ServerVideoConfig, config: IPrivateConfig): Promise<void> {
if (config.Client.Media.Video.enabled === true) {
if (videoConfig.transcoding.fps <= 0) {
throw new Error('fps should be grater than 0');
static async testSharp(): Promise<void> {
const sharp = require('sharp');
static async testTempFolder(folder: string): Promise<void> {
await this.checkReadWritePermission(folder);
static testImageFolder(folder: string): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(folder)) {
reject('Images folder not exists: \'' + folder + '\'');
fs.access(folder, fs.constants.R_OK, (err) => {
if (err) {
reject({message: 'Error during getting read access to images folder', error: err.toString()});
static async testServerPhotoConfig(server: ServerPhotoConfig): Promise<void> {
static async testClientPhotoConfig(client: ClientPhotoConfig): Promise<void> {
// @ts-ignore
public static async testServerThumbnailConfig(server: ServerThumbnailConfig): Promise<void> {
if (server.personFaceMargin < 0 || server.personFaceMargin > 1) {
throw new Error('personFaceMargin should be between 0 and 1');
static async testClientThumbnailConfig(thumbnailConfig: ClientThumbnailConfig): Promise<void> {
if (isNaN(thumbnailConfig.iconSize) || thumbnailConfig.iconSize <= 0) {
throw new Error('IconSize has to be >= 0 integer, got: ' + thumbnailConfig.iconSize);
if (!thumbnailConfig.thumbnailSizes.length) {
throw new Error('At least one thumbnail size is needed');
for (const item of thumbnailConfig.thumbnailSizes) {
if (isNaN(item) || item <= 0) {
throw new Error('Thumbnail size has to be >= 0 integer, got: ' + item);
static async testTasksConfig(task: ServerJobConfig, config: IPrivateConfig): Promise<void> {
static async testFacesConfig(faces: ClientFacesConfig, config: IPrivateConfig): Promise<void> {
if (faces.enabled === true) {
if (config.Server.Database.type === DatabaseType.memory) {
throw new Error('Memory Database do not support faces');
if (config.Client.Search.enabled === false) {
throw new Error('Faces support needs enabled search');
static async testSearchConfig(search: ClientSearchConfig, config: IPrivateConfig): Promise<void> {
if (search.enabled === true &&
config.Server.Database.type === DatabaseType.memory) {
throw new Error('Memory Database do not support searching');
static async testSharingConfig(sharing: ClientSharingConfig, config: IPrivateConfig): Promise<void> {
if (sharing.enabled === true &&
config.Server.Database.type === DatabaseType.memory) {
throw new Error('Memory Database do not support sharing');
if (sharing.enabled === true &&
config.Client.authenticationRequired === false) {
throw new Error('In case of no authentication, sharing is not supported');
static async testRandomPhotoConfig(sharing: ClientRandomPhotoConfig, config: IPrivateConfig): Promise<void> {
if (sharing.enabled === true &&
config.Server.Database.type === DatabaseType.memory) {
throw new Error('Memory Database do not support random photo');
static async testMapConfig(map: ClientMapConfig): Promise<void> {
if (map.enabled === false) {
if (map.mapProvider === MapProviders.Mapbox &&
(!map.mapboxAccessToken || map.mapboxAccessToken.length === 0)) {
throw new Error('Mapbox needs a valid api key.');
if (map.mapProvider === MapProviders.Custom &&
(!map.customLayers || map.customLayers.length === 0)) {
throw new Error('Custom maps need at least one valid layer');
if (map.mapProvider === MapProviders.Custom) {
map.customLayers.forEach((l: MapLayers) => {
if (!l.url || l.url.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Custom maps url need to be a valid layer');
static async runDiagnostics(): Promise<void> {
if (Config.Server.Database.type !== DatabaseType.memory) {
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testDatabase(Config.Server.Database);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, '[SQL error]', err.toString());
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, 'Error during initializing SQL DB, check DB connection and settings');
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testSharp();
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, '[Thumbnail hardware acceleration] module error: ', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Thumbnail hardware acceleration is not possible.' +
' \'sharp\' node module is not found.' +
' Falling back temporally to JS based thumbnail generation');
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testTempFolder(Config.Server.Media.tempFolder);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.error('Thumbnail folder error', err.toString());
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, 'Thumbnail folder error', err.toString());
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testClientVideoConfig(Config.Client.Media.Video);
await ConfigDiagnostics.testServerVideoConfig(Config.Server.Media.Video, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Video support error, switching off..', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Video support error, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.Media.Video.enabled = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testMetaFileConfig(Config.Client.MetaFile, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Meta file support error, switching off gpx..', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Meta file support error, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.MetaFile.gpx = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testAlbumsConfig(Config.Client.Album, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Albums support error, switching off..', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Meta file support error, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.Album.enabled = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testImageFolder(Config.Server.Media.folder);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.error('Images folder error', err.toString());
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, 'Images folder error', err.toString());
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testClientThumbnailConfig(Config.Client.Media.Thumbnail);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.error('Thumbnail settings error', err.toString());
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, 'Thumbnail settings error', err.toString());
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testSearchConfig(Config.Client.Search, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Search is not supported with these settings. Disabling temporally. ' +
'Please adjust the config properly.', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Search is not supported with these settings, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.Search.enabled = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testFacesConfig(Config.Client.Faces, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Faces are not supported with these settings. Disabling temporally. ' +
'Please adjust the config properly.', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Faces are not supported with these settings, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.Faces.enabled = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testTasksConfig(Config.Server.Jobs, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Some Tasks are not supported with these settings. Disabling temporally. ' +
'Please adjust the config properly.', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Some Tasks not supported with these settings, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.Faces.enabled = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testSharingConfig(Config.Client.Sharing, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Sharing is not supported with these settings. Disabling temporally. ' +
'Please adjust the config properly.', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Sharing is not supported with these settings, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.Sharing.enabled = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testRandomPhotoConfig(Config.Client.Sharing, Config);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Random Media is not supported with these settings. Disabling temporally. ' +
'Please adjust the config properly.', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Random Media is not supported with these settings, switching off..', err.toString());
Config.Client.Sharing.enabled = false;
try {
await ConfigDiagnostics.testMapConfig(Config.Client.Map);
} catch (ex) {
const err: Error = ex;
NotificationManager.warning('Maps is not supported with these settings. Using open street maps temporally. ' +
'Please adjust the config properly.', err.toString());
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, 'Maps is not supported with these settings. Using open street maps temporally ' +
'Please adjust the config properly.', err.toString());
Config.Client.Map.mapProvider = MapProviders.OpenStreetMap;